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Night fell completely and the windscreen wipers batted away a thin film of misty rain. He wasn’t quite sure what pricked his suspicion, but he studied the headlights of the car behind him with interest. Was he imagining it or had it been with him for a while now?

He shook his head as if to toss away the notion. There’d been so many weird things happen to him lately that he was becoming paranoid.

But he checked it out the next time he drove down a lamp-lit street. A BMW Mini, in black. He entered open country again, the night swamping all detail but the car’s headlights. It kept pace with him. He deliberately slowed down; it did the same. He put his foot down; the occupant of the Mini mimicked it. He tried to convince himself that it was merely someone headed in the same direction as him. To test his hypothesis he turned off into a housing estate, feeling relief when it did not follow.

You fool, he told himself. He returned to the main road and five minutes later the Mini was there on his tail again, some distance away but doggedly keeping pace. They now traversed the open country of Pembrokeshire, long stretches of road with only the occasional light burning from the odd-cottage or two.

Then, surprisingly, the Mini’s headlights flashed at him. First in one or two steady bursts, then more agitatedly. He saw a sign for a lay-by ahead and he glanced around for his mobile. Couldn’t see it. Felt in his pockets. Where the hell had he put the thing? He really should call the police.

Gareth pulled the car off the road, hoping beyond hope that the Mini would simply cruise on by and he’d be left feeling immensely foolish for allowing himself to become possessed by unfounded, irrational fears. But the Mini pulled in and came to a stop a few yards behind the Land Rover.

The temptation to hit the accelerator and get the hell out of there was overwhelming, but he resisted. He was glad to find his mobile in the glove compartment. The growl of the Land Rover’s engine sounded curiously aggressive, like a dog sensing something was wrong. He didn’t need reminding. But he was fuming, too. Whoever it was would get a piece of his mind, he decided, and the instant he opened the door and stepped out onto the tarmac of the lay-by he regretted his bravado.

It was pitch-black all around, the only illumination coming from both cars, and it did little to penetrate the dark. He made out the formless shapes of huge trees on both sides of the road, the breeze causing them to moan gently.

‘Who are you?’ he shouted, if only to relieve the tension. It made him feel better, bolder, to hear the sound of his own voice. ‘What the hell do you want?’

The Mini’s door swung open and a slim silhouette emerged. The figure moved closer, into the light. Gareth released a pent-up breath. It was the same red-haired woman he’d met at Cardiff station, her face deadpan, hands thrust into the pockets of her leather jacket, jaw still working on gum.

‘Jesus Christ!’ burst Gareth. ‘Not you again!’ he fumbled in his pocket for his mobile. ‘Right, that’s it, this has gone far enough; I’m going to call the police!’

‘You won’t,’ she said calmly, spitting out the gum.

‘Oh no? Just watch me.’ He stabbed at the keys with his thumb. ‘You’re crazy, do you know that? Crazy!’

‘There’s little or no reception here,’ she said. ‘Which is why I called you over at this point.’

‘Fuck!’ he said when he realised she was right and he began to wave the mobile in the air. ‘Damn Wales for being so — so inaccessible!’ he said.

‘Like waving it around is going to work,’ she said disparagingly.

He gave up. ‘I’m going to get inside my car and I’m going to drive off. What I don’t want to see is you following me like some kind of stalker!’

‘You can’t go home.’

Gareth shook his head, raised his hands in despair. ‘What is it this time? Look, lady, you really need to get help, see some kind of specialist.’

‘Your life is in danger.’

He laughed, but it was devoid of humour; tended more towards the hysterical. ‘Right, of course it’s in danger, from Fairy-Cake Man! I hate to tell you this, but this isn’t a movie. You can’t go around doing these sorts of things, saying things like that. This is Wales, in Heaven’s name, not New York or Chicago. This just doesn’t happen in Wales!’

‘Gareth, you must not go home.’ You have to listen to me.’ She took a couple of steps forward.

‘Stay there, lady.’ Then he frowned. ‘You know my name? How do you know my name? Are you with the police or something; is that what all this is about? The woman in Manchester?’

She looked back down the road. It was empty of traffic. ‘I’m not with the police, but yes, it is linked to the woman, in a way.’

‘So what are you? Who do you work for? I take it you have to work for someone.’

There was reluctance written all over her face; she didn’t want to say anything, but after a moment’s thought she said, ‘Pipistrelle.’

‘Pipistrelle? What is that? A bat, isn’t it?’

‘It’s a he,’ she said. ‘Pipistrelle is a man. We’re searching for the same woman you took to hospital.’


She gave a thin smile. ‘Is that what she told you?’

‘You mean she lied about her name?’

The woman shrugged. ‘Who knows?’

‘She’s my sister,’ he said. ‘I need to find her again. Do you know where she went?’

‘If I did I wouldn’t be looking would I?’ She gave a heavy sigh. ‘Look, Gareth, it’s pissing it down, I’m getting soaked through. You can’t go back to your house because it isn’t safe for you, end of story. Which bit don’t you understand?’

’OK, so what’s making it unsafe? Dry rot?’ he said caustically.

‘This woman, Erica, that’s what. Other people want to find her too.’

‘For Christ’s sake, give it to me straight will you? Stop this fucking beating about the bush and tell me what other people are looking for her.’

She took out a piece of paper. ‘I’m afraid the same people who are searching for your sister are now searching for you. Believe me that will make it dangerously unsafe for you to go back. If you want to stay alive, Gareth, things have got to change. Here…’ She handed over the paper. ‘I’ve booked you into a hotel. Drive there. You’re booked in under the name David Harris. Wait there till I come to get you. We’ll have to drop the Land Rover somewhere, though; it’s a bit too conspicuous.’

Gareth couldn’t help himself; he laughed aloud. ‘You don’t seriously think I’m going to believe any of this hokum, do you? David Fucking Harris? Dump my Land Rover? As if! You really are one batty young lady!’

‘Doradus is aware of you now. As a consequence the life you knew, who you are, who you were, all that has changed.’

‘Doradus? What’s that?’ He rubbed his tired eyes, stroked back his rain-soaked hair. ‘First Fairy-Cake Man, then Pipistrelle, and now Doradus. Tell you what; I’ve had enough of this.’ He tramped wearily back to the Land Rover.

‘Wait. What do you think you are doing?’ she called. ‘Hear me out!’

‘I’m going home. I’m tired, it’s been a weird few weeks. I need a shower and a good sleep and maybe when I wake up in the morning you’ll have vanished along with the rest of this damned nightmare.’ He clambered back into the cab and wound down the window. ‘Do not follow me,’ he warned. ‘I mean that.’

Gareth thumped the gear stick into first and crashed his foot hard on the accelerator, the wheels throwing up loose wet stones as the Land Rover raced away down the road. He checked his mirrors. She did not give chase. Ten minutes later he checked again; the road behind was completely empty, the Land Rover floating in a sea of uninterrupted blackness.

She had troubled him, not least because he’d never experienced having a stalker (were they always as in your face as this one?). He decided as soon as he got inside he’d phone the police about her. After all, she might prove a danger to someone; who knew where her unbalanced worldview would take her? Mind you, he thought, they’d love that, the police. They already viewed him as a bit of an oddball at the very least, and deeply suspicious at best. Shit, he thought, he just wanted this rollercoaster to end, and preferably tonight with a stiff drink and something to eat; just the drink if needs be.