Unfortunately, those years even that people who were aware of this problem, couldn’t see how serious it was, and treated it with carefree humour. Examples aren’t hard to find. My great-grandfather’s friend and biographer, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, in a mood of playing a joke, has chosen twelve addresses of the most prominent London bankers with a reputation of honest and law-abiding people and sent to each of them such a telegram: “Everything is revealed. Hide away”. The other day all of them left London. Having done this, all of them admitted criminal and anti-social character of their activity, but really the matter was much more serious...
Former financial swindlers, counterfeiters and embezzlers of public funds succeeded gradually to pin down the government, university professorship, science, to gain total control of mass-media, to subdue the police, armies and intelligence of Eastern Europe and North America countries, and to begin systematic robbery and extermination of population in all other countries of the world. These unhappy states are called the countries of “the third world” on thieves’ slang. It is almost hopeless in our days to struggle with this criminals, up-to-date high developed and armed to their teeth, and not only hopeless, but sometimes illegal, because they themselves have created law systems for their own defence.
I’m ready to agree with you, Holmes, but let me see, how did they manage to do that?
Three main points were substantial here: firstly, universal concentration on realization of petty self-seeking interests, and, as a result, couldn’t-care-less attitude to the problems of social and global scale; then, the foundation of wide international net of secret organizations, and, lastly, creating of central banks and concomitant capture of monopoly on printing money, which means making value almost of the air – it can be deservedly considered the most amazing act of black magic in the history. The specific mechanisms of making this plan true you, Watson, will never be able to understand, until you thoroughly study the Yahoo theories of our great compatriot Jonathan Swift[10], and also Russian branch of very ancient tradition of establishing humaneness on the Earth. Now it’s not my task to introduce you to the entire course of so-called “higher” sociology, “higher” economy and of politics for the “select people”, because it would take years and years of intense teacher’s work, though in normal society they should be an integral part of compulsory education. So let’s limit to mere certification of this sorrowful fact, and start to analyse the problem interesting for us.
So, old fellow, what is necessary for an individual, mistakenly attributed to “Homo Sapiens” kind, hominid family, for committing a crime, is an obligatory combination of three factors in the character of a potential criminaclass="underline" 1) a motive of the crime, 2) physical and technical ability to carry it out, 3) absence of moral barriers and fear of punishment, and in some cases – society itself doesn’t leave any choice for the person, and this is what European and American analysts aren’t likely to remember, while in the past the analysts of so-called “socialistic camp” countries were overemphasizing it.
The researchers-criminalists revealed the statistics, which was interpreted by their biologists-consultants this way: the kind of “Homo Sapiens” is not homogeneous, but consists of four subspecies, two of that predatory and much more predisposed to anti-social behaviour including committing crimes, than others. Believe me, Watson, all these theories are very curious, but minding to save the time we won’t focus our attention on them now. The analysis of three aforementioned facts will be sufficient. And now you yourself try to consider if the supposed “Arabian terrorists” deal with these components.
