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CRT:8:24 Then, this one tried to withdraw the weapon with his hand, but could not, because of the sharpness. The other tried by placing his two palms on each side of the blade, then pressing them together while lifting, but he could not move it either. The first one tried again, copying what had just been done more powerfully, so the stone almost lifted off the ground, but the sword did not leave the stone. Then, the other approached the stone, but this time he put his hands under the edges of the stone, so he could lift it in his arms, and he dashed it down over a rock which was nearby, so it broke asunder. He then picked Dislana up by the hilt and brandished it over his head. The people acclaimed him while his brother grasped his arms in congratulations. Thus, by wisdom was the problem overcome.

Book of Gleanings

GLN: 1:5 Men struggle daily with the beast and wrest their living from the soil; their day being encompassed with strife and toil. So women bring forth children with suffering, and because they are frail, their husbands rule over them. Man is conceived in the womb of woman, and she brings him forth to life. Therefore, when God raised man up from among the beasts, choosing him as His heir and endowing him with an immortal spirit, He placed a veil over the portals of life. This, that woman should not forget she is unlike all other living creatures and the trustee of a divine mission. For a woman not only gives life to a mortal being; she also bears a spark of divinity to Earth, and there can be no greater responsibility.

Table of Chapters

GLN: 1:1 - GLN: 1:52 Chapter One - Maya and Lila

GLN:2:1 - GLN:2:30 Chapter Two - Eloma

GLN:3:1 - GLN:3:19 Chapter Three - Flood of Atuma

GLN:4:1 - GLN:4:29 Chapter Four - The Deluge

GLN:5:1 - GLN:5:20 Chapter Five - Birth of Hurmanetar

GLN:6:1 - GLN:6:36 Chapter Six - Companionship of Yadol

GLN:7:1 - GLN:7:23 Chapter Seven - Death of Yadol

GLN:8:1 - GLN:8:38 Chapter Eight - Hurmanetar Journeys to the Nether


GLN:9:1 - GLN:9:16 Chapter Nine - Asarua GLN:10:1 - GLN:10:33 Chapter Ten - Death of Hurmanetar GLN: 11:1 - GLN: 11:42 Chapter Eleven - Teachings of Yosira GLN: 12:1 - GLN:12:54 Chapter Twelve - Rule of Yosira

GLN: 13:1 - GLN:13:24 Chapter Thirteen - The Way of Yosira


14:1 - GLN

14:15 Chapter Fourteen - Tribulations of Yosira


15:1 - GLN

15:61 Chapter Fifteen - The Voice of God


16:1 - GLN

16:10 Chapter Sixteen - The Spirit of God


17:1 - GLN

17:18 Chapter Seventeen - The Song of the Soul

Chapter One - Maya and Lila

GLN:1:1 This was formerly called The Book of Conception and said to be The First Book of the Bronzebook. It concerns man's conception of The True God in olden days, during the struggle back towards the light.

GLN:1:2 Once, all men were dark and hairy, and in those days, woman was tempted by the strength and wildness of the beast, which dwelt in the forest, and the race of man was defiled again.

GLN:1:3 Therefore, the Spirit of God was wrathful against woman, for hers was the responsibility to reject the beast within and without, that she might bring forth children of the light to walk in the light; for in man, there is beast and god, and the god walks in light, and the beast walks in darkness.

GLN: 1:4 Now, because of the wickedness that was done, there are among men those who are the Children of the Beast, and they are a different people. The race of man alone was punished, for the beast acted according to its nature. In man, the beast and god strive to decide whether he shall take his place among the gods that live or the beasts that die, and woman, in her weakness, betrayed him to the beast.

GLN: 1:5 Men struggle daily with the beast and wrest their living from the soil; their day being encompassed with strife and toil. So women bring forth children with suffering, and because they are frail, their husbands rule over them. Man is conceived in the womb of woman, and she brings him forth to life. Therefore, when God raised man up from among the beasts, choosing him as His heir and endowing him with an immortal spirit, He placed a veil over the portals of life. This, that woman should not forget she is unlike all other living creatures and the trustee of a divine mission. For a woman not only gives life to a mortal being; she also bears a spark of divinity to Earth, and there can be no greater responsibility.

GLN: 1:6 The eye that sees earthly things is deceitful, but the eye that sees spiritual things is true. Then, because of the things that happened, the Great Eye that saw Truth was closed, and henceforth, man walked in falsity. Unable to perceive Truth. he saw only that which deceived him, and so it shall be

until his awakening.

GLN:1:7 Not knowing God, man worshipped Earth who mothered him and supplied his needs. God was not displeased, for such is the nature of children; but when no longer children, they must put aside childish things. Nor, having blinded them, was He wrathful that they could not see, for God is, above all else, understanding. The face of a good father is stern, and his ways are hard, for fatherly duty is no light burden, but his heart is ruled by compassion. His children walk in Truth and uprightness; their feet do not wander, nor are they wilful and wayward.

GLN:1:8 Man is born of mud, sun and Spirit. In the days of conception, the Spirit of God impregnated the receptive Earth, and she brought forth her children. Then came man who walked like a little child, but God took him in hand and taught him to walk in the uprightness of God.

GLN:1:9 A race of men came out of the cold northlands. They were under a wise father, and above them was The Grand Company, which later withdrew in disgust. This race was The Children of God; they knew Truth and lived in the midst of peace and plenty. The Children of Men about them were wild and savage; clothed in the skins of beasts; they lived like beasts. Even more wild were the Men of Zumat who lived beyond them. Among the Children of God, woman had equality with man, for her counsels were known to be wise. She heard with understanding, and her speech was considered; in those days, her words were weighed, for then her tongue did not rattle in her head like seed in a dried pod.

GLN:1:10 Woman knew that, though man could subdue her with his strength, he was weak in his desire for her. In his weakness lay her power, and in those days it was used wisely; it was the foundation of the people. The race was good, but because of its goodness, it was destined to be smitten, for only the good vessel is worthy of the fire. It is burnt, that its shape may be set and its design endure. The path of peace is not the path of progress.

GLN:1:11 The people were not governed by princes or by statutes, but wise men sat in council. They had only a code of conduct and a moral tradition binding each one to the others in a symmetrical web of life. Those who transgressed the code and tradition were deemed to be unworthy of life among the people and were banished into exile.

GLN:1:12 Among The Children of Men, woman was a chattel. She was subject to man, an object for the satisfaction of his lust and the servant to supply his needs. He subdued her and kept her in servitude, for her betrayal of man was known even among them, and it was never forgotten, nor could it be forgiven.

GLN:1:13 The Children of God valued woman highly and protected her from crudeness and cruelty, and her standing was such that she was awarded only to the most worthy of men. They held her in respect, for to them, she was the fountain of life within their race, the designer of its future. Yet even so, they had to restrict her, for she was inclined to be wilful and unheeding of her responsibility.