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KTB Nr. 3 der I./Pz.Rgt. 26, 11.2.44, BA-MA RH 39/599; Soviet General Staff Study, pp. 139 & 154.


KTB XXXXVII. Pz.Korps Ia, 11.2.44, T314, R1132, F000459.


KTB AOK 8 Ia, 18.15, 11.2.44, T312, R64, F7581864 &F7581867.


Bericht Major Kaestner, BA-MA MSg 2/3570.


Bericht Major Kaestner, BA-MA MSg 2/3570; Proschek papers, BA-MA MSg 2/5649.


Bericht Major Kaestner, BA-MA MSg 2/3570.


Bericht Major Kaestner, BA-MA MSg 2/3570; Bericht über die Kämpfe des Grenadier-regiments 266 der 72. Infanterie-Division im Kessel von Tscherkassy und des großen Kessels von Korsun in der Zeit vom 22.11.1943 bis 17.2.1944, BA-MA RH 37/6609; Jahnke & Lerch, Der Kessel von Tscherkassy, pp. 41–42; Lieb Diary, NARA MS # T-12.


G. K. Zhukov, The Memoirs of Marshal Zhukov (New Delhi: Natraj, 1985), p. 507.


Zhukov, The Memoirs of Marshal Zhukov, p. 507.


Zhukov, The Memoirs of Marshal Zhukov, pp. 507–8.


I. S. Konev, Zapiski Komandujusjego Fronto. (Voenizdat, Moskva 1982), s. 118.


Konev, Zapiski Komandujusjego Frontom, ss. 118–121.


KTB PzAOK 1 Ia, 12.2.44, T313, R69, F7305882-3; KTB s.Pz.Rgt. Bäke, BA-MA RH 39/677; Proschek papers, BA-MA MSg 2/5649. This is also supported by the map in the Anlagen of the PzAOK 1 Ia, dated 3 March 1944, showing the location of the tanks and other armored vehicles lost by III. Pz.Korps during the operation. Near Dadushkovka there are four AFVs marked as lost due to enemy action. Note that the map does not differentiate between tanks and APCs. Thus, at most four tanks may have been lost by II./Pz.Rgt. 23 at Dadushkovka. In the National Archives, the map is found at T313, R70, F7307179. However, the map employs color coding since the microfilm copy is in black and white, important information is missing on the copy. The original map, today at the Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv in Freiburg, is in color and a color copy has kindly been provided to us by Dr. Karl-Heinz Frieser at the Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt.


KTB Pz.Gren.Rgt. 64, 12.2.44, BA-MA RH 37/6257; Anlagen zum KTB III. Pz.Korps Ia, Tagesmeldungen der Div. am 12.2.44, 17. Pz.Div., T314, R208, F000965; 16. Pz.Div. Ia Tagesmeldung an III. Pz.Korps Ia, 12.2.44, Anlagen zum KTB III. Pz.Korps, T314, R208, F000972. Note that some sources describe a major tank battle on 12 February, with s.Pz.Rgt. Bäke playing a major role. However, according to the war diary of III. Pz.Korps, that battle took place on 13 February, something which is also backed up by the reports submitted to III. Pz.Korps during the battle, as well as the war diary of Pz.Gren.Rgt. 64.


Anlagen zum KTB III. Pz.Korps Ia, Tagesmeldungen der Div. am 12.2.44, 198. Inf.Div., T314, R208, F000966; KTB III. Pz.Korps Ia, 12.2.44, T314, R208, F000060-62; Lehmann & Tiemann, The Leibstandarte, vol IV/1, p. 31.


KTB III. Pz.Korps Ia, 12.2.44, T314, R208, F000060; Lehmann & Tiemann, The Leibstandarte, vol IV/1, pp. 31–2.


Stoves, 1 Panzer Division, pp. 505–7; Proschek papers, BA-MA MSg 2/5649.


Anlagen zum KTB PzAOK 1 Ia, 12.2.40, 22.00 Uhr, T313, R70, F7306704; 1. Pz.Div. Ia Tagesmeldung an III. Pz.Korps Ia, 12.2.44, T314, R208, F000967.


Anlagen zum KTB III. Panzer Korps Ia, 13.2.44, 0745 Uhr, T314, R208, F001017; III. Pamzer Korps Ia Nr. 267/44, “Korpsbefehl für den 13.2.44,” T314, R208, F000977.


