Well, what can you say, Watson? – I heard slightly coarse voice of my friend.
Much is strange about it, many inexact and obviously mistaken facts, the style is disgusting; I’d fired out such journalist.
Don’t hurry making conclusions, old friend, the article was written by one of the most respectable and professional reporters of the flagship of international journalism, and was copied, with all its obvious mistakes, by many periodicals with million circulations all over the world. Something might escape your notice.
That could happen, Holmes, it was rather hard for me to penetrate into this rubbish.
Now, please, read this, Watson. It is from the same issue of “The New York Times” of September 13. And one more article by the same author, William Glaberson, published the day before.
I followed humbly my friend’s advice. I can’t say that Mr. Glaberson made an impression of more talented writer on me, than his colleague, Mr. Kifner. The same torn, incoherent rendering the facts, formal style, no consistency in argumentation again. Nevertheless, I tried to be attentive to the maximum, for not to lose something important. And I seemed to be successful this time. Having finished reading, I looked at Holmes in silence – and he caught the change of my mood at once.
I see, Watson, you’re almost ready to agree with me, while I even didn’t reveal any information from the documents I have at my hand. I could show you plenty of curious materials from English, French, Italian, Spanish, German and Russian newspapers. I have friends in every country of the world, and they like to let me know everything about the latest events. Apparently, I have my reputation first of all due to my great relative.
Let me ask you, Holmes, when and how did you manage to get to the truth in this affair?
I can confess, Watson, that at the beginning I was full of doubts, like you’re now: it was clear, that behind the action of such large scale there stand some extraordinarily mighty organizations, possessing power, money, armed with all new technologies, but what organizations exactly it were – that was the question. The first doubts arose within me yet on Tuesday while watching the broadcast from Manhattan: have you noticed the showy manoeuvre made by the pilot of the second airliner Boeing-767, flight UA175, before starting the ram of the southern tower? The U-turn like that meant the highest qualification of ace, unattainable for terrorists, even having taken a couple of lessons on the trainer for steering such kind of planes. It’s clear, that an amateur-neophyte isn’t able to make such manoeuvre, and in addition, with the speed of more than 500 km/h, to strike the building 60 m wide in its exact centre, while the wingspan of the plane is a little more than 47m. It’s understandable for any driver who tries to get into narrow gates at high speed for the first time in his life. But really that’s not the point, Watson. It was made with the aesthetic perfection of choreography, yes, yes, that’s what it was – the aesthetic perfection of choreography! The hand of experienced script-writer, operator and director was felt – the hand of people who knew beforehand, that scenes shot by them would then be shown million times before the audience of milliards viewers! And then – all those Hollywood-like repeats from all points and for every taste, almost at once, with panorama views, with dramatic effects – like that with anonymous witness, scared, jumping back from the explosion, but always not in slowed reproduction and not too close, for not letting to make out some inconvenient details. Strange also seemed the fact, that the very moment of the first ram happened to be shot, but that’s not the point. Also I was slightly puzzled by absence of rescue helicopters: for WTC buildings stood for an hour or so before collapsing, and during this time it was really possible to carry the operation of rescuing those poor ones on upper floors. Apparently, it was necessary to someone that as less direct witnesses of events inside the buildings as possible would survive.
Gradually, first information about the number of victims began to appear; but not at once, because for some unclear reasons it was classified at the beginning (and it was in the country which lays claim to be a champion in democracy and freedom of speech!), as well as the lists of passengers in hijacked planes, which was entirely ridiculous. References to heightened delicacy of American mass media towards the tragedy of unparalleled scale for USA can hardly deceive anyone. Everyone knows how much Yankee like to relish every dirt, meanness, pettiness, murder, suffering and blood. Whoever but Americans themselves invented “TV-wars” in live broadcastings by CNN with super-contemporary kinds of weapon, different purposeful and “intelligent” torpedo and bomb strikes? And what’s interesting, Watson: in both buildings of WTC there were 50 thousands of working people, not including tourists; according to the words of witnesses, only few people managed to leave them after the blows and before collapse. By the first, preliminary calculations, the number of victims might be close to dozens of thousands, but what appeared in the end? As my great-grandfather used to say, it’s very hard to catch a dark cat in a dark room, especially, if it’s not there!
I agree with you completely, Holmes, this circumstance seemed to me suspicious too. By the week it was found only nearly two hundred bodies of perished people or parts of them, and only 30-40 were identified, which of course is considerably less than the most “optimistic” prognoses. By the way, representatives of the press and any other curious people were forbidden to enter the morgues for counting the remains – according to the official version, “for not get people hurt”. Now, however, the journalists invented new category – “people, disappeared without a trace” – and number of them rises day by day. It looks like WTC employed only homeless tramps that weren’t even missed during the first days.
Watson, I ask you to pay your special attention to the concrete numbers of “disappeared without a trace”: in ten days after the catastrophe there was “5422 exactly” of them. Frankly speaking, I must confess, I was expecting for something like that: the sum of the numbers is 13, addition of the first two components gives us nine, and 11 is present too. Phantasmagoria goes on!
Surprising! But tell me, Holmes, when did your suspicions develop into confidence?
After it turned out that quantity of victims was several times less comparing with what was expected, it was quite logical to suggest that the quantity of office workers in the buildings that day was considerably less than usual. Rejecting the possibility of fortunate occasion we may consider that it was known about the preparing attacks beforehand. I came to this very conclusion. Taking it as a working version, I needed to find possible motifs of organizers and participants of the crime. Soon I already had these facts. Americans themselves immediately went in for studying “short sales” of shares, that is – selling the shares to third persons in order to buy them afterwards, when quotations would fall, – particularly with the participation of the companies immediately suffered from assault. Richard Crossly, analyst of the broker’s firm “Teather & Greenwood”, established: such sales took place indeed during the period directly foregoing the “black Tuesday”, and their quantity was dozens times more than usual. Now even American Financial Services Authority and competent financial organs of Japan, Germany, Switzerland, France and Italy take part in the investigation. If the information given by Crossly is officially proved, I won’t be surprised at all. However, taking into account the colossal, almost global political interests involving this affair, it may never happen. Too serious powers are interested in replacing the truth about the tragedy in people’s minds by the official myth. But for us the most interesting detail is that the main lessee of WTC offices was Morgan Stanley Company, which had occupied 30 floors in both buildings. Famous are its connections with Internationaclass="underline" G. Morgan’s companies were financing yet Leo Trotsky with his terrorist command during the period of preparing to Revolution of 1917 in Russia.