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This time, it was the Grand Duke.

Who is it going to be next? But we are a monarchy.

So is England, but they have a parliament, too.

Hear me out.

You need to have an elected legislature.

A Duma.

It's the only way.

[footsteps in snow] [Mr Gilliard] When I arrived at the palace, I came as a tutor.

But my role, ultimately, was to bear witness to history.

[quick footsteps] Welcome, Monsieur Gilliard.

[whispers] Your French tutor.

This is Alexei.

This is Olga.

Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia.

I expect you all to behave, comme il faut.

- Was that right? - Absolutement parfait.

Perfect, your excellency.

It is a pleasure to meet you all.

You're not very tall, are you? Enchanté.

[Mr Gilliard] That is when I first met her.

[clock ticks] - [screams] - [bang] A little girl with no idea of the terrors ahead.

Her notes.

She said a guard helped her escape? She says he hid her with his family.


Then, the Bolsheviks came, and he smuggled her to Bucharest.

So, he saved her life.

So she says.

- [Mr Gilliard sighs] - [papers rustle] [doctor] She also says he raped her.

And that they had a baby together.

Then, he was killed by Bolshevik agents, so she left the child with his family, and then she ran away.

A week after she arrived in Berlin, she threw herself off a bridge.

Things she collected.

Photographs, newspaper articles.

It's to remind her of who she once was, or to help her learn who she's trying to be.

You think she's another impostor? They're after the fame and the money.

Many, many people want to make a claim on that world.

Being rich and famous never kept anyone safe.

It was a dangerous time, even before war and revolution.

[clock ticks] [Mr Gilliard] These elected representatives will propose and approve law.

They will discuss the work of the Czar's government, and they will be able to look at the budget.

Now, how old you think they will have to be to be a member of the Duma? [Dr Hetherington] So, Nicholas is finally convinced that he has to offer real concessions to the Russian people.

He promises an elected representative government, what's called in Russian, a Duma.

So, this really is a massive concession for an autocrat to make.

It's the first time that any Czar has agreed to anything like this before.

What were you doing, agreeing to this? It's a temporary measure.

I had no choice.

No choice? You're the Czar.

God rules through you.

I had to give the people something.

It starts with something, but where does it end? They'll want more.

Be careful, Nicky.

[receding footsteps] [Dr Alexandrova] For Nicholas the moment when he offers concessions to the people is a very tragic one.

But on the other hand, the Duma is weak, and the Czar can ignore its decisions or veto its decisions at any moment.

The whole Duma business is very risky.

It gives people the taste of democracy, and there is always the risk the people would want more democracy.

[Montefiore] It's a mess.

The fact is, the Czar remains the autocrat, and even though the Duma is elected by a large electorate, it actually doesn't have as much power as it looks like it has.

So, it's a paper tiger.

[a man moans in the distance] [man moans] [gunshots] [Montefiore] While the Duma was busy debating, Nicholas was more interested in repression, a ruthless and vengeful crackdown on revolutionaries.

1905 saw a dramatic rise in death sentences and executions.

Thousands of revolutionaries are killed across the empire, but men like Kalyayev, who were prepared to die for the cause, welcomed the death sentence.

He tells his judge, "Learn to look the advancing revolution in the face.

" [cocking of guns] - [yells] Fuck the Czar! - [soldiers] Aim, fire! [bang] [Prof Fedyashin] Towards the end of the year, Alexei falls and hurts himself, and begins to bleed internally.

There's terrible swelling in his leg.

The doctors, they try everything.

They're doing everything they can to help him.

- [Alexei cries] - [doctor] His pulse is very quick.

Let's try and get fluids into him.

[Alexei cries] - Where the hell were you? - [Alexei cries] I told you! It only takes a second.

Just a second of taking your eye off him! [Alix gasping] It's okay.

It's okay, my darling.

[doctor] The swelling is worse.

His blood pressure is dropping.

All we can do is give him something for the pain.

[Alexei cries] Mummy's here.

- [Alix, crying] Mummy's here.

- [Alexei cries] Oh! Christ, my Lord, who saved Jonah out of the belly of the whale and Daniel out of the mouths of the lions You said you know someone.

Deliver us now from the dreadful darkness of the Prince of Evil We want an introduction.

Right away.

[click] Let not the Devil come over the deathbed of thy servant.

[door squeaks] [Alix] Oh my Christ, let not the Devil come over the deathbed of thy servant.

[Alix] Oh my Christ, deliver us now.

Deliver us [sniffs] Enough.

[male narrator] A young woman, alone and deeply traumatized, makes her way to the Landwehr Canal.

She has no money.

No possessions.

But she has an incredible claim.

[clock ticking] [screams] [bang] This woman says she is Anastasia, [gun fires] the youngest daughter of Russia’s last Czar.

It is my task to decide if she is telling the truth.

Where did she get these? The Von Kleist family.

They put her up for a while.

They believe that she’s Anastasia.

They were trying to prompt her memories.

[crackle of paper] When did you get this? A patient at the Dalldorf asylum gave it to her.

After that, she started saying that she is Anastasia Romanov.

Did you do this? I hope never to see him again.

Did you ever meet him, the mad monk? Only once.

That was enough.

[crying] [narrator] The monk had a very special place in the Romanov household because of the boy’s haemophilia.

[crying] [slow, quiet footsteps] He could do something no one else could do Calm the boy and stop the bleeding.

[Hmm] [Dr Alexandrova] The way Rasputin heals Alexei is very mysterious.

But the actual secret lies in Alexandra.

[Dr Alexandrova] Alexandra believes that Rasputin is sent to her by God.

His confidence calms Alexandra.

And in turn, that soothes Alexei.

It’s all right.

Come in.

I’m a simple peasant.

To be here I am honored that you trust me.

He gets sick.

I can’t think or feel.

I don’t know who I am.

You are his mother.

You're also keeping the biggest secret in Russia.

It is the burden you must carry.

But now now it is mine as well.

[Smith] Rasputin’s timing, when he meets the royal couple, could not be better.

It’s the revolutionary year of 1905.

Nicholas and Alexandra live in a gilded cage.

Rasputin is this amazing, calming influence.

Alexandra believes that when he speaks, he speaks the word of God.

[sound of children's laughter] [Dr Hetherington] Alexandra doesn’t want very many people to know that Alexei is ill and that he has haemophilia.

And this is what really puts them in the position to start listening to Rasputin, who claimed to be able to cure Alexei.

[sound of children's laughter] [children laughing] [Rasputin] Girls.


Father Grigori.

Let’s take a walk.

[Montefiore] No one knew what was wrong with Alexei, they knew something was wrong, but didn’t know what.

And much of Nicky and Alix’s behavior was inexplicable unless you knew this terrible secret.

It’s a really, really dangerous moment and potentially catastrophic for the dynasty.