Don’t you mean enciphered messages among classified ads?
And them too. Anyway, don’t think that they should be necessarily enciphered. It is enough to use some key words or numbers for attracting addressee’s attention and to entwine the pattern of standard recognizable images to the text. The rest can be compensated by play on words, some allegories – in other words, by consecutive constructing of all those things in the articles, which are called an underlying theme among cinema and theatre directors or the second sense (or implication) by some art critics, i.e. meaning that can’t be absorbed from the first shallow look. I can assure you, Watson, that when you have a skill of creating and reading the implication of some texts, the effect can be tremendous.
I can tell you, Holmes, I understand you as little as before.
Well, I’ll try to explain myself. Haven’t you paid enough attention to the leapfrog game with the number 11 in the context of events we are trying to entangle?
Of course, I have! There were so much told about it lately; and indeed it seems rather strange: the attack took place on the 11th day of the 9th month; this was the 254th day in a year; the sum of 2+5+4 is 11 too; and exactly 111 days remain to the end of the year; the first ram of the northern tower of WTC (World Trade Centre) was made by the hijacked passenger airliner, flight 11 of American Airlines. On its board that time there were 92 persons, i.e. again 9+2=11, including 2 pilots, 9 crewmembers and 81 passengers. At last, the New York Trading Centre buildings themselves, huge 111-stored towers, represent the largest in the world number 11, with the altitude of 411m.
Brilliantly, Watson! Add to this that in the second airplane, belonging to the company United Airlines, ramming the southern tower, there were 56 passengers, which again gives us 5+6=11. From papers and television it is also known that unhappy victims of those monstrous crimes of September 11 were trying to reach the emergency line by their mobile phones, and surprisingly its telephone number is 911 – the same combination of number with the same sum – 11. Doesn’t it put you on your guard, Watson?
Surely, all these coincidences are extremely strange, and they gave me a very strong, I even can say, mystical impression. The feeling is like that – either it is an inscrutable Providence of Lord, or the tricks of someone’s mind unexampled in its devilish perversity, some criminal genius not having any analogues in History, who dared to challenge Providence itself, he who excels even above-mentioned professor Moriarty in his haughty arrogance!
Well, Watson, old chap, you went a little bit too far in appreciating him; classics of criminal genre shouldn’t be offended! Of course, all these cabbalistic stuff have a captivating effect on many people (that’s what they’re done for), but there’s nothing especially sophisticated in them – usual arithmetic mischief.
Fine mischief – so many people perished! – I couldn’t help saying, – but who, to your opinion, Holmes, can hide behind these horrible crimes?
We’ll return to the real quantity of victims, and now, Watson, I’d like you to pay your attention to the opinion of my old Oxford friend Shlomo bin Ami, who was the Minister of Domestic Security not so long ago, very clever and rather well-versed person. So, in one of his recent interviews he said, that organization of acts of terrorism in USA is so impressive that it is of no doubt Terrorist International who stands behind this all.
Perhaps, he meant a group of extremist Muslim organizations. What’s special here, dear Holmes, doesn’t everyone speak of it now?
I have no doubts that not you alone understood him this way. But meanwhile he should be well informed about complete absence of reliable sources of finances and any coordination even between a few pro-Palestinian groups, such as Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad or NFOP, which operate on very limited territory. And any suggestions of their contacts with Sendero Luminoso or Aum Senrike seem to absolute nonsense.
Besides, it’ll be useful to remember that Koran doesn’t give any ready-to-be-used global sociologic doctrine, like that which is constantly declared in Western civilization at least during two latest centuries: from Kipling’s “white man’s mission” to “all world is a chess board” by Zbignev Brzezinski. And by the way for almost 150 years a very good organized and abundantly fed international net of terrorist organizations representing hundreds of countries works on our planet, and the name of International constantly belongs to it.
I beg your pardon, Holmes; don’t you mean Trotskyites? But it’s simply ridiculous! Trotsky has died 60 years ago. Marxism is almost forgotten! –I exclaimed unintentionally, and regretted about the sharpness of my declaration at once. In answer my friend arched his bushy eyebrows in hardly noticeable astonishment and gazed at me.
Do you really think so, Watson?
I felt rather awkward. I knew Sherlock Holmes good enough for not suspecting him of superficiality and shallowness, but too absurd seemed this version of his – some anonymous groups of crazy Marxists, living on the ideas hopelessly old-fashioned even before the moment of their birth, are involved in the crime of our century! But nevertheless, I hurried up to smooth out my indiscretion.
I’m sorry, my dear friend, but things that you say are so extraordinary... I beg you, continue your thought.
I didn’t get offended at all, Watson. I can understand your amazement very well, and assure you: what you will hear now will stun you still more.
I promise not to interrupt you any more.
You must know, Watson, that Communistic International I was founded in our city with direct participation of Karl Marx in 1864. Theoretically the aim of its foundation was to coordinate the subversive terrorist activity all over Europe, but taking into account Karl’s contentious and ambitious character and lack of any organizer’s talent, the effectiveness of those Carbonari work wasn’t great. Very soon his personal conflict with Bakunin, who openly despised that petty bearded bourgeois, schemer and descendant of rabbis, lead to the split of organization and because the most part of it was not on the Marx’s side, he decided to disband it for good.
After the death of “the leader of world proletariat” his faithful comrade in arms, Friedrich Engels, has founded Comintern II in 1889, which consisted only of Marxist groups, though hiding under social-democratic facades. And those conspirators mostly went in for petty terrorism, domestic internecine quarrelling, sectarian squabbles and fights for party cash which was enlarged, as you can guess, Watson, not on the expense of worker’s pence, centimes, pfennings and kopecks, and not for the donations for widows and orphans. Because of internal contradictions and partly thanks to my great-grandfather International II has almost finally split up by the beginning of World War I, and hardly it could leave more strong trace in a History than its predecessor, if it was not for the tiny Russian party RSDRP (Social-Democratic Working Party of Russia), or more exactly, its most urgent flank headed by capacious and creative Marxist, Ulyanov, who got into History under the name of Lenin. I won’t bore you describing the backstage underlying basis of all tragic events in Russia and the rest part of the world at the beginning of the 20th century, Watson; I’ll only tell you, that Trotskyites came to rule under the banners of bolshevism, popular among Russian workers, and created International III anew, which was disbanded by the personal directions of the real Bolshevik, Stalin, after Teheran conference in 1943.
It seemed that the world bourgeoisie would have felt rejoice, having got rid of “the phantom of communism”[13] which Marx let wander Europe, but it was not to be. The campaign against yahoo-cosmopolites without kith or kin begun in the Soviet Union by Stalin made their Northern American patrons to re-create Communistic International, which this time got a name of Socialistic, for not waking associations with horrors of “communistic” revolution and bolshevism’s power in the minds of common people. It happened in 1951 in London; I ask you to remember this date, Watson. It was International IV that was to stop spreading the ideas of Bolshevism-Stalinism over Europe, the ideas which common people in European countries can’t set apart from Marxism-Trotskyism.