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Table of Chapters

SCL:1: 1 - SCL: 1:47 Chapter One - The Sacred Registers - Part 1 SCL:2:1 - SCL:2:18 Chapter Two - The Sacred Registers - Part 2 SCL:3:1 - SCL:3:9 Chapter Three - The Sacred Registers - Part 3 SCL:4:1 - SCL:4:10 Chapter Four - The Sacred Registers - Part 4 SCL:5:1 - SCL:5:9 Chapter Five - The Sacred Registers - Part 5 SCL:6:1 - SCL:6:10 Chapter Six - The Sacred Registers - Part 6 SCL:7:1 - SCL:7:11 Chapter Seven - The Sacred Registers - Part 7 SCL:8:1 - SCL:8:14 Chapter Eight - The Sacred Registers - Part 8 SCL:9:1 - SCL:9:21 Chapter Nine - The Sacred Registers - Part 9 SCL:10:1 - SCL:10:8 Chapter Ten - The Sacred Registers - Part 10 SCL:11:1 - SCL: 11:10 Chapter Eleven - The Sacred Registers - Part 11 SCL:12:1 - SCL:12:7 Chapter Twelve - The Sacred Registers - Part 12 SCL:13:1 - SCL:13:18 Chapter Thirteen - The Scroll of Ramkat SCL:14:1 - SCL:14:18 Chapter Fourteen - The Scroll of Yonua SCL:15:1 - SCL:15:19 Chapter Fifteen - A Scroll Fragment - One SCL:16:1 - SCL:16:7 Chapter Sixteen - The Third of the Egyptian Scrolls

SCL:17:1 - SCL:17:10 Chapter Seventeen - The Sixth of the Fgyptian Scrolls

SCL:18:1 - SCL: 18:11 Chapter Eighteen - A Scroll Fragment - Two SCL:19:1 - SCL:19:16 Chapter Nineteen - A Hymn from the Book of Songs -I

SCL:20:1 - SCL:20:6 Chapter Twenty - A Hymn from the Book of Songs - 2

SCL:21:1 - SCL:21:12 Chapter Twenty-One - The Sunsetting Hymn from the Book of Songs

SCL:22:1 - SCL:22:10 Chapter Twenty-Two - A Hymn of Prayer from the Book of Songs - 3

SCL:23:1 - SCL:23:10 Chapter Twenty-Three - A Hymn from the Book of Songs - 4

SCL:24:1 - SCL:24:9 Chapter Twenty-Four - A Hymn from the Book of Songs - 5

SCL:25:1 - SCL:25:102 Chapter Twenty-Five - Fragment 1 SCL:26:1 - SCL:26:5 Chapter Twenty-Six - From the Scroll of Senmut SCL:27:1 - SCL:27:10 Chapter Twenty-Seven - The Songs of Nefatari - One

SCL:28:1 - SCL:28:15 Chapter Twenty-Eight - The Songs of Nefatari - Two SCL:29:1 - SCL:29:8 Chapter Twenty-Nine - The Songs of Tantalip - One SCL:30:1 - SCL:30:14 Chapter Thirty - The Songs of Tantalip - Two SCL:31: 1 - SCL:31: 11 Chapter Thirty-One - The Marriage Song SCL:32:1 - SCL:32:8 Chapter Thirty-Two - The Lament of Nefatari SCL:33:1 - SCL:33:25 Chapter Thirty-Three - The Scroll of Herakat

Chapter One - The Sacred Registers - Part 1

SCL:1:1 Herein are recorded sacred things, which should never be written, but the memory of man is like a storehouse made of straw, or like a storepit dug in sand.

SCL:1:2 Even less enduring is his body, for it is a frail thing of fleeting substance, which passes away like the dew in the morning. And what of the mortal chain, which links the generations in knowledge? Behold, it is a thing prone to distortion, a transmuter of tradition and Truth.

SCL:1:3 Therefore, when the command went forth from the Great One illuminated with wisdom and came to your servant, he saw fit to quell the doubts engendered by fear and undertook to do the thing, which had not been done before, placing his trust fully in the protecting wings which are spread by the words issuing from the Royal Residence.

