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Jack gave Costas a look, and then walked briskly over Guildhall Yard. ‘Remember where we are, the lie of the amphitheatre,’ he said as he stepped over the curved line in the pavement. He pointed to the western wall of St Lawrence Jewry, about eight metres away. ‘And remember the proximity of the church.’ They reached the church entrance and went inside. The lunchtime concert was about to begin, and Jeremy led them quickly through the nave packed with seated people to a small wooden door off the west aisle. He opened it, ducked inside and beckoned. Costas followed him, then Jack. As Jack shut the door the music began. The concert was a selection of Bach’s reconstructed violin concertos, and Jack recognized the Concerto in D Minor for solo violin, strings and basso profundo. The music was bold, confident, joyous, the strident Baroque beat giving order to confusion, structure to chaos. Jack lingered, and for a moment he thought of slipping back and sitting anonymously in the audience. He had always loved the reconstructed concertos, the result of a kind of musical archaeology that seemed to mirror his own processes of discovery, small fragments of certainty put together by scholarship, by guesswork and intuition, suddenly fusing into an explosion of clarity, of euphoria. At the moment, he felt he needed the reassurance, uncertain whether the pieces they had found would meld, whether the trail they were following would lead to a conclusion that was greater than the sum of the parts.

‘Come on, Jack,’ Costas said from below. Jack followed him down the steps, into an undercroft beneath the level of the nave. The music was still there, but now just a background vibration. He saw an open door, and followed them down into another chamber, smaller and darker. It was old, much older than the masonry structure of Wren’s church, and looked as if it had been recently cleaned. A bare bulb hung from the brick vault. Once they were all inside, Jeremy closed and bolted the door at the bottom of the steps, then ran his hand along the masonry wall. ‘It’s a medieval burial chamber, a private crypt. It was found during the recent excavation work. This is as near as anyone’s got to the southern edge of the amphitheatre arena.’

‘This must be it,’ Jack said. ‘Jeremy?’

‘I agree. Absolutely.’

Costas eyed them. ‘Okay, Jack. I want a damn good explanation for what we’re doing here.’

Jack nodded, then squatted back against the wall, his khaki bag hanging from his left side. He was excited, and took a deep breath to steady himself. ‘Okay. When we worked out that riddle in Rome, when the location clicked, I immediately thought of Sir Christopher Wren and this church. When I was a boy I used to come here a lot, visit the old bomb sites and help with the excavations. My grandmother was a volunteer, drawn back to the place where she had watched helplessly decades before, trying to atone by helping with the reconstruction work. She took me along for my first excavation, and somehow her description of the inferno in 1940 brought the Boudican revolt to life for me, brought the true horror home, the colour of fire and blood and the terrible noises of human suffering. I’ve been fascinated by the Boudican revolt ever since, by all the attempts to find Boudica’s last place of refuge and her tomb. It became my grandmother’s passion too, and when she was dying it was the last thing we spoke about. I made her a promise I thought I’d never be able to fulfil. Later, as a student, having seen myself what the bombing and clearance had revealed of the Roman city, I became fascinated by the other great inferno, by what Wren might have come across in the prehistoric and Roman layers exposed after the Great Fire of 1666. That was before archaeology had begun as a discipline, when most artifacts were never even recognized, let alone recorded.’

‘With a few exceptions,’ Jeremy murmured.

Jack nodded. ‘Wren himself had an antiquarian interest, and mentioned finding Roman artefacts under St Paul’s. That’s what really fired me up. Then I discovered that the Church of St Lawrence Jewry had been owned by Balliol College, Oxford. One of my uncles was a Fellow of the College, and he arranged for me to visit the archive, to see whether there was any record of finds made here after 1666. That visit was years ago, when I was being drawn away by diving and shipwrecks, and I didn’t take detailed notes. That’s what I asked Jeremy to check out.’

‘And Jeremy came up trumps,’ Costas said.

‘Jack remembered it was just a scrap of loose paper in an old book, part of the master mason’s diary, but I found it,’ Jeremy replied, pulling a notepad out of his coat pocket. ‘It’s fantastic. It was when they were clearing the rubble and burned timbers after the fire, trying to find holes underground to bury the stuff away: disused wells, cesspits, old vaults. One of the workmen broke into a crypt which must be this chamber. The mason described going through into another crypt, then seeing a line of large pottery pipes with handles, upright in a row against the earth wall on one side. He thought they might be drainage pipes, possibly the lining of a well, so they left them intact. They stuffed as much debris as they could into a space off to one side and then bricked it up. They then came back out, and bricked up the entrance from the first crypt also.’ Jeremy gestured towards the crumbling wall on the far side of the chamber, opposite the side with the entrance door. ‘Over there. That must be it. The brickwork looks hasty, and it’s definitely post-medieval. It looks like it hasn’t been disturbed since.’

Costas looked perplexed. ‘Okay. Drainage pipes. So where does that get us?’

Jack took out a photograph from his bag, and handed it to Costas. ‘Where it gets us,’ he said excitedly, ‘is back to the time of Boudica.’

‘Ah,’ Costas murmured. ‘Got you. Not drainage pipes. Roman amphoras.’

‘More than just amphoras,’ Jack said excitedly. ‘Much more. Intact amphoras by themselves would be a fantastic find, but it’s the context that counts. Think of where we are.’

‘The Roman amphitheatre?’ Costas said. ‘A bar, an ancient tavern like the one we saw at Herculaneum?’

‘Good guess,’ Jack said. ‘But that picture’s from a place called Sheepen. It shows the amphoras exactly as archaeologists found them. Intact wine amphoras, five of them in a row, along with drinking cups and other goods. They were in a grave.’

‘A Roman grave?’ Costas said.

Jack shook his head. ‘Not Roman. Remember what I said about the Celtic taste for wine? Imported wine had prestige value, a sign of wealth and status. No, the Sheepen amphoras were in the grave of a Celtic nobleman, a warrior.’ Jack suddenly felt exuberant. ‘All those years ago, when I was a boy, I knew I was on to something really big when I came to the Guildhall site. I just had a hunch. I thought it was the amphitheatre, when they found it years later. But now this, something else, maybe even more extraordinary. I wish my grandmother were here now. Wherever else this trail leads us, this could be another dream of mine realised.’

Costas looked at the photo, then at the bricked-up wall in front of them. He started to speak, but suddenly stopped, transfixed. He looked at the photo again, then at Jack. ‘Holy cow,’ he said weakly.

Jack looked at him, and nodded. ‘Yes.’

‘That goddess. Andraste,’ Costas whispered.

Jack nodded, wordlessly.

‘What do we do now?’ Jeremy said.

Jack looked at his watch. ‘If everything goes according to schedule, the van with the equipment should be outside in an hour. By then the concert upstairs will be over and we’ll be able to get all the gear in discreetly, if the church people agree.’

‘I’ve just got one more guy to talk to, but we’ll be good to go,’ Jeremy said, eyeing Costas, who gave a thumbs-up.

‘We’re not taking any chances,’ Jack said. ‘Full kit. We might be going below the water table, and who knows what else is down there. I’m not even going to tackle that wall until we’re ready. Meanwhile, I might just go up and listen to the music.’

‘No you don’t,’ Costas said. ‘I still need to get a few things straight. A few big things. Like how Christianity fits into all this warrior queen stuff.’