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Such “mixing” can occur in things…

[1] This © Copyright should not be deleted when publishing the book, since it conflicts with its meaning. If needed another © Copyright of the publisher can be added. THIS REMARK IS TO BE DELETED WHEN PUBLISHING.

[2] Read a bit forward

[3] The suffix ‘-ен’ refers to English ‘-ing’ meaning an action named with the previous verb. So “речь” (verb is “рекать” though today it is used not without different prefixes) – turns into “речение” and in English can be found as “speaking” (but not in its modern usual meaning) like an action when one speaks.

[4] Though not only “to know” (in “ведать + Accusative case”, direct object), but as well “to be in charge (of); manage” (in “ведать + Instrumental (Ablative) case”, indirect object)

[5] “Translators – are false horses of enlightenment” as the Great Russian poet Pushkin said.

[6] Central Committee of Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU)

[7] It can be translated as “Beekeeper”.

[8] All these five words are of the same root in Russian; they could be represented approximately with such English analogues as rightness, right, right-judging, righteousness; the last one, Orthodoxy, is of Greek origin and could be translated as ‘Right-glorifying’, as well as Russian word for the same subject.

[9] John 8: “31 Jesus then said to those Jews who believed in him, “If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”.

The New American Bible (http://www.usccb.org/nab/bible/index.htm) Later, the same Bible is used. If one needs he can read the Bible he likes more. And then think over why and what for does the Sacred Book exist in many variations that sometimes are quite different.

[10] Look “Gulliver’s Travels”.

[11] Afghans aren’t Arabians, but the mixture of Pushtuns, Tajiks, Uzbeks and other tribes.

[12] Godzilla is a monster, giant dinosaur tall as a “little” skyscraper, from the film of the same name.

[13] “The phantom of communism” is a very precise expression, because this “phantom” has been hiding the real communism from people’s minds for more than hundred years.

[14] New Testament, Luke, 11:23.

[15] Nabokov might be recommended by a fellow chess-player to Watson, for Nabokov himself was a great chess-fancier and was well-known as a good chess problem composer.

[16] The numerical value of ace in cards is 11, though it seems to be 1 according to the number of the drawn suit symbols.

[17] “Revolutionist” in Russian can be written as “revolutioner”. And “revolutioneram” is dative case of the plural and means “to revolutionists”. Here the word is divided into two parts.

[18] It may be necessary to note, that for “map” and “card” there’s only one word in Russian language – карта.

[19] “Spades” in French are called «Piques» – sounds as «picks» – and thus in Russian it is spelled with the same letters as the beginning of the word “picnic”.

[20] 11.09. 2001 was Tuesday.

[21] Gambit /'gæmbıt/ n. 1 chess opening in which a player sacrifices a piece or pawn to secure an advantage. 2 opening move in a discussion etc. 3 trick or device. [Italian gambetto tripping up]. (The Oxford Dictionary of Current English. Rev. Sec. Edition. Edited by Della Thompson. – Oxford Univ. Press, 1996 – 1080 pp.)

[22] Maybe it is connected with Russian archaic word for “an ancestor” – “Chur” or “Tschur” and is used in diminutive form, which here shows the caller’s disdain to them.

[23] In Russian this means “the daughter of Nile”. And that was the name of main character of Gorky’s novel “Mother”.

[24] In Russian: “without kith or kin”

[25] In Russian: “Crucian-son”

[26] This word can be translated from Russian as “suppression”, or “calming down”.

[27] In Russian the first part of this word means “the Hebrew”, and the second – is a swearword.

[28] It’s a synonym of “mad house”, or “psychiatric clinic” in Russian.

[29] Extracts from this Directive are quoted below as cited in N.N. Yakovlev’s book “The CIA against the USSR” (M.Politizdat, 1985, p.p. 38-40, as selected):

*This historian should not be mistakenly identified with A.N. Yakovlev, former Politburo member, who has the same name*

«Our main goals with respect to Russia are essentially twofold:

To minimize Moscow's might;

To introduce fundamental changes in the theory and practices of the foreign policy pursued by the government in power in Russia

... We are not committed to any time limit to achieve our goals in peaceful time.

...We have grounds decisively not to feel any guilty when striving for ruling out of concepts incompatible with international peace and stability and for their replacement with concepts of tolerance and international cooperation. It is not our concern to think about internal consequences that such concepts, if adopted, would entail in other country; equally, we should not think that we bear any responsibility for these events (we use italics when citing: the United States are guilty since they refused to take care and responsibility)...If the Soviet leaders assume that the increasing significance of more enlightened concepts in international relations is incompatible with the preservation of their power in Russia it will be their concern, not our. Our concern is to work and ensure that internal events occur there...As government we are not responsible for internal conditions in Russia...

... Our purpose in the name of peace is not the overthrow of the Soviet government. Of course, we are aspiring to create such circumstances and situation, which the present Soviet leaders will not tolerate and which will not be to their liking. Perhaps, when facing such a situation, they will not be able to preserve their power in Russia. But it should be stressed with full authority-it is their concern, not our...

...It is a matter of priority to make and keep the Soviet Union weak – politically, militarily and psychologically – vis-à-vis the external forces which are out of its control.

...We should not hope to fully impose our will on the Russian territory, as we have tried to do in Germany and Japan. We must understand that the final resolution should be political.

... If the worst occurs, namely, the Soviet power will be preserved on the whole or almost whole present Soviet territory, we must require:

fulfilment of pure military conditions (surrender of weapons, evacuation of key regions etc.) in order to ensure long-term military disability;

fulfilment of conditions aiming to ensure significant economic dependence on the external world.

…In other words, we must create automatic guarantees to ensure that even non-communist regime, nominally friendly to us: