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999 — 999–999.

Rumori leaned over the set, shifting the band-spread and watching the carrier needle to get the signal as pure as he could. All they were doing at the moment was keeping us open with the mission identity sequence: 9 was for Kobra.

Egerton had possibly told them to call him in if they got anything from Rome, but they wouldn't wait until he'd driven all the way to Whitehall from his place in Richmond: they'd only keep us hanging around if he were already in his office.

The arpeggios come faintly from below, both hands now.

999 — 000–000.

Control at console.

Perched on the packing case with his long legs dangling and his eyes wandering vaguely around the room. He is one of the few directors who sit in at Signals and respond at only one remove: through the scramble encoder. The others use their yellow telephones and demand memoranda in duplicate, according to the rules. Egerton doesn't do it for the benefit of his executives in the field: it's just that underneath his remote and donnish appearance he runs at very high voltage and likes to be close to the action. As a spin-off advantage his executives feel more comfortable because the exchange is a lot faster and we know there won't be any confusion, send three and fourpence, we're going to a dance, so forth.


Rumori cleared his throat and glanced round at me to see if I looked all right. I nodded and we began reading the signals as they came off the integral unscrambler. The voice we were listening to wasn't Egerton's because he didn't have the skill or experience to choose fast abbreviations and pick out routine phrase patterns to suit the messages, but some of Egerton's personal signature was coming through and I could tell he was worried.

There was another thing I noticed.

8387–9817 — 9166

An encapsulated summary of the info they'd received from Fitzalan. Then they asked me to talk and it didn't take me long: I hadn't been able to identify Heinrich Fogel with absolute certainty in visual terms but yes it was his face as I remembered it and yes the cranial scar was there. From the way he got clear of the airport I had recognized his thought patterns and I would go further towards identification on that score. Message ends.

Wanted to know if I required further medical treatment, whether I would ask to withdraw on physical grounds, whether I felt the Rome phase was terminally abortive, so forth.

No, no and no.

Then Egerton began talking again through his signaller and I began listening a little harder because the other tiling I'd noticed was the tone of his phrases: he was diffident ('would the executive feel prepared'), persuasive ('assuming a developing potential for the mission') and specious ('the Direction would fully understand if the executive opted for replacement in the field with all immediacy').

These windy phrases had been designed by their lordships in Admin, but most of them had been chosen so that their initial letters could be transferred straight into numerals and shot through the scrambler at high speed. At the receiving end we habitually decode into the original phrases but what Egerton was telling me now was that he was desperate for me to remain in action because he was lining up something very big for me.

The specious bit was typical of Egerton. At this stage I could honourably tell London that there was nothing else to do out here and they hadn't got a mission assembled for me yet so I wanted to come in and do something more interesting. But the brief signal 7372 — the Direction would fully understand if the executive opted for replacement in the field with all immediacy — is normally used when there's a wheel coming off in a shut-ended situation and the poor bastard can either get out or get killed. Egerton had thrown me the 7372 as a sly attempt to persuade me by an obvious association of ideas: if I'd got cold feet at this stage he was willing to replace me.

For a brilliant man he can be sometimes naive: he knew damned well I could see through that signal. But naivete is emotional, gut-think and not brain-think, and the thing that came through so clearly was that he was desperate to keep me running. Desperation, too, is emotional.

'Oh Christ,' I said softly, 'that bloody Egg.'

Emilio Rumori half-turned his head, 'Excuse me?'

'Don't send that,' I said.

But you can come full circle, you know.

Listen: if I did come in because there was nothing to do in Rome and there wasn't a mission lined up for me, I could never be certain that London believed those were my reasons. They'd be justified in believing that when you've been shot at and gone through a tanker explosion and come out with head injuries you're liable to get cold feet.

My feet can get as cold as the next man's. I'm in this trade to prove myself. I'm frightened of pushing things to the point where they might blow up, so I push things to the point where they might blow up, to prove I'm not frightened.

Egerton knows this and this was what he was working on and the whole thing was coming full circle: maybe he wasn't so naive. Maybe this was pure brain-think: he knew the one thing that could persuade me to stay in the field — an implication of cold feet. And to a certain degree it could even have some truth in it because that craven little organism was still making its voice heard in the dark roaring of the aftershock that was keeping one hand on the banisters: it didn't want any more tankers on fire; it wanted to go home now.

I said to Rumori:

'Tell them I'll stay in the field.'


'Ask for directives.'


He selected 938 and 635: Executive prepared to continue mission. Please brief as fully as possible. It wasn't accurate because we hadn't got a mission yet and a — full briefing is only possible with a director in the field, but Rumori had picked the two phrases with almost no hesitation and got them through and the saving of time was vital. The whole idea of this method of sending is that you can put through quite a lot of information before the opposition starts getting on to you with a mobile D/Fing unit. There might not be a unit within miles but we always assume it's next door and for this reason the communication between two first-class signallers resembles championship table tennis: the ball seems to vanish because it's going so fast.

276 — 412 — 398

Routine stuff: Proceed solo — prepare to rdv — report arrival.

Then they said where.


'Get it again,' I said.

He asked for a repeat. You can't make a phrase out of a place name, so they'd sent Kmbdia. Now they put it in fulclass="underline" 26358193.

'Are you reading?' Rumori asked me. His narrow dark head had been turned to look at me because I was sitting on the floor now with my eyes half closed.


They stayed on the air for another six or seven seconds and he only asked for two repeats. Contact was to be made at the British Embassy with the second cultural attache and I was to retain my cover: I would be in Phnom Penh to liaise with a Berlin correspondent of Europress in an attempt to get the final stories from wealthy merchants fleeing the capital. By the phrasing I suspected that the Berlin correspondent of Europress was probably a replacement for Heinrich Fogel, because Europress doesn't actually exist and this presented the man as a shadow figure and the only shadow figure around would be in the opposition: I was proceeding solo and wouldn't have a local director. But reading between the lines of a signal exchange that's taking place in one-second flashes can be difficult and I shut my eyes and let it go.