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The Korsun’-Shevchenkovskii Operation, p. 138.


Anlagen zum KTB PzAOK 1 Ia, “Besprech ungspunkte (Besuch bei III. Pz.Korps am 10.2.1944),” T313, R70, F7306641-3. Number of operational tanks for s.Pz.Rgt. Bäke, s.Pz.Abt. 506, StuG.Abt. 249 and 16. Pz.Div. on 10 February given by PzAOK 1 Ia Tagesmeldung 10.2.44, T313, R70, F7306649. Number of operational tanks for 17. Pz.Div. on 10 February given by Anlagen zum KTB III. Pz.Korps Ia, Tagesmeldung der 17. Pz.Div. am 10.2.44, T314, R70, F7306649. The contribution from SS-Leibstandarte is given by the KTB Pz.Grent.Rgt. 64, 10.2.44, BA-MA RH 37/6257.


This is also supported by an unusual map. In the Anlagen of the PzAOK 1 Ia, dated 3 March 1944, there is a map showing the location of the tanks and other armored vehicles lost by III. Pz.Korps during the operation. In the area where 16. and 17. Pz.Div., plus the s.Pz.Rgt. Bäke, s.Pz.Abt. 506 and StuG.Abt. 249 operated during the first phase of the relief operation, there are 10 AFVs indicated as lost due to enemy action. Note that this includes APCs too. Thus, at most 10 tanks may have been lost by these units. In the National Archives, the map is found at T313, R70, F7307179. However the map employs color coding to distinguish between losses due to enemy action and other losses and as the microfilm copy is in black and white, important information is missing on the microfilm copy. The original map, today at the Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv in Freiburg, is in color and a color copy has kindly been provided to us by Dr. Karl-Heinz Frieser at the Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt. For the tank strength of the German units see Appendix 2. It should be noted that the Soviet General Staff Study claims that the Germans attacked with 200 tanks (The Korsun’-Shevchenkovskii Operation, p. 30) but this is, as usual, an exaggeration.


PzAOK 1 Ia KTB Nr. 13, 6 February 1944, T313, R69, F7305861-3.


III. Pz.Korps Lagekarte, 10.2.44, T314, R212, F000416; III. Pz.Korps Ia Nr. 248/44 geh., T314, R208, F000815; KTB III. Pz.Korps Ia, 10.2.44, T314, R203, F000042-50. Stoves, p. 497-9; III. Pz.Korps Ia Tagesmeldung an PzAOK 1, 10.2.44, T314, R208, F000787.


III. Pz.Korps Ia Nr. 237/44 geh. 9.2.44, T314, R208, F000730-1.


Anlagen zum KTB PzAOK 1 Ia, “Besprechungspunkte, Besuch bei der III. Panzerkorps am 10.2.1944,” T313, R70, F7306641.


Anlagen zum KTB PzAOK 1 Ia, “Besprechungspunkte, Besuch bei der III. Panzerkorps am 10.2.1944,” T313, R70, F7306641.


Tsamo RF, Fond 236, opic 2673, delo 311, list 85.


Anlagen zum KTB PzAOK 1 Ia, “Besprechungspunkte, Besuch bei der III. Panzerkorps am 10.2.1944,” T313, R70, F7306641.


KTB Pz.Rgt. Bäke, BA-MA RH 39/677, note that the dates have shifted by mistake in the war diary, it is indicated that the attack began on 10 February, but in fact it began on 11 February, which is corroborated by numerous other documents; KTB Pz.Gren.Rgt. 64, 11.2.44, BAMA RH 37/6257; Rubbel, p. 132. Captain Blömeke had taken over as commander of Panzer Grenadier Regiment 64 on 6 February when Colonel Hesse became ill.


KTB Pz.Rgt. Bäke, BA-MA RH 39/677; KTB Pz.Gren.Rgt. 64, 11.2.44, BA-MA RH 37/6257; Alfred Rubbel (ed.), The Combat History of schwere Panzer-Abteilung 503 (Bassum, privately published 1990), p. 132; Proschek papers, BAMA MSg 2/5649.


III. Pz.Korps, Funkspruch Nr. 117, an XI. A.K., 11.2.44, T314, R208, F000844.


Rolf Stoves, 1 Panzer Division 1935–1945 (Bad Nauheim, Podzun Verlag 1961), pp. 499–500.


