kiri - large predatory bird
leramar - predator with telepathic ability
lightfish - fish that glows in dark waters
lyrim - domestic herd animals
moohook - small pet
ner - domesticated animal bred for meat
reyer - animal for riding and pulling platten
shem - domestic animal bred for milk
shrimmi - freshwater shellfish
spikemat - spiney creