Excuse me, Holmes, but I can’t catch it quite welclass="underline" don’t you want to say, that International IV was founded in 1951 by the governments of capitalist countries led by USA?
Yes, you understood me correctly, Watson. Those, who are looking forward to the world dominance during four latest thousands of years, needed to fill out the ideological vacuum in Europe, which appeared after ruining of Hitler’s national-socialism, for keeping the political control on the masses and saving the illusion of pluralistic pattern of governing. Notice, that this new-born organization wasn’t fictitious: such remarkable parties-lodges of European political arena as English Labourites, French Socialists, German Social-Democrats, and since 1974 – PSOE, Spanish working socialists, were its members. By the way, the social-terrorist party of Salvador Allende, smashed by General Pinochet during the putsch, was either. Strange coincidence – the putsch by Pinochet began that very date – September 11, 1973. I can add that Pinochet’s arrest in England, the trial after it – this all is peculiar revenge to bourgeois democrats from Marxists-Trotskyites, whose positions in the world became firmly established recently. The consequence of the latest International is seen also by its considerable information net spreading all over the world. It is headed by one of the leading American editions The New York Times, with which such papers as “Le Monde”, “The Washington Post”, “El Pais”, “La Repubblica” and many others, it’s hard to count them all, are unite. The leading TV companies of the world belong to this global information net too. The headquarters of the organization is located still in London, as 137 years ago. The sum of numbers is again 11, as you can see.
But why do we know nothing about it then? I can’t remember any publications of any Congresses of so mighty organization in the press. And it must have celebrated its 50th anniversary, mustn’t it!
But it has done so, old fellow Watson: in plain view of the whole world, with fire-works, crackers, and plenty of smoke! And furthermore, doing so, it gave the funeral repast in memory of fallen Chilean comrades (don’t forget that the buildings of WTC were constructed in 1972 and 1973!); also it earned quite a lot, organizing the banquet, and also got much political dividends for their open and concealed supporters. Isn’t it enough for you?
Don’t you want to say, Holmes, that it was Tony Blair ... who exploded those towers of WTC?
Don’t bring my words to absurd, Watson, but believe me – our own Prime minister is closer to that criminal show than any Bin Ladin.
It is a very severe statement, Holmes, and I hope you have more weighty proofs of its thoroughness than yet cited deductions?
Of course, my friend, naturally... and not a few...
Holmes rose and, having approached to an old mahogany desk, took a batch of papers from the upper shelf. While he was slowly leafing through them, they seemed to me to be printed copies of some letters and newspaper articles. At last he’s found what he needed and, approaching to me, he gave me several sheets of paper:” Here, look at that, Watson, at least.” I thanked him and started reading with interest. The first was the copy of the article written by someone named John Kifner from “The New York Times”, and it was titled as flowery and ineptly as Yankee always do: “American Flight 11: A Plane Left Boston and Skimmed Over River and Mountain in a Deadly Detour”. Probably, it was in the author’s purposes that a reader, getting tired of reading a title, will have no desire to penetrate further into his rubbish.
Notice the date, Watson, – advised Holmes.
September 13, 2001, – I read, – And why? You may know that I’m not a superstitious person, my dear Holmes.
You’re not, but you mustn’t forget, that numbers have special, magical importance for those gentlemen, and the number 13 is the most favourable for them. Have you never encountered any people of this kind?
Frankly speaking, no… never… but, wait, I’ve just remembered! I knew one guy, who always cried that number 13 was lucky for him. But you hardly know him.
You see, Watson, it isn’t as simple. Don’t forget, that this paper is a propaganda flagship of International IV. Read attentively.
I started reading. The article was not large, but exceptionally incoherent. There was a feeling, that the author was trying to say something to his reader, but either he was lacking of expressional means, or he tried to say something that he hadn’t right to say for some reasons, and that’s why some extracts seemed to have no sense at all. If it weren’t for Holmes’s persistence, I would never pay much attention to this article. There was adduced the statistics on the flight AA11, which I’ve already learnt from other sources: two pilots, nine flight attendants and 81 passengers – may be, too many stewardesses, but the plane wasn’t little also – Boeing-767. The following passage seemed to me rather strange:
“A seemingly everyday mixture: a television producer, some businessmen, a retired ballet dancer, an actress and photographer, a young man who made a success in the new technology economy”.
Frankly speaking, the contingent of passengers cited in the article – a producer, a ballet dancer, an actress, photographer and a successful expert in “new technology” – in spite of author’s conviction, didn’t seemed to me so typical for a regular flight: to my mind, TV-producers prefer to fly on their own planes. But, from the other side, it is a question of the flight Boston – Los-Angeles, – and God only knows, who is used to take it there.
Further Mr. Kifner for some reason or other considered it necessary to time thoroughly the whole way of the plane from the moment of its takeoff until, so to say, its “arrival to the destination”, with lots and lots of numerical statistics – as if he was talking about the race of Tour de France but not about tragic death of thousands of people. Quite unusual also looked the instrument of the crime – by author’s version – knives and box cutters hidden among shaving things – what could box cutters be, I had no suggestions. The main source of information for Mr. Kifner’s writings turned out to be “The Christian Science Monitor” paper that somehow knew all the details of malicious crime better than anyone else. The following paragraph referring to this paper attracted my attention; there it was explained what the devilish guile used the hijackers to persuade the pilots to hand them over the steering of the “live torpedo”:
“Don’t do anything foolish; you won’t be hurt”, the newspaper reported that the hijackers said, quoting air controllers: “We have more planes. We have other planes”.
If I were the pilot of one of those planes, terrorist’s mentioning of some “more planes” wouldn’t have calmed me down but rather made me become alert and think twice before let the group of maniacs to steer the plane. But if this phrase turned out to be heard “accidentally” by the air controllers and immediately broadcasted all over the world, it would be quite logical to suggest that the meaning attached to it by the “forth power” was addressed not to the pilots dead by that time but to someone else. But whom it was addressed to? There was no answer in the article.
I went on reading. The author apparently wasn’t satisfied by achieved dramatic effect and decided to develop the passengers theme. The actress and photographer turned out to be the same person – 53 years old widow of Anthony Perkins, an actor famous by his role in Alfred Hitchcock’s “Psychosis”. Indeed, inscrutable are the God’s ways! That’s one more example how Fortune can play with man, if not to suggest that someone was born particularly to help it and “make the fairy-tale truth”. And bad is this fairy-tale. David Angell, producer of the television comedy “Frasier”, with his wife Linn; retired ballet-dancer named Sonya Puopolo; businessmen, experts in software and hardware – Daniel Levin and Robert Hayes: piling up of surnames, numbers, and incomprehensible associations. At last the scribbler decided to bang the door and made two most obvious blunders: firstly, he mistakenly indicated the altitude of plane’s location before clashing the building of WTC – 900 f., while the attack took place higher than 90th floor of 411-stored building, that means not under the level of 1100 feet; and then he failed to indicate correctly the time of the first “ram” – 8.48 instead of 8.45.