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He came straight to the point and said that it seemed to him that the Boleyn fortunes looked bright.

When I told him that the King had hinted at breaking up his marriage to the Queen and setting me in her place, he was astounded.

“Even the King would not dare to do that.”

“That is what I think.”

“If the Queen came from a noble English family…well, it would be as good as done. But the Emperor's aunt! He would consider it an insult and would do anything to prevent it.”

“The King says he is determined. He says that his conscience is disturbed because he married his brother's widow.”

George raised his eyebrows. “The King has a conscience, I know. Strictly between ourselves, it is a most accommodating conscience, one of his most loyal subjects and always ready to act at his command.”

I laughed. “Oh George, you will have to guard your tongue, you know.”

“You mean in the presence of our gracious Queen-to-be?”

“Don't joke. It alarms me. And I cannot believe it will ever come to pass.”

“Miracles happen, and if anyone other than God can create them, it is our powerful King. He would have to get the Pope on his side.”

“Do you think he could do that?”

“Clement is no Leo. He wavers… unable to make up his mind which way it is wise to jump. So much will depend on which one he fears more… the King or the Emperor. Popes have, of course, always been ready to give dispensations to monarchs. When you look back, you see so many cases. The King's own sister, Margaret, was divorced from the Earl of Angus on account of a pre-contract. And there was Suffolk…Not royal it's true but he could not marry his first wife without a dispensation from the Pope…and now he is the King's brother-in-law. You see, it can be done. The only obstacle, it would seem, is the Queen's relationship with the Emperor.”

“He quotes Leviticus.”

“Yes,” said George. “‘ If a man taketh his brother's wife, it is an impurity; he hath uncovered his brother's nakedness; they shall be childless…’ or something like that.”

“It fits,” I said.

“Yes, but the marriage with Arthur was never consummated. Arthur was very young and moreover sickly. He must have been on the point of death when he married.”

“George…if it should come to pass…”

“I shall enjoy seeing my sister Queen of England.”

“I cannot believe it could be possible.”

George looked at me quizzically. “More extraordinary things have happened. And I will say that you are worthy to wear a crown.”

“You think so because I am your sister.”

“I think so because you are yourself.”

I put out my hand and he took it.

“George,” I said, “whatever happens… always be there.”

He nodded, and it was like a pact between us.

* * *

The jeweler had completed the ornament. It was very beautifully wrought and clearly portrayed what I had intended.

I sent it to the King with a note telling him that I was like the storm-tossed lady in the boat.

He wrote immediately, telling me how delighted he was to have such a gift from me. He thought it beautiful and he thanked me cordially. He took it as an expression of my humility because the lady in the boat was meant to be myself. He said he would outdo me in loyalty of heart and the desire to please. He prayed daily that his prayers would be answered and that the time before we could be together would be brief. The letter was “written by the hand of the one who in heart and body and will is your loyal and most assured servant,” and it was signed “H seeks A.B. no other. R.” And around my initials he had drawn a heart.

I was very uncertain. I wanted to go to Court but I knew my presence there might make difficulties while the delicate procedure was going on.

The King was urging me to go back, so I decided I would, and return if I found the situation becoming difficult for me, which it well might. I did not know how he intended to proceed, but all now knew of his feelings for me. And there was another matter which was imperative. I should have to hold off his importunings, and now that I had given him my ring and sent him the ornament, thereby proclaiming my willingness to accept him, they could become more persistent.

But I could—in desperation—always return to Hever.

When I reached the Court, I was aware of the different attitude toward me. It was difficult for the King to take any action without someone's being aware of it, and it was known that he had visited Hever unannounced. There could be only one reason for that.

Many of them thought I was the King's mistress. They would not have believed that any woman could hold out against him and keep his attention. I often wondered whether I should be able to do this because, although I confess to having been dazzled by the prospect of a crown, I had always realized how difficult it would be to come by; and always at the back of my mind was the thought that it might be better if the whole thing were forgotten; this brought out an indifference in me which enabled me to keep my dignity and helped me to hold back. It was probably that quality in me which had enslaved the King. He had been used to surrenders—as in the case of Mary—and he had come to suspect that in his case the hunt was over almost before it began. That I was not ready to give way, set me apart and made the chase more exciting.

When I returned, a certain feverish excitement gripped me, but while I secretly enjoyed the power my position gave me, I had an uneasy feeling that there was something essentially ephemeral about the entire situation.

I was at the center of the gaiety of the Court. Already people were gathering around me. My cousin Surrey, George, of course, Thomas Wyatt, Francis Bryan, Weston… all the wits and most lively and interesting of the men. Naturally the King wanted to be with such.

He was amazingly patient and although it was his most urgent desire that I should share his bed, he liked to think of himself as a religious man, and such a one must not only respect my virtue but applaud it. I believe, as much as he desired me, he wanted me to remain virginal because he felt that was right in God's eyes. He was very preoccupied with God during this time, and I felt that helped me to evade the issue for which he so desperately longed. He was really asking God to come to his aid for now he had convinced himself that the Almighty was showing his disapproval of the marriage to Katharine by telling him—in the usual mysterious way—that he would never get sons while he was a partner in an incestuous marriage.

He cherished this thought. It soothed his conscience, and it enabled him to enjoy the entertainments and the company of the band of wits.

Thomas Wyatt caused me certain anxiety. He was jealous of my relationship with the King. Thomas had never been discreet. He was married, it was true, and therefore he could not marry me, but the King was married also. It might have been that, now everyone knew of the King's devotion to me, they could not believe that I was not his mistress. Thomas had ideas that, when my affair with the King was over, I would turn to him.

There was an unfortunate incident which I heard of through Francis Bryan, who hastened to tell me as soon as it took place.

The King had, of course, noticed Thomas Wyatt's feelings for me, and this did not please him. Wyatt was as tall as the King, and very handsome indeed with his blond looks and nonchalant charm. He had a dignity which, at times, I feared might be his undoing, for he often sacrificed subservience to wit. He was too clever to do anything of which the King could complain, but he came very near to it. He would often imply a lack of appreciation for the King's poetry, and there had been occasions when he had come near to giving offense.