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CRT:8:11 Such sayings enraged Herthew, for he knew Gwineva to be a woman reserved for marriage, and this he tried to tell the people, but they laughed, saying, "She has bewitched you; put her to the test." But he replied, "This is unworthy, for it displays doubt and distrust; a virgin is a virgin, whether named so by horn or wand and remains so whatever the conjectures of carnal-minded men who are more familiar with women of lesser repute." Yet, whether the marriage bar applied was still a thing of doubt in the minds of many, for none knew the lineage of Gwineva, nor did she enlighten anyone, though it was customary to recite this at the betrothal. But Herthew and Gwineva remained unbetrothed, though the forthcoming marriage was made known.

CRT:8:12 Now, the nephews and kin of Idalvar nurtured seeds of discord among the people, and because it was a time of peace, when the skills of a warchief were not needed, many heeded their words. So it developed that there were those for Herthew and those against him. Then, Herthew said to the people, "Let this not be something to cut people apart, but something, which can be decided at the next folkfeast."

CRT:8:13 The seedsowing time had passed, but it was not yet harvest- tide, and the young men held spear-throwing contests and tested each other in many manly skills. At such times, seated on a platform against the palisade, Herthew gave judgement and awarded merits. Inside the palisade was a walkway and places, from which great stones could be hurled, and from one such place came a murderous weapon which cut down through Herthew's head to pierce the shoulder of his shield arm, striking him to the ground. Immediately, there was a great tumult and confusion; fighting broke out and men died, but Herthew was carried to safety in the bower of Gwineva. There he was protected by his retainers, but within the palisade, all was taken over by those hostile to Herthew.

CRT:8:14 Before the cowardly blow, those for Herthew had been more numerous and powerful, but after he was so sorely wounded, they were less, and of these, many were inclined to waver, for such is the nature of man. But to contrast with the frail reeds who wavered, those who remained loyal were resolute, for this too is the nature of man.

CRT:8:15 Now, when Gwineva and the wise men attended to Herthew, they saw that while the shield arm had been injured it was not unfeeling, for it grasped the hand of Gwineva, but this the sword arm could not do, though it was uninjured. Therefore, they knew the slaughter-bent weapon had been charmed, and no woman could remove such enchantment, nor could the wise men, for they were unblooded. In the days that followed, the enchantment caused demons to enter through the wound and take up their abode, so Herthew was tormented, and his body wracked before subsiding into the quietness, which precedes death. The demons had abused Gwineva, called her foul names and cried out in loud voices against people, so that they should abandon their king.

CRT:8:16 The place where Herthew lay was near the lakeside and in the lake was an island called Inskris, meaning Isle of the Dead, where those about to die were taken, as well as the dead, before being consigned to the waters. For the people believed that those given into the lake went straight into awareness in the Otherworld, while anyone buried on land was only half aware upon arrival and remained half awake and half asleep for many years. So, those loyal to Herthew carried him down to the boats and accompanied him and Gwineva to the Isle, and they were not molested, for none interfered with those mourning the dead. On the isle were priests and nine holy maidens, who attended to the rites while other women ministered to the newly dead, but Herthew was not dead, though halfway across the threshold.

CRT:8:17 When Herthew arrived, he was placed in the hospice house, where Gwineva attended to him. Gwidon opened Herthew's skull where it had been cleft and let out the demon which had taken up habitation there, and he brewed powerful potions which removed the enchantment. When, after many days, he departed, Herthew was no longer at the door of death, though weak and in many ways like a baby.

CRT:8:18 While Herthew lay so sorely stricken, the kinsfolk of Idalvar were disputing among themselves, and this led to fighting and battles. But none came near the isle to harm Herthew, because it was a sacred place and gave him sanctuary. When it came to the time of the folkfeast, there was a great battle at the gathering place, and Gwidon was slain. There came a day when Herthew, though still not whole, could move about, and then, he and Gwineva departed with those who remained with them. They were married before leaving their isle of sanctuary.

CRT:8:19 They fled to a place afar off where, as the years went by, Herthew became whole again and Gwineva gave birth to sons and daughters. It was a good place, fertile and well watered, and so they prospered. But there came a time of drought, when the waters dried up and their flocks died. So Herthew sent men to Krowkasis, and these came back saying that there, too, the land was stricken and the people distressed. He also sent others to the West, and they returned, saying that there, the land was not stricken, but the people would not accept them except with spears.

CRT:8:20 Herthew then sent men back to Krowkasis to tell the people there of the plenty, which lay to the West, and they came back with a warband led by Ithilis, and many people followed. Herthew could no longer bear weapons, and his sons were as yet young and unblooded. Therefore, he gave his two sons, who were of sufficient age, into the keeping of Ithilis, so they might learn the art of war, and they followed him loyally, becoming men of valour in the conflict, which ensued. Many people left Krowkasis and settled in the land lying to the West, and Herthew and Gwineva also settled there.

CRT:8:21 Time passed, and Herthew became renowned for his wisdom, and Ithilis king of Arania honoured him with lands and servants. Herthew's two sons, who had followed the king and were twins, married the king's two eldest daughters who were also twins. This caused problems, for the king, though having three wives, was sonless; therefore, the twin sons of Herthew became his heirs. The king was perplexed, for the two men could not rule together, and both were of equal standing in his eyes. Yet, it was the king's duty to nominate his heir and proclaim him to the people so there should be no division after his death. Therefore, Ithilis consulted Herthew as to how the judgement should be made, and Herthew said, "Let fate decree who shall be king."

CRT:8:22 In Arania, the people gathered four times a year for the folkfeasts. At such times, it was customary for new laws to be proclaimed, judgements given and all contentious issues settled. So before the next folkfeast, Herthew prepared a manmade stone from sand, clay and other things, and while it was still soft he set the hilt of his great sword, Dislana the Bitterbiter, into it, and when the stone was hardened Dislana was fast. The sword-implanted stone was then set down near the place where the king gave judgement. Around it was drawn a wide circle bisected across.

CRT:8:23 On the day when the people were first assembled to hear his words, Ithilis told them of his perplexity over the problem concerning the twin sons of Herthew and his daughters, he said, "So the people are not divided and the kingdom rent by strife, it is well this matter be settled now. Therefore, I am setting a fair test involving no men other than these two, whom I hold equally dear. Whichsoever of them shall remove their father's great weapon from this stone, so he frees it and grasps the hilt, shall become my lawful heir, with the other being to him as a younger brother. They will each try in turn during the duration of the fall of a feather, the first trier being he who casts his bracelet over the blade. Then, each of Herthew's sons was placed in a spot where the bisecting line joined the circle, so they stood opposite each other, and each had three bracelets. They threw until one encircled the blade with his bracelet.