[bang] [rustle of paper] [Montefiore] Stolypin thinks of course Nicholas will see sense and get rid of Rasputin.
But we’re not really dealing in the realm of reason here.
[Smith] Nicholas and Alexandra are incapable of understanding the degree to which their private life is a public matter.
[Rasputin] Are you sick? [laughs] Just from worry.
Sometimes I think the only thing between me, Nicky, and sheer oblivion is you.
[Dr Hetherington] There had long been rumors that not only was Rasputin a lewd figure, who had all sorts of affairs and, you know, acted in all sorts of inappropriate ways with women, but that he was having an affair with the Czarina herself.
Our Father, who art in heaven [both] Hallowed be thy name.
[both] Thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses.
[Alexandra sighing] [door shuts] [gasps] [Smith] Rasputin wields enormous power over Alexandra, but there’s no way he uses this to begin some sort of sexual relationship.
It is a profoundly, if you will, spiritual sort of relationship, without a physical quality to it, other than a sense of tenderness.
Their relationship had become one where she depended on him, much like one might depend on a psychiatrist or a counsellor today.
Father Grigori, how can I ever thank you for what you have done? [sound of water] [Rasputin sighs] [lover sighs] [smack] Again! [smack] - Again! Ah! - [smack] - [smack] - [groans] My heart aches to see you again.
- [smack] - [groans] To fall asleep on your shoulder.
[Rasputin sighing] [woman moans fainty] [Rasputin gasps] I know I have sinned many times.
[groaning] I am weak.
[gasping] [groans of pleasure] But don’t abandon me.
[moans of pleasure] I love you and believe in you.
And I kiss you warmly.
I am your child.
[Rasputin yells in pleasure] There is every risk, as he continues his hedonistic behavior, that this will cause a scandal.
[thud] You had the police follow him? In his village, he was charged with theft and blasphemy.
That file details several accusations of sexual assault and even rape.
All lies to discredit him.
I saw his filthy hands grope my own daughter! [Stolypin] I’m concerned he is comforting your wife, sir.
I would rather have ten Rasputins than one of my wife’s episodes.
Don’t you see? His presence here is damaging you.
It is rumored he’s her lover.
[shouting] Well, they can say what they like.
I know the truth! Please.
Meet with him.
Give him another chance.
In many ways, what we have here, is statesmanship facing faith.
This is a battle for Nicholas’ mind.
[sighs] These accusations are totally false.
I am a simple holy man.
From what I hear, you are neither simple nor holy.
I talk and I listen.
That’s all.
Well, listen to me, for the sake of Russia, you need to leave the Czar and his family alone.
[chuckles] I knew a man like you back in my village, a magistrate.
We did not get on.
What did you do? Fuck his wife? We had a clash of faiths.
[laughing] You Fucking vermin.
- You will leave this city - [bang] in 48 hours, or I shall have you arrested.
This, priest.
This is power.
[sniffs] Only God knows what real power is.
And death rides with you.
[Dr Antonova] Stolypin is, in many ways, a reasonable man, who sees the state of things in Russia.
To this day, many people believe Stolypin was the last hope of the Romanov Dynasty.
[sound of car engine] We’ll never know because he is not around long enough.
You get Stolypin here.
You make him reverse the order.
- And then you fire him.
- [sighs] What for? Insulting our friend.
I can’t fire him, Sunny.
He is the most capable prime minister I’ve had.
I need him.
And our son needs Grigori.
[fanfare of brass music] [audience applause] [opera music in the background] [music continues] - [man's voice] Long live anarchy! - [gun shot] [smash] [Nicolas] Get a doctor! Go! [panting, groaning] [gasping breaths] Happy to die for the Czar.
[shouting] Someone! And death rides with you.
After Stolypin is shot in the Kiev Opera in 1911, he still fights for his life for three more days.
When he finally dies, it means not only the end to the reforms, but also, the fact that Rasputin will gain more influence on the Czar.
[Rasputin] Your Reverence I do find these meetings a little inconvenient.
What do you need? There’s a dramatic confrontation between Germogen, Iliodor, and Rasputin that takes place in Petersburg at the end of 1911.
They have decided this is their moment to bring Rasputin down.
Our meetings with the Czar have been a little irregular lately.
We were wondering Shall I tell you what you really need? You need to start treating the Czar like your divine leader, not a cash register.
You need to start treating the Empress like a goddess, not a source of gossip.
But mainly, you need to start treating me with some fucking respect.
[ring of a metal blade] You were nothing without us.
And, as God is my witness, you will be nothing again.
[quietly laughs] Get the fuck off me! - [thumps] - [groans] [spits] [Smith] Unfortunately for Rasputin, Iliodor sees these letters.
And he then uses them as a weapon to get back at Rasputin and leaks them to the public.
[rainfall] [footsteps] [rustle of paper] [Dr Hetherington] These letters seem to suggest a deep affection between Alexandra and Rasputin, and depending on how we read them, they could be read as the letters of one lover to another lover.
"My heart aches to see you again" "To fall asleep on your shoulder.
" [both laugh] [Montefiore] The exposure of the intimacy of the relationship with Rasputin exposes the family itself, and what was really happening inside Nicholas and Alexandra’s court.
And it isn’t a pretty sight.
[woman recites] "I know I have sinned many times, that I am weak.
" [door rattles] "I kiss you warmly.
I am your child.
" Jesus Christ, Nicky! Is she actually an idiot? Or does she want to bring down the whole dynasty? It’s regrettable.
No, Nicky! Losing one’s umbrella is regrettable! This is the Empress of all Russia doing God knows what with a vagrant! We don’t just regret this kind of thing, we burn for it! Oh! [footsteps] [quick footsteps] They’ve twisted everything.
I know that.
The problem is no-one else does.
The people will never stop loving you.
The people will never forget this.
We are humiliated.
And so is he! [gasps] Don’t you understand? He is hated because we love him.
What will happen next time Alexei bleeds? Who will help us then? Nicky! Please.
It’s for the good of Russia that he stays.
Look at it.
It is precisely for that reason he has to leave.
[gasping] [Alix yells] [sobs] [sound of a train on tracks] [roaring of steam] [doors rattle] What’s happened? What have you done? I thought the Czarina needed you.
She does.
And she will do again.
Alexei, careful.
[child's voice] Anastasia, stop.
[oars on boat boards] Why not? Because I want it.
It's mine.
No, it's not, it's mine.
Mama, Anastasia and Maria are fighting again.
- [child] You have to learn to share.
- [Alix] Anastasia, Maria, please.
- [bump] - [screams] Alexei Alexei! As a haemophiliac, any bruise, any fall, any bump can lead to a bleed that is, first of all, agonizing.
But also, these can lead to death, and a terrible death too.