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GLN:10:17 The strangers about the encampment became enraged against Hurmanetar because of what he had done. Also, because he had struck the father of the child so he bled, they demanded that the blood be requited. They said, "This is an unjust deed, for he who buries a daughter because he lacks sustenance for her does no wrong in our eyes. Is it not better that she be buried in the ground out of sight than kept with disgrace? Is it not for the father to decide whether a daughter should live? Has a woman a soul of her own? Is she not no more than the maker of the body, while the soul is given into her keeping by man?"

GLN: 10:18 The strangers about the encampment were not so many, while those with Hurmanetar were many and strong, but he dealt justly with those claiming payment for the blood. They were given a piece of silver and a calf that was ready for the slaughter. Thus, Mahat came into the household of Ancheti.

GLN:10:19 Hurmanetar was sitting with Ancheti and said to him, "I have spoken to you of the happening while I sat beneath a tree in a place of solitude, and of matters which you should know in order to be wise. Into your keeping have been given the treasures I have wrought by my own hands, and you are well instructed in the Sacred Things and the Mysteries. You have a destiny upon you, which may not be fulfilled in this place, while the sustenance obtainable here declines day by day. Therefore, let us depart and go a long journey by way of the bitter waters, for should we go by way of the forest or through the great wilderness, we may not live. Our flocks and herds can be driven before us, for the road is wide and well watered. Let us not delay in this place, for already there is a restlessness among the people here."

GLN: 10:20 So they departed from that place, journeying towards the bitter waters and when they came there they turned southward, continuing until they came to Basor. There, they encamped, for the death sickness had come upon Hurmanetar. As he lay upon a couch of sheepskins, he called for Ancheti, but he did not come, for he had gone before them to spy out the land. However, Ancheti did come before Hurmanetar passed from Earth, and Hurmanetar knew he was there and called him to his side. Then Hurmanetar said, "My hour is at hand, but I am without fear, knowing I go not to a place where men eat dust, where all is darkness and gloom. The fears of my youth are but shadows having no substance; they flee before the pure light of Truth."

GLN: 10:21 "Upon you there is a great destiny, may you reach out and grasp that, which your heart desires, and having attained it, use it to deliver all men from the darkness of ignorance. Go forth like the sun who throws his rays down like a net over the land to enlighten it. Go to a land where the honest man will be made rich and the dishonest man impoverished, for the balances must be adjusted so that riches cease to be the reward of dishonesty and deceit. Go to a land where those holding places of power and position will stand forth as examples of goodness and honesty; where none but the worthy occupy high positions; where those who have possessions and estate use these to succour the needy and resist the strength of those who oppress the weak and unprotected."

GLN: 10:22 Ancheti said, "But where is this land, and how shall I fmd it?' Hurmanetar answered, "Were there such a place, what good purpose would you serve by going there'? What you will have to do would have been done already by another."

GLN: 10:23 Hurmanetar died and was buried deep within the ground ,and none knows his tomb. May he live forever and dwell with the Father of the Gods whom he served!

GLN: 10:24 These things concerning Hurmanetar have been rewritten many times, but the copies have always been true. That which follows has been added on, but when made and by whom, it is impossible to discover.

GLN: 10:25 Hurmanetar is buried in the land of Philistia. Is this Okichia?

GLN: 10:26 The father of Hurmanetar was Nimrod of the Twin Bows. This, I doubt, and it is not stated.

GLN: 10:27 The stone of Makilim is at Bethgal even now. The words on the tomb of Yadol are: 'He died because he was not as other men'. I, Frastonis, have seen it.

GLN: 10:28 Could this be when eighty generations have passed? Men of this race are unsound witnesses. The Samarites say Yadol was not mortal man.

GLN: 10:29 This we know in truth: the deeds of Hurmanetar and Yadol

are more fully told in The Tales of the Hithites.

GLN: 10:30 The shield of Ancheti was called the Big Shaker, and painted upon it was a likeness of the mudhopping bird. It was this bird that taught men writing, for it left mud marks, which men first read as omens, later forming them into signs, which could be read. They are not as ours, though men among us can read them.

GLN: 10:31 Ancheti taught the mystery of metals in Okichia, a land of beer, bread and milk. He was renowned in the Twinlands of Light.

GLN: 10:32 Mahat, the blind one who remained virgin, guided Ancheti to this land while yet a child. She was filled with the inner light of wisdom and saw with the spirit. When he knew not which way to go, her father sat her on the ground and held a breast feather before her, upon which she blew. He went whichever way it inclined and was never led astray. Later, she used this method when settling disputes and giving judgements. She was greatly honoured, for in the whole land, there was no wiser woman.

GLN: 10:33 We who make these writings indestructible have abandoned the Book of Ancheti, for it has nought of value to those who follow us, and this is a work of much labour. It contains laws for a people living in a land called Okichia, who must have been less than barbarians, for he forbade such things as the eating of children newly born, the mixing and drying of their blood for eating in uniting brothers and the hanging up of women in travail. Also the cutting of a woman's private parts and the deballing of men.

Chapter Eleven - Teachings of Yosira

GLN:11:1 These are the words for the Sons of the True Doctrine, written in the temple of Sacred Mysteries at Yankeb in the Days of Darkness, by the Unnamed Lord of the Secret Belief, who then lived. The true knowledge of the teachings and mysteries of Yosira concerning the spirit within the body, taken from his books and rewritten truly after the custom of writing.

GLN:11:2 Yosira spoke to his Sons in this manner, "I am the Viceregent of the God of Gods. I am the custodian of the Books of Power. I am the Voice of Heaven. I am one sent into Tamerua as a lightbearer, that a call may go thence throughout all lands. Let every man be watchful of his deeds and ways. Whosoever be watchful of himself is a man of wisdom, for he shall be saved from the terror of everlasting darkness."

GLN:11:3 "I am the torchbearer running before the chairlitter of Truth. I come to reveal the greatness of men, to tell them of their immortal selves, of their spirits which have to be ransomed from the doom of devouring


GLN:11:4 "The God of Gods spoke unto me, saying, "Long have you dwelt under my shadow and listened to my words. Now, arise and go hence to a land where these things, of which we have spoken, can be established. To a place whither I shall lead you, for it is not proper that those who dwell there should remain uninstructed. Behold, I have given you the secret of immortality, but know that, though all men are born into a heritage of immortality, not all enjoy it. The God of Gods, in His infinite mercy, plunges many into the waters of forgetfulness. Yet even from there, they may return to be renewed, not of themselves but through the supplications of others."

GLN:11:5 When Yosira came into Tamerua, he gathered his sons together on the stones beneath the place called Homtree and spoke to them in this manner, "I am the Dawnlighter and a torchbearer for the God of Gods. These are my words, which you will do well to absorb, as the dry sands soaks up water. Though they are words of wisdom, they are useless unless accepted by men who have control over themselves. They have no value to men who are unable to feel compassion for others or who close their ears to Truth."