I appreciated Holmes’s fine manoeuvre. Actually, I was acquainted with “Arabian terrorists” not through hearsay. May be my life, like that of anyone else, was mostly predestined by life and activity of my ancestors, or, as it is called now, – family aggregors. There were no doubts, that my great-grandfather, Sir John Henry Watson, was the aggregor leader in our family; he was an officer of military medicine service, retired afterwards, the participant of the second Afghan campaign, the true friend and associate of a worldly-known detective of the past century, Sherlock Holmes. So unsurprisingly I’ve got good medical education, as many male members of our family, and had a successful practice in the navy-base hospital of Portsmouth during two years. When Russian troops invaded Afghanistan in the end of 1979, many of my Portsmouth friends paid their attention to the “chance” coincidence of that date with the hundredth anniversary of our unsuccessful second military campaign in Afghanistan. And though my great-grandfather’s involving into the hostilities wasn’t marked with any heroic deeds, he himself claimed that this involving predetermined all his further life. Therefore, when I was offered to work in the international organization “Doctors without borders”, I said to me – “that’s your fate!” and agreed without hesitating. All the more I wasn’t surprised, when this fate has thrown me firstly to the Pakistan camp of Afghan refugees, and then – to enigmatic and at the same time dangerous Afghanistan. And yet very soon in this far from romance place I got rid of many delusions of my youth and got acquainted with the warriors of Islam (“Arabian[11] terrorists” after September 11), this time not by family legends only. But there, in Pakistan and Afghanistan, I was to deal not only with warriors of Islam, but with wounded Russian prisoners of war too. At first they considered me to be a Mi-6 agent, and kept silent in my presence, but soon, making sure that I didn’t know Russian language, started to discuss ardently something between each other even in my presence. Trying to understand the true causes of this war, which, as I thought, had much in common with that of my great-grandfather, I started learning Russian language, hoping, that Russians, discussing their problems, will help me to comprehend correctly the current events. Having made sure, that I wasn’t trying to ferret out their “military secrets”, they became imbued with sympathies and were willing to help me in learning language, together with answering my strange, to their mind, questions. From these conversations with Russians I got to know that this war was incomprehensible not only for persons like me – those, who didn’t take part in operations directly – but even to direct executors. And the longer lasted this bloody mess, the more I guessed that everyone drawn into it was only tool in some mighty hands making big policy on the blood. As a result, when the term of my three-year contract was up, I returned to England, feeling the same bitterness and disappointment as my great-grandfather hundred years before. The circle locked. Desiring not to tempt the fate any more, I decided to deceive it. First, I gave up my medical practice, by which I was earning my living, and appealed to the old passion of me as a student – chess, supposing that this wonderful ancient game would give me an opportunity to hide from social problems of decaying western civilization. I came to this sorrowful conclusion yet in Afghanistan, considering even then, that the world was on the brink of the World War III – war between East and West, between Christian and Muslim civilizations. But I still needed money for living. For the beginning my friends helped me to get a job in the editorial of “Chess Monthly” magazine, and when I was a made man, I began to contribute to “British Chess Magazine” too. Two latest years I have been spending almost all my spare time in the weekly internet-publication “The Week in Chess”, or, as all of us called it, – TWIC.
Recollections of the past let sometimes find a definite answer to the posed question, but this time I felt that I wasn’t supposed to answer. Moreover, I was sure, that Holmes was ready to develop a theme of “Arabian terrorists” involvement in the events of September 11.
I find it difficult to say something about that, my dear friend. Don’t forget, that I’m just a modest observer of needless chess literary trash.
Well, I’m ready to help you, Watson, – Holmes admitted the game. – The first point is motive of the crime. For the first look, it seems undisputable, that “Arabian terrorists” have it, but it’s only for the first and the most superficial look. Americans have enough of hostiles all over the world: their embassies already long ago have turned to tiny military bases almost in every country of the world. The official reason sounds like that: “The USA is disliked for their defence of human rights, ideals of democracy and individual liberty”, and is such absurd as any other American propaganda. Thus, “everybody can offend Americans” in theory, it doesn’t matter – whether it would be Philippine or Macedonian, and there’s no reason to set apart some religious or ethnic group in this case. On the contrary, if there’s someone who can feel thankful to USA, it will only be representatives of Islamic extremist movements, for example – Abraham Lincoln’s Brigade, Liberation Army of Kosovo, Afghan talibs or Chechen rebels. And fairy stories about Bin Ladin declaring war to all Americans and distorting their own 175-year-ago slogan: “Good American – is dead American” are good enough only for powdering brains of the most intellectually degenerated strata of population. By the way, about half a year ago three UN representatives were arraigned for sending threatening faxes to American embassies on behalf of above-mentioned Bin Ladin. Obviously, it was at a profit to somebody to create and maintain this image of him as some malicious genius-resembling professor Moriarty, for having an opportunity to ascribe his or her own dirty affairs to him.