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She felt good, her masturbation of earlier in the day had fulfilled her and she had been riding on a cloud since. She felt sure that if Bob made love to her like that, she would never be mean and bitchy to him but she wasn't sure about that. He still needs to make some money in the world, I don't want to live in that dump all my life, she thought.

Her face was creased now as she thought of her house, the house they rented, compared to the house the Spencers owned, plus a sailing boat, two good cars and a maid. Oh dear, Bob will never be that successful she cried wistfully to herself, I'm almost sure of it.

Janet settled back into the cushions of the chaise with her book, propping the pillows behind her head she allowed her thoughts to concentrate on the page.

She couldn't help her mind drifting back to her husband Bob though and how short and sharp he had been with her the evening before. He just didn't pay me any attention at all she whined to herself, I wonder why not, it's so unlike him. Usually he's all over me and I don't want it… I wonder if he's going to be nice to me tonight – I do hope so. He seems to be paying a lot of attention to Julie though, strange Gary doesn't mind. I'm not sure that I like it, come to think of it, I don't like it at all!


Julie Spencer and Bob Howard had arrived back from their sail a little early.

"Hello everyone," called out Julie as soon as they entered the house, "anyone home?"

The adulterous couple listened for sounds of their respective wife and husband but none were forthcoming. "Well Gary's probably at the office and Janet, well, maybe she went out for a walk, or something," Julie said casually.

"What shall we do," Bob Howard taunted, edging closer to the soft voluptuous woman now begging for him to fuck her. He could see the lust practically oozing out of her eyes.

"I want you to fuck me," Julie drawled, "and I want you to fuck me in the rose garden."

"I hope there's some grass," Bob groaned.

"Oh lots darling, don't worry. Come!" she commanded, lifting up her hand and taking his, gently urging him towards the sliding glass doors.

Moments later they were in the rose garden, tucked away behind a clump of willow trees. "We're totally safe here," she purred, "come my darling," she cooed, pulling the anxiously waiting man down beside her. "Oh God! You're so sexy… pity your wife doesn't realize it."


Janet was so engrossed in her book that for a while she didn't notice that there were other sounds in the garden besides the birds but suddenly she became aware of a totally different sound coming through the willow trees.

"God, it's so big and beautiful… let me touch it, honey!"

Janet started, whose voice was that. She was immensely curious now and putting down her book she started to tiptoe towards where the sound was coming from.

Suddenly she stopped short… she just couldn't believe the sight before her eyes. There on the grass were a nude couple playing with each other's private parts and one of them was her husband Bob and the other was his best friend's wife Julie, her hostess for the weekend!

Janet's eyes almost boggled out of her head… she knew that she should leave, that she shouldn't watch but she just had to. She just couldn't leave!

Bob lay tense on the ground with his desire-hardened penis pointed straight up at the pale blue sky. Julie reached out with her hand and began stroking him, sliding the loose outer flesh up and down in a slow, magical rhythm that obviously delighted him no end. Then, she slowly rose to her knees and hovered over him on all fours, her face a scant few inches from the throbbing head of his prick. She held it tightly between both hands, stroking it between the flat of her palms in a teasing up and down motion that caused his loins to undulate hungrily in time to her maddening rhythm.

Her head dropped suddenly toward his hardness, and her tongue flicked forward, the top boring teasingly into the wetness of the tiny gland on the end. Bob sucked in his breath from the sudden unexpected contact. Chills rippled along his back, bringing a groan from his lips. Julie brought her roundly stretched mouth down all the way and enclosed the whole of the smooth rubbery head in a moist, warm pressure. Her lips tightened like an elastic band around it just below the head, trapping it completely around the warm wet cavern of her mouth.

Bob mumbled and grunted something Janet wasn't able to make out but the look on his face was unmistakable.

Julie adjusted herself so that she had better access to the bloated instrument by kneeling between Bob's widespread legs. She massaged the soft resilient skin of his testicles gently with one hand and stroked the base of his cock between the thumb and forefinger of the other as she began to suck rhythmically up and down. Bob could feel the softness of her tongue twirling maddeningly around it at the apex of the withdrawal, the tip flicking magically across the tiny opening of the gland at the end. He flexed his buttocks, his head still raised, watching the top of her blonde head bobbing up and down below. The sight of his hard, rhythmically throbbing penis sunk completely between his friend's wife's wildly ovaled lips increased the sensation a million times over. He felt as though the top of his head was about to be blown off. Janet sure never did anything like this for him… he'd thought about it plenty of times… but to have it happening like this… out in the open with this beautiful woman! There seemed to be no end to what she would do for him.

Julie's excited tongue was wrapping itself hotly and wetly around his excitedly pulsing shaft, her mouth widening as though to bite him but instead, shaping the hard edge of her teeth around the girth of his penis in a tantalizing mixture of hardness and softness, her tongue licking in a steady circle, tracing tiny electric jolts everywhere it touched.

Bob's prick began throbbing wildly and Julie could feel his reaction and began to suck him a little harder, letting her teeth trace small white trails where they had scraped the blood from beneath the surface of the skin. She shifted her position over his thigh without disengaging her mouth from his prick and kneeled on all fours between his open legs. She reached under his buttocks and cupped them to her palms, pulling her loins up tighter to her face. Her tongue swiped around and around the growing gland furiously until Bob began to groan constantly as she took almost all of the rigidly quivering cock deep into her hot, burning throat.

Janet was certain that Julie Spencer was going to choke to death but still Julie continued the maddening sucking on and on. Janet seemed to be in some of limbo state as if the two people on the ground just a few feet away from her were complete strangers… a movie perhaps… but certainly not her husband and her husband's best friend's wife. Oh God! How could she do that, how could she put a man's prick into her mouth… what a vile, disgusting act, thought Janet bitterly to herself and yet she still had to watch… she couldn't unglue her eyes from the obscene spectacle.

Great swirls of heat were building deep in Bob's balls as he watched Gary's wife's face working above his sweating loins. His prick pulled almost completely out of her mouth and then plunged back in again to the hilt. His balls slapped up obscenely against her chin and as she continued her mouthing, she let his large penis slide in and out and sucked hard on it until she could feel its heated friction against her lips. He could see tiny rivulets of sweat rolling in thin droplets from the side of her face as she bucked over him like a demon gone mad. The muscles of his stomach tightened until he thought they would snap from the pressure as he arched his back up off the ground, pushing even further between the moistness of her lips. Thin pink ridges of flesh pulled out from her mouth, clinging greedily to his thrusting cock.