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GLN: 11:6 "'You are the few chosen ones, my sons, light of my light, who shall hand the light on down through the generations. To you, I give the true conception of God. To you, I give this standard, that it may be a rallying point for those who will accompany us; for we stand on the borders of a land, which has found favour in the eyes of our God."

GLN:11:7 "With us are fighting men, but they are few, while those who stand ready to repel us are many. Therefore, we will not set ourselves against them in battle array, but go among them with guile, to gather many who will fight with us. You shall be the light of the fighting men, even as I am your light and the God of Gods my light."

GLN: 11:8 "The light that is with me was kindled at The Supreme Source, which is the God of Gods. Therefore, my light shines with such brilliance that it must be veiled in part, lest it blind you. It is even as the sun be seen through a veil of cloud, it may be gazed upon for as long as desired. Seen thus, it is a thing of beauty and mystery, not something, which burns and consumes the eyes of the beholder."

GLN:11:9 "Therefore, even as I veil my light from you, so shall you veil your lights from the eyes of the uninstructed. Yet, in all matters not pertaining to the light, you shall instruct them in the fullness of Truth. In all matters concerning their bodies, you shall instruct them in Truth. But in all matters concerning the Lord of the Body, you shall instruct them with a light that is veiled."

GLN:11:10 "Behold the nature of man. Within him is a spark from the Divine Source, and this is the Lord of the Body. This alone is everlasting, this alone of man is his true self. This spark is emvrapped within a heavy mantle of matter; it is enclosed in a covering of earthly clay. This spark alone is the seat of life; it alone has understanding and thought. Such things are not with the clay of the flesh, neither are they kin to the stones from which the bones come. The life within man radiates out from the enclosed spark, and through the blood, endows the body with life and heat. Life gives forth heat, and the greater the life, the greater the heat."

GLN:11:11 "As the sun gives light and fire spreads heat, as the flower radiates perfume, so does the Central Light give forth a vaporous unseeable glow, and this our fathers called the Breath of God. This Breath comes forth in two manifestations: there is a heavy form and a light form, and from these, all things are compounded. From The One comes the Sacred Glow in its two aspects, which men call the Breath of God, and from this are made all things, which are in Heaven and Earth."

GLN:11:12 "Above is the God of Gods, and below Him are Heaven and Earth. Heaven is divided in twain; there is a Place of Light and a Place of Darkness. Within the Place of Light dwell the spirits of Good and within the Place of Darkness dwell the spirits of evil. Between them, the boundary is not fixed but flows back and forth according to their fluctuating strengths. But they who abide in the light shall always prevail, for light will ever dispel darkness. Therefore, those who dwell in darkness withdraw before the brilliance of those who dwell in the light. This light and darkness are not such as men can understand, for it is not the light and darkness known on Earth."

GLN:11:13 "Before the Gates of Heaven is the Land of the Horizon, whence go all who depart from their earthly body. From here, there are two great gates, one leads to the Place of Light, and the other to the Place of Darkness, and the Lord of the Body is admitted into its appointed place according to its likeness. He who is filled with the light and is a k cannot go to the Place of Darkness, for it would draw back before him. Neither can he who is a Dark One go into the Place of Light, for there, he would shrivel before the light, as the white worm coming forth from the damp darkness of its hole shrivels in the light of the sun."

GLN:11:14 "Between Heaven and Earth, there is a great gulf across which the dwellers in Heaven may not return, but Earth is not wholly beyond their reach. Man receives, from the Place of Light, that which influences him for good, and from the Place of Darkness, that which affects him for evil. These things may be written, but the secret things concerning them may not be recorded in such manner that they come to the knowledge of the unenlightened men."

GLN:11:15 "That which comes from Heaven, whether influencing for good or evil, comes forth as shades in the likeness of men, which is rare; or much more often as lukim, which are like unto motes. It may also come as waves of air, but not air such as we breathe and feel. It is something altogether different in nature. Things come forth which are not stable, and these are the formless Ones. All things are held in form by the Breath of God, which changes formlessness, but the formless Ones can alter form into instability."

GLN: 11:16 'There are three great spheres, and that containing the Earth is held together by the Great Glow outflowing from the God of Gods. That part of the Great Glow, which is light and contains life is called Manah, while that which is heavy and contains the flesh of things of the Earth is called Manyu."

GLN: 11:17 "The One Who is the God of Gods is so great that He cannot be defined in the speech of men. Neither can they conceive Him in their thoughts, for He is beyond their understanding. Mortal man has limitations; therefore, let men conceive Him as they will. It is of no importance, providing their conception serves both His purpose and the glorification of man."

GLN:11:18 "Man is not yet great, and until he becomes so it is well that he worship the many Godforms conceived within his thoughts, providing they be such as tend to raise him above himself. Nor do ritual and worship do harm of themselves, unless they, too, thickly overlay the truth so it is buried from sight. Ritual and outward forms of worship can be aids to purification of thought and provide a kind of sustenance for the Lord of the Body. What are the Lesser Gods beloved by unawakened men but thought-conceived friends and guides? Yet, this is a dangerous path men tread, balanced between light and darkness. Therefore, when man wanders towards the abyss of darkness, reveal a little more light, that he may see and so return to the path. Beware, too, lest he follow gods that are false guides and would lure him into the quicksand of carnality, or into the wilderness of ignorance."

GLN:11:19 Before crossing into Tamuera, Yosira chose captains to be over the fighting men, and they sent forth men to spy out the land. He also sent some from among his sons into the land of Tewar, that they might talk with the people there, and these came back bringing hostages from the governors of the land of Tewar. Then, Yosira spoke with the sons of the governors and they gave ear to his words; they were receptive to his speech.

GLN:11:20 Yosira spoke to the people, "These are the words of the God of the Gods. Henceforth, no child shall be sold into bondage by its father or by any man who has ward over it. Such may not yet be the custom of all the people in this land, but if they become mighty, this they may do, for such is the nature of men.

GLN: 11:21 "If a man have a woman in bondage, he shall not cause her to become a harlot unto men, for this is a great wickedness and he shall not go unpunished. If she become with child unto her master, then neither she nor the child shall be given in bondage to another. But if she be given to a freeman who takes her in marriage, then it will be well."

GLN: 11:22 "The greatest wickedness in the eyes of the God of Gods is all incest of the first degree, which is that between mother and son or father and daughter; or between the mother's mother and the son of the mother, or between the mother's father and the daughter of the mother; or between the father's father and the father's daughter, or between the father's mother and the father's son. This is a wickedness unto the God of Gods, for it calls forth the strongest of the Formless Ones, causing it to enter into an earthly body to become an abomination before the eyes of God and man. Therefore, they who commit such an act shall perish by fire. If it be committed with a child, then, the child shall not perish, but it shall be branded with the mark of incest."