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EKS — Edinaya Kosmicheskaya Sistema, advanced Russian early warning system

Elektron — Russian manned spaceplane

Energia-5VR — Russian heavy-lift rocket

ERO — Emergency Return from Orbit, a crew escape system capable of returning a crewman from Earth orbit

EVA — extravehicular activity; spacewalk

FSB — Federal’naya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti, Russian intelligence service that replaced the KGB

gapa — Polish pilot’s wings

GMD — Ground-Based Midcourse Defense, part of the U.S. missile defense system

GRU — Glavnoye Razvedyvatel’noye Upravleniye, former Soviet military intelligence service

HeliVert AW139 — AgustaWestland medium-transport helicopter

HK416 — German assault rifle

Hobnail — Russian space-based laser attack system

HUD — heads-up display, a system that projects vital information to a screen in front of the pilot so he does not have to look down

HUMINT — human intelligence, using spies to gather intelligence

IKS — identifikatsionnyy kod samolet, Russian radar identification system

JP-8 — military aviation gasoline

Ka-52 — Kamov-52, Russian armed scout helicopter

Kibernetischeskiye Voyennyye Mashiny (KVM) — manned Russian combat robot

Kościuszko Land Forces Military Academy — Polish military academy

LEAF — Life Enhancing Assistive Facility, a mobile wearable life-support device

LPDRS — Laser Pulse Detonation Rocket System, advanced spacecraft propulsion system

MALD — miniature air-launched decoy, an advanced American aircraft defense system

MARAUDER — magnetically accelerated ring to achieve ultrahigh directed energy and radiation, experimental American plasma weapon

Mars Project — Russian manned space station project

MiG-31 — Russian high-speed high-altitude jet fighter

MOOSE — Manned Orbital Operations Safety Equipment, experimental American astronaut rescue system

Mossberg 500 — special-purpose shotgun

OAK — FAA designation for Oakland International Airport

Orion — NASA manned spacecraft system

PKP — Russian special-operations machine gun

PLSS — Primary Life Support System, an American astronaut’s backpack

Rapira — “Rapier,” Russian space-based Earth attack weapon

Razdan — Russian electro-optical satellite

RD-0150 and RD-171MV — Russian rocket engines

S-9 Black Stallion, S-19 Midnight, S-29 Shadow — American single-stage-to-orbit spaceplanes

S-300, S-400, S-500 — Russian surface-to-air missiles

SAM — surface-to-air missile

SBIRS — Space Based Infrared System, advanced American early warning system

Scimitar — Russian spacecraft defense system

SCT-2 — thermal imaging gun sights

SERE — Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape, training soldiers receive to prepare them for combat

SFO — FAA code for San Francisco International Airport

SpaceX Falcon Heavy — SpaceX heavy-lift rocket

Su-27, Su-30, Su-35 — advanced Russian fighter aircraft

Thunderbolt (Udar Molnii) — Russian space-based plasma weapon

Wasp — Russian air-launched antisatellite weapon

Wren Bravo — very light reconnaissance drone

XCV-62 Ranger — American stealthy short-takeoff-and-landing aircraft

XS-39 — next-generation experimental American single-stage-to-orbit spaceplane

About the Author

DALE BROWN is the New York Times bestselling author of numerous books, beginning with Flight of the Old Dog (1987) to, most recently, The Moscow Offensive (2018). A former U.S. Air Force captain, he can often be found flying his own plane in the skies of the United States. He lives near Lake Tahoe, Nevada.

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Also by Dale Brown

The Moscow Offensive

Price of Duty

Iron Wolf


Tiger’s Claw

A Time for Patriots

Executive Intent

Rogue Forces

Shadow Command

Strike Force

Edge of Battle

Act of War

Plan of Attack

Air Battle Force

Wings of Fire

Warrior Class

Battle Born

The Tin Man

Fatal Terrain

Shadows of Steel

Storming Heaven

Chains of Command

Night of the Hawk

Sky Masters


Day of the Cheetah

Silver Tower

Flight of the Old Dog