He knew that Chapuys was dangerous, and he had refused again and again the ambassador’s requests to see Katharine. How did he know what was being planned in secret? Was it true that plans were afoot to smuggle Mary from the country and marry her to Reginald Pole, that traitor who dared tell him…his King…that he disapproved of his conduct?
A plague on all men and women who risked their lives for a cause which was not the King’s. They should see whither that road led.
Mary was as obstinate as her mother, refusing to travel with her baby sister, declaring that she was a Princess and would answer to no other title, continually pleading to see her mother; now she was most inconveniently ill, and it was being whispered that she had been poisoned.
Katharine wrote to him from Kimbolton: “Our daughter is ill. You cannot keep her from me now. I beg of you, allow me to see her. Do you remember how long it is since I did so? What joy does this cruelty bring you?”
The King’s eyes narrowed as he read that appeal. Let them meet! Let them plot together! Let them smuggle notes to sly Chapuys…plans to get Mary abroad, married to Pole—a signal doubtless for their friends in England to rise against him!
“Never!” he cried.
THOSE WHO DID NOT obey the King should suffer the supreme penalty. In April of that bloodstained year five Carthusian monks were brought for trial and found to be guilty of high treason. Their crime: They refused to sign the Oath declaring the King to be Supreme Head of the Church.
“Let them understand,” growled Henry, “what it means to disobey the King. Let all who plan like disobedience look on and see.”
In that May the tortured bodies of these five martyrs were brought out of their prison for execution. The degrading and horrible traitors’ death was accorded them and they were dragged on hurdles to Tyburn, hanged, cut down alive, their bodies ripped open and their bowels and hearts impaled on spears and shown to the spectators, that all might understand what happened to those who disobeyed the King.
In June more monks of the Charterhouse were brought to Tyburn and similarly dealt with. And a few days later John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, was brought from his prison to die the traitors’ death. Fortunately for him, there were some for whom it was expedient to show leniency; so the King said he would be merciful. Not for the bishop, whom some of the King’s misguided subjects loved, the barbarous death accorded to the Carthusians; Fisher was allowed to die by means of the executioner’s axe.
In July Sir Thomas More was brought from the Tower of London, where he had been for fifteen months, and he too laid his head upon the block.
When Katharine heard of the death of these old friends she shut herself into her chamber and remained there alone.
She still could not believe that the gay young husband who had married her in the days of her humiliation was in truth the brutal murderer of good men. She still clung to the belief that it was those about him who urged him to these deeds. Now she feigned to believe it was Anne Boleyn, as once she had believed it was Wolsey.
Yet in her heart she knew that he was all-powerful; more so than ever now that he had cut himself off from the Pope.
John Fisher! she sighed. Thomas More! My dear friends…and the King’s! How could he murder two such men?
But she knew. And she wondered who will be next?
She was very fearful for her daughter…and herself.
THE WINTER HAD COME AGAIN, and Katharine knew with certainty that she could not live through it. She was now so feeble that she must keep to her bed for days at a time; and some premonition told her that her end was near.
Once more she appealed to Henry.
“I do not think I have long to live. I pray you permit our daughter to come to me. You surely cannot prevent her from receiving my last blessing in person.”
She was hopeful when she had dispatched that appeal because she persisted in believing that Henry was not so cruel as he seemed.
But this plea, like others, was unanswered, and she now understood that she would never see her beloved daughter again in this life.
Chapuys, hearing of the Queen’s condition, was alarmed and went at once to the King. He was shocked to see the hopeful expression in the King’s face. The man is a monster, he thought angrily.
“I ask Your Majesty’s permission to visit the Queen at Kimbolton,” he said.
Henry ignored the request, and began to speak of affairs in Europe. François would not rest until Milan was his; and could he win Milan without the help of England?
Chapuys did not answer. Instead he said: “I have heard from the Queen’s physician that she is near death. She implores you to allow her to see her daughter.”
“It is a matter which I could not decide without consulting my council.” Henry took Chapuys by the shoulders and studied him intently. “The Emperor ignores his interests when he meddles in matters which are outside his concern. If he refuses my friendship, why should I not make an alliance with an ally who is eager to be my friend?”
“Your Majesty cannot believe the Emperor would ever abandon Queen Katharine while she is alive.”
A smile of complacency crossed the King’s face. “Then perhaps it is not important. She will not live long.”
“It is for this reason that I ask your permission to visit her.”
Henry shrugged his shoulders. She was dying; she could not long be an encumbrance to him.
“Go to her if you wish,” he said. “But there shall be no meeting between her and the Lady Mary.”
Chapuys did not wait, for fear that the King might change his mind. He left Henry’s presence and with all speed set out for Kimbolton.
CHAPUYS KNELT by her bed and his heart was touched by the sight of her. The skin was tightly drawn across her bones; her hair, once so beautiful, hung limp and lustreless. Talking exhausted her. But she brightened at the sight of him; and when she saw his distress she told him not to weep, for, as he would see, death held no terrors for her, and since she was parted from her daughter life had little to offer.
Then she pushed aside her grievances and wished to hear news of her daughter and to give instructions as to what was to happen after her death.
“I have so little to leave,” she said. “A few furs, a few jewels…but they are hers; and she will love them, more because they were mine than because of their value. When you see her, tell her that I loved her dearly and that had it not been for my delight in her I doubt I could have borne my sorrows. Oh, my dear friend, I fear I have brought great suffering to this country. Worthy men have died and others have endangered their souls. Yet I am Henry’s wife, and how could I deny that?”
Chapuys tried to soothe her, and it was gratifying to him to know that he brought her some comfort. He looked round the room, at the few candles, at the rushes on the floor. A humble room to provide the death chamber of Isabella’s daughter.
But his visit so comforted her that she seemed to recover.
IT WAS SIX O’CLOCK on New Year’s Day when a small party of weary travellers arrived at the gate of the Castle. At their head was a woman who declared that they were half dead with fatigue and implored to be given shelter.
The gatekeeper told her that none could be admitted to the Castle unless carrying a written permission from the King to do so; but the woman wept and begged him not to leave her without shelter in this bitter January night.
The gatekeeper was touched by the piteous spectacle the travellers presented, and consented to allow their leader to see Sir Edmund Bedingfeld whom the King had appointed steward to Katharine, but who was in fact her jailor.