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“I think we have company if I’m reading this right.”

Michael leapt out of his pilots’ chair, and dashed across the command centre to join Vargev.

Looking over the screen he could see two flashing white symbols headed straight for their position.

Damn, Michael thought; why now, we can’t even get this damn crate moving yet.

Just then Kerulithar stepped onto the command centre.

“I think we have company; two hostiles inbound,” the two men repeated in unison.

Kerulithar calmly walked towards the centre of the bridge and said, “Gublash.”

A hologram depicting the outside of the ship shimmered into existence in front of a bulkhead on the middle wall of the command centre.

The Solarian ambassador strode nearer to the monitor as if to get a closer look. “Krenaran ships; we need to get out of here fast, as soon as they realise we are not Krenaran; they will destroy us for sure.”

Michael and Vargev both looked at the display, saying in unison, “stealth ships.”

Michael raced over to the pilots’ seat and hopped in; quickly placing his hands through the holes.

“Push forward on the grips to accelerate and backwards to decelerate,” Kerulithar said.

“Thanks,” Michael replied as he pushed forward on both grips, the ship started to pick up speed.

“How do you know this?”

“This technology used to be used on our own ships; the Krenarans stole it from us when they attacked one of our research laboratories.”

“Kerulithar; send a message down to the engine room; tell the Faccadian we are going to need every drop of power he can give us.”

The Solarian moved as fast as his spindly legs could carry him, which was surprisingly fast. He moved to another console at the rear of the command centre and began keying in several controls.

“Kallat maihargieth kolei, sandropoth gosienus, voltargroth,” the Solarian spoke into the console.

After a short interlude a response came, and Kerulithar nodded his head; turning to the two humans. “He says, he will do all he can.”

“Good, now let’s see what this baby can really do,” Michael replied.

“Bring the ship slowly to port; bearing 147 degrees,” Kerulithar said.

“Why 147 degrees?” Vargev asked.

“Because that’s the direction to Solarian space; you agreed that you could not win the war without our aid.”

“No he did,” Vargev said pointing over to Michael, “I’m simply here for the ride.”

There was a slight tense silence on the command centre. Vargev and Kerulithar eyed each other intently.

“We did agree,” Michael said aloud from his chair.

An irritated Vargev replied, “like I said, you’re running this show now. It’s your call.”

“In that case, we need to plead your case to the Solarian Government. As a peaceful people we do not enter into war lightly and proof will be needed, you and the logs contained within this ship are that proof.”

“So we are going to see your people?” Vargev asked.


“Oh joy! And what may I ask about all the humans that are out there fighting and dying right now. We have a duty to protect them as well,” Vargev retorted, folding his arms and growing more irritated by the second.

“Unfortunately, that is unavoidable.”

“The hell it is!” Vargev shouted; finally blowing his top, “we should use this ship, and fight back against those bastard Krenarans!”

“Their numbers are too great; if we do that we will be destroyed as well. And we would have lost our chance,” Kerulithar calmly argued.

“You said it yourself Major, it’s a war, people die; remember,” Michael interjected.

“But not this many; especially when we have a chance to fight back damn it, whole colonies are being wiped out!”

“Your argument is sound; however with your plan even more lives will be lost and we would have lost the unique chance this ship gives us,” Kerulithar countered calmly.

“And if we remain here arguing we will be lost as well. For better or worse, somehow we’ve got to get through this,” Michael interjected.

“Okay then, let’s go on our little day trip up the yellow brick road to see the Solarians then. I just hope it doesn’t cost us too dearly in blood,” Vargev pointed out dejectedly.

“Yellow brick road?” Kerulithar asked.

Michael sighed, “never mind.”

Kerulithar walked over to where Michael was sat; the Solarian leaned over the back of the chair. “Push the grips all the way forward to increase our velocity to maximum.”

Michael did so; and the ship increased its speed significantly. There was a slight low-pitched thrumming noise as more power was drawn from the main engine.

Vargev muttered to himself, “damn Solarians, I’ve only known them for five minutes and they are already pissing me off.”

“Did you say something Major?” Kerulithar asked.

“What me? Nothing,” Vargev replied feigning innocence.

The Solarian turned back to Michael’s position, “now change our elevation to 12 degrees. Do this by moving both arms slightly upwards.”

Michael did as he was shown; the chair arms imitated his own movements. And a small blue display on the screen in front of him read 147.12. Michael looked at it, “is that the heading for Solarian space?”

“It is.”

“There is a small button at the bottom of each of your grips; press it to hold the grips in that position, allowing you to free your hands. There is also a purple button on your console; Press this five times,” Kerulithar said.

Michael pressed the button on each grip, gingerly he let his hands free of the grips themselves; they did indeed stay in position. Then he slowly freed his arms from the hand holds. The chair arms stayed in position as well.

“Don’t worry; the chair arms will only return to their standby mode once you’ve actually got out of the chair itself.”

Michael pressed the purple button on his console the requested number of times.

“That button activates the ships plasma drive systems; and the number of times you press it dictates the plasma factor you want to travel at.”

“So we are jumping to plasma factor 5?”


A single bright beam of incandescent blue energy shot forth from underneath the captured Krenaran stealth ship and formed the swirling multi hewed plasma wake; it blotted out some of the stars directly ahead. The Liberty leapt into plasma drive and was gone, the wake dissipating behind it.

“Can you believe this?” Michael said in amazement, “our ships are only capable of Plasma factor 3 tops. It’s no wonder the Krenarans are running rings round us!”

“Those Krenaran ships are still following us,” Vargev pointed out.

Kerulithar switched the viewer to the rear view, the Krenaran ships were indeed visible, and had joined the same plasma drive tunnel as theirs.

“Well they are definitely following us now,” Vargev pointed out.

“They must have matched our course; probably wondering why we are headed towards Solarian space,” Kerulithar said. “If they get close enough they’ll open fire, try to knock us out of plasma drive, where they can re-capture us. Increase speed to plasma factor 6.”

Michael quickly jabbed the purple button again, “what is this ships maximum speed anyway?” He asked, turning to Kerulithar.

The low pitched thrum grew louder; and the deck plates began to vibrate.

“We are at it,” Kerulithar replied. “They can still overcharge their engines to close with us but it’s risky. They could end up damaging their own plasma drive systems, and then be hurled out of plasma drive altogether.”

The Liberty raced through the plasma drive tunnel like a lightning bolt; stars were merely long streaks of light flashing past the ship; in front of which the colours of the plasma tunnel were transposed, swirling, and melding, before separating and clashing once again. The two other identical Krenaran ships shot through the tunnel in hot pursuit; not far behind their quarry.

“Wait a minute, look!” Vargev pointed to one of the chasing Krenaran ships.