[70] A set of enclosed dolls
[71] Even if the poem contains a mistake, either Pushkin’s contemporaries or official modern “Pushkinist” aren’t able to understand it. In the cited fragment of “Gavriliada” biblical figure of Moses hasn’t separated from the real figure of his historical prototype yet. But Pushkin’s purposefulness is amazing.
[72] Those who perverted the afflatuses given from above through prophets are called “the owners of Scripture” in the Koran.
[73] Eight-line verses
[74] Ask nowadays any representative of secular or theological sciences (from student to professor) living in the Western (biblical) civilization: What phenomena’s primary maximal images he could call the all generalizing? And you will gat the inevitable answer (probably with some variations): matter, energy, space and time. Though with modern level of basic education, even within the secondary school of the Former USSR, any man of sense is able to understand on his own, without any prompting from outside, that:
the energy is the matter indeed, but in the stable transients from one aggregate state to another one. And the modern science knows only five of them (vacuum, plasma, gaseous, liquid and solid);
the time is the measure of mutually enclosed oscillation processes of the Universe frequencies ratio. People consider one of the processes to be an etalon. And measure other oscillation processes (there is no statics in the Universe) frequencies or “times” with it. Thus on the Earth the time astronomic time – the frequency of circling the Sun and of rotation on its axis – is taken as a measure for all other “times” (historical, social, biological, physical etc);
the space is also just the measure of ratio of subjective etalons of length and its derivatives – square and volume. That’s why even today foots and meters exist together and are referred one to another.
So it was told above that matter, energy, space and time are secondary towards the triple consonance: the triunity of matter, information and measure.
[75] In Russian there stays a word “забава” ([za’bava]) – a pleasant pastime to avoid tedium, a game, an amusement, a fun (according to the explanatory dictionary of V.I. Dal).
[76] Measural – belonging to measure
[77] According to the modern hypotheses of ether (V.A. Atsukovsky, “Etherodynamic hypotheses”), all elementary particles of substance (proton, neutron, electron and others) are the curls of ether’s primary particles called amers. Amer’s and electron’s diameters are in the same ratio as diameters of an electron and the Galaxy; and amer’s velocity for many times exceeds the velocity of light. Moreover, the methodology of etherodynamics let not only determinate that the ether is a gas with all qualities (including compressibility and viscosity) but also precisely calculate these qualities with simple gas dynamics formulas. After this it became possible to explain many strange phenomena of micro- and macrocosms from single positions.
[78] The followers of Sai Baba and he himself consider him to be an incarnation of Ramah and Krishna.
[79] Revelation 3:14
[80] Book 1, p. 72 according to the edition Saint-Petersburg, 1909:
In about year 230 B.C. Antigon from Sikho was the leader of the Great Synagogue. «After that Antigon, men who stood in the head of rabbinical studying, BECAUSE OF UNKNOWN CAUSE (put in capitals by authors when citing), headed it two by two. The most probable is that such dualism meant the difference of opinions and tendencies, however not achieving a split». But that, why “the difference of opinions and tendencies” indeed didn’t achieve a split, is the main. However A. Reville wasn’t able to understand it.
[81] Though, one should righter ask “How many?”
[82] A possessive adjective from “aggregor”
[83] In Russian words “concept” (“notion”), “conception” and “to understand” have the same root and are inseparably linked. So to form his conception of something one should understand all included concepts. (However we don’t say that all Russians realize it and operate only with concepts that they do understand. The understanding of this fact is not guaranteed by speaking on a certain language; this peculiarity of Russian can only help a little. In the same time studying and comparing many languages opens new sides of understanding the Life).
[84] Liberal-Democratic Party of Russia
[85] The similarity of images created by line in the hand-written «ij» and «y» is meant.
The combination «ij» often is used in mathematics for indexing elements of multidimensional objects, and «y» often signs variables or functions. Thus, if you read «ij» there will be one meaning, and if you read «y» – another.
[86] Oligarchy – from Ancient Greek: “a power of few persons”; such group that in this or that way dominates over society. Oligarch – a person joining an oligarchy.
[87] It’s known from the history that one of the most effective ways to save one’s power in the crowd-“elitist” society from encroachments is to head a movement of his or her political opponents and lead it away from the first declared goals. That’s why the historically real fascism in the modern history has never been born without an active participation of oligarchs, though it was always presented as a movement of “little people” fighting against the oppression of “the mighty of this world”.
[88] In English it sounds as: Armenian man, French man, Tatar man, American man, Chechen man, Hebrew man – Russian man.
The main difference between the Russian language and other languages is that in the Russian language a representative of any nation is called with a noun: англичанин – Englishman, француз – Frenchman, еврей – Hebrew. But there is no noun for “Russian”; there is an adjective. And thus, any adjective formed from a noun, which means a nation, doesn’t agree well and sounds abnormally and stupefying together with word “man”. However the word “русский” (“Russian”) by its adjectival form implies the next word “человек” (“man” or “human”). But one should know the Russian language to understand this peculiarity well.
[89] In English it sounds as: Russian American, Russian German and even Russian Chinese. In Russian the second words are noun, but the first is the above-mentioned adjective “Russian”.
[90] In English it sounds as: American Russian, German Russian, Chinese Russian. In Russian here stand two adjectives. The second of them is the same adjective “Russian”, but the first is and adjective formed from a noun, which means a nation. Thus it of course sounds abnormal for Russian speaker. It could be understood as a sign indicating that “Russian” is not a nation, but a quality common for everybody in the world, a quality which everybody either possess or not, but there is no third alternative. Everyone is either Russian or not, like he is either honest (or possess some other qualities) or dishonest (or doesn’t possess some other qualities).
[91] Look “Part II. September 25 – 30. Holmes’s books”
[92] Hidr (“The Green One”): the perfect Sufi, the protector of Sufis.
[93] Egypt in Pharaoh’s epoch was considered to consist of two parts: the North and the South, united under the rule of one Pharaoh. Both tens and their leaders together stood higher than the Pharaoh in the hierarchical system of Egyptian power, although the cult of Pharaoh, but not of priests, has been kept within the society, and the Pharaoh was rather high-consecrated.