Stoves, 1 Panzer Division, pp. 500–2.


KTB Pz.Rgt. Bäke, BA-MA RH 39/677; Stoves, 1 Panzer Division, pp. 500–1.


Tagesmeldung 17. Pz.Div. an III. Pz.Korps, 11.2.44, T314, R208, F000852.


KTB Pz.Rgt. Bäke, BA-MA RH 39/677.


Proschek papers, BA-MA MSg 2/5649.


Stoves, 1 Panzer Division, pp. 502–3.


Stoves, 1 Panzer Division, pp. 502–3; Anlage 760 zum KTB III. Pz.Korps Ia, 15.40, 11.2.44, T314, R208, F0008484; Tagesmeldung 1. Pz.Div. 11.2.44, in Anlagen zum KTB III. Pz.Korps Ia, T314, R208, F000856.


Stoves, 1 Panzer Division, p. 503.


Stoves, 1 Panzer Division, p. 504.


Stoves, 1 Panzer Division, pp. 504–5.


For example, the Soviet General Staff Study (pp. 29–30) claims the attack was expected. However, as it gives quite erroneous information on the German attack force (grossly exaggerating the tank strength and mixing up the divisions of III Panzer Corps), it can not be excluded that the claim is a rationalization after the battle.


The Korsun’-Shevchenkovskii Operation, pp. 29–32; R. Lehmann and R. Tiemann, The Leibstandarte, vol IV/1 (Winnipeg, Fedorowicz 1993), pp. 29–30; LSSAH Tagesmeldung 11.2.44 an III. Pz.Korps Ia, T314, R208, F000854; KTB PzAOK 1 Ia, 11.2.44, T313, R69, F7305880.


The Korsun’-Shevchenkovskii Operation, pp. 29–32.


Bericht über die Kämpfe des Grenadier-regiments 266 der 72. Infanterie-Division im Kessel von Tscherkassy und des großen Kessels von Korsun in der Zeit vom 22.11.1943 bis 17.2.1944, BA-MA RH 37/6609; Bericht Major Siegel, BA-MA MSg 2/3570; Jahnke & Lerch, Der Kessel von Tscherkassy, p. 42.


The following units were part of Kampfgruppe von Sievers: Pz.Rgt. 15 (except Pz IV tanks), I./Pz.Rgt. 26, II./Pz.Rgt. 110, I./Pz.Art.Rgt. 119 and Elements of Pz.Pi.Btl. 209. If the I./Pz.Gren.Rgt. 110 had been relieved in time it would also have participated in von Sievers’ Kampfgruppe. Among the units of the 11th Panzer Division that had not yet been relieved were the SPW-battalion (I./Pz.Gren.Rgt. 110) and the recon battalion, which still were near Skotorevo, more than 10 kilometers further east. 11. Panzer-Division Ia Nr. 236/44,”Befehl für den Angriff am 11.2.1944”, in Anlagen zum KTB Nr. 3 der I./Pz.Rgt. 26, BA-MA RH 39/599; KTB XXXXVII. Pz.Korps Ia, 11.2.44, T314, R1132, F000458.


KTB Nr. 3 der I./Pz.Rgt. 26, 11.2.44, BA-MA RH 39/599; 11. Panzer-Division Ia Nr. 236/44,”Befehl für den Angriff am 11.2.1944”, in Anlagen zum KTB Nr. 3 der I./Pz.Rgt. 26, BA-MA RH 39/599.


KTB XXXXVII. Pz.Korps Ia, 11.2.44, T314, R1132, F000458.


KTB Nr. 3 der I./Pz.Rgt. 26, 11.2.44, BA-MA RH 39/599; KTB XXXXVII. Pz.Korps Ia, 11.2.44, T314, R1132, F000458.


KTB Nr. 3 der I./Pz.Rgt. 26, 11.2.44, BA-MA RH 39/599; KTB XXXXVII. Pz.Korps Ia, 11.2.44, T314, R1132, F000458; KTB AOK 8 Ia, 09.30, 11.2.44, T312, R64, F7581864.


KTB XXXXVII. Pz.Korps Ia, 11.2.44, T314, R1132, F000458-9; KTB AOK 8 Ia, 11.00 & 19.05, 11.2.44, T312, R64, F7581864 & F7581867.


KTB Nr. 3 der I./Pz.Rgt. 26, 11.2.44, BA-MA RH 39/599.