SCL:1:4 These are the words spoken by the Great interpreter, who, through the powers inherited by him from above and by the powers now in his keeping, all freely bestowed upon him by the grateful hearts of his people below, will lead us into the Fields Of Everlasting Glory.

SCL:1:5 O Exalted One, intermediate between gods and men, what we now do for you do you for us. Let your deeds and your words become our words. Thus it ever was, and thus it will ever be while mortal beings make pilgrimage through this valley of tears.

SCL: 1:6 Speak thus in your hour: the High Born One has not blasphemed the Divine Powers, nor has he paid undue homage to earthly desires. He has not been loudmouthed in the Sacred Places, nor laughed when he should have been grave. His tongue is pure, for when fed with the words of men, he absorbs Truth and excretes falsehood. His mouth has never spewed forth words of malice or envy; words of oppression or injustice never passed his lips.

SCL:1:7 Look now at the great dark water mirror and see what is reflected there from the mists swirling along the corridor of time. Seeing your place, make ready, so that when the summons comes from the Dark One, you are not caught unprepared.

SCL: 1:8 These are the words to be spoken to those who peer from beyond the Dark Portaclass="underline" His arm was ever ready to help those who did good for others, and he lent his power to those who ordered what was good. He stood for those who could no longer stand and commanded for those who could no longer command. He carried the weary and succoured the helpless. He never oppressed the weak, nor did he permit injustices to go unpunished and unrectified.

SCL: 1:9 He stood by the side of the Great Potter, and because of his plea, the clay was shaped to a more pleasing form. He erased disfiguring faults and smoothed the roughness. He added stiffness to the mixture.

SCL:1:10 He has done no evil; his words have always been true. He stands unashamed and fearless before the twin shrines. Even as it was in the Land of the Great River, so let it be here. Let him not be cut off by distance.

SCL: 1:11 Let not his power be cut off, for he stands between the worlds. Let it flow out like living waters unto the living and be as shining rays to the Radiant Ones. For here, we see the power darkly, while beyond the horizon it

shines brightly.

SCL:1:12 He is everlastingly faithful in heart, for he has admitted no other who would defile him. He has remained loyal to the sacred words and has diligently perused the great writings. He has navigated the shallows of the winding waters. Now, he draws near.

SCL:1:13 He has left his kingdom of trial, he has overcome the challenges of life, he has done all things written on the tablets of Truth, and he has sojourned in the Chamber of Profound Silence. He has done all things which are proper and been reassured that he has followed the right path. He does not fear judgement.

SCL:1:14 Let him reunite with The Supreme One who sent him forth, so that he will not be separated from the waters of life. Let the Holy Heat enwrap him when he passes through the Place of Coldness. Let his nostrils inhale the breath of nourishment, that he may live and that we may partake of his existence.

SCL:1:15 Do not repudiate him, but make him welcome. Do you not recognise the one you endowed with power? Has he become too radiant? Is his form too glorious? Read what is written in the books of his heart. You set him in darkness, and he saw. You set him in silence, and he heard. You set him in emptiness, and he felt. You established him in nothingness, and he gathered substance. Therefore, he returns with manifold powers. He is well fitted to be presented to those who stand before The Supreme One.

SCL:1:16 When the bright sun shines with splendour in the dayskies above, the gentle morning star hides her face in modesty and becomes unseen. All the great Company of the radiant nightlights withdraw before the majesty of the greater light. Yet, when darkness eats the shining disk we know again the comforting presence of the eternal stars, so let it be with your servant.

SCL:1:17 The Dark Ones who dwell in their compatible gloom cannot claim him as one of their own; he cannot be numbered among their dreadful company. His heart is pure, his deeds were good, no creature spawned in murkiness has gained control of his thoughts. His desires have not been generated by denizens of the darkness.

SCL:1:18 He who was afflicted here is not afflicted forever; he is made whole; he is freed from pain; his sickness has departed. He rejoices in the light; therefore, let him be drawn towards the greater light where you are. Let him not see the place of darkness; let him not behold the Hideous Ones fashioned by wickedness, the Dwellers in the Dark Recesses, who shrink before the light, or the Twisted Ones moulded by lewd desires.