XI. A.K. Funkspruch an AOK 8, 12.2.44, 12.12 Uhr, T312, R66, F7584883; KTB AOK 8 Ia, 12.2.44, T312, R64, F7581870-5; Lieb Diary, 12.2.44, MS # T-12.


KTB XXXXVII. Pz.Korps Ia, 12.2.44, T314, R1132, F000460-3.


KTB XXXXVII. Pz.Korps Ia, 12.2.44, T314, R1132, F000460-3; KTB I./Pz.Rgt. 26, 12.2.44, BA-MA RH 39/599.


KTB I./Pz.Rgt. 26, 12.2.44, BA-MA RH 39/599.


KTB I./Pz.Rgt. 26, 12.2.44, BA-MA RH 39/599.


KTB XXXXVII. Pz.Korps Ia, 12.2.44, T314, R1132, F000460-3; KTB I./Pz.Rgt. 26, 12.2.44, BA-MA RH 39/599.


KTB AOK 8 Ia, 12.2.44, 06.30, T312, R64, F7581868.


KTB XXXXVII. Pz.Korps Ia, 12.2.44, T314, R1132, F000460-3.


Meiser, Die Hölle von Tscherkassy, pp. 257-8.


KTB AOK 8 Ia, 12.2.44, T312, R64, F7581872.


Bericht Ofw. Heinz Lampe, 5./TG 3, BA-MA RL 10/641, Bl. 18-21.


Bericht Ofw. Heinz Lampe, 5./TG 3, BA-MA RL 10/641, Bl. 18-21.


Bericht Ofw. Heinz Lampe, 5./TG 3, BA-MA RL 10/641, Bl. 18-21.


Bericht Ofw. Heinz Lampe, 5./TG 3, BA-MA RL 10/641, Bl. 18-21.


Bericht Ofw. Heinz Lampe, 5./TG 3, BA-MA RL 10/641, Bl. 18-21.


PzAOK 1/O.Qu./Qu.1 Nr. 530/44 geh, 12.2.44, T313, R74, F7312907.


KTB AOK 8 Ia, 12.2.44, 18.35, T312, R64, F7581875.


The Korsun’-Shevchenkovskii Operation, p. 70.


Proschek papers, BA-MA MSg 2/5649; KTB s.Pz.Rgt. Bäke, BA-MA RH 39/677; KTB Pz.Gren.Rgt. 64, BA-MA RH 37/6257; Michael Schadewitz, Einsätze des “schweren Panzerregiments Bäke” vom 24. Januar bis 17. Februar 1944, p. 10, BA-MA MSg 2/4396; Rubbel, The Combat History of schwere Panzer-Abteilung 503, p. 127; 16. Pz.Div. Tagesmeldung an III. Pz.Korps Ia, 13.2.44, T314, R208, F001063; The Korsun’-Shevchenkovskii Operation, pp. 29–30. Note that some of the sources state that the described action took place on 12 February. However, the war diaries, radio messages, and other documents from III Panzer Corps and 1st Panzer Army make it clear that the battle took place on 13 February. Note also that Scherf (in Proschek papers) speaks of “Totalausfälle,” but probably he means vehicles put out of action, as other reports show that it can not be Total ausfälle, which means vehicles written off.




Proschek papers, BA-MA MSg 2/5649; KTB s.Pz.Rgt. Bäke, BA-MA RH 39/677; KTB Pz.Gren.Rgt. 64, BA-MA RH 37/6257; Michael Schadewitz, Einsätze des “schweren Panzerregiments Bäke” vom 24. Januar bis 17. Februar 1944, p. 10, BA-MA MSg 2/4396; Rubbel, The Combat History of schwere Panzer-Abteilung 503, p. 127; 16. Pz.Div. Tagesmeldung an III. Pz.Korps Ia, 13.2.44, T314, R208, F001063; The Korsun’-Shevchenkovskii Operation, pp. 29–30. Note that some of the sources state that the described action took place on 12 February. However, the war diaries, radio messages, and other documents from the III Panzer Corps and the 1st Panzer Army make it clear that the battle took place on 13 February. Note also that Scherf (in Proschek papers) speaks of “Totalausfälle,” but probably he means vehicles put out of action, as other reports show that it can not be Totalausfälle, which means vehicles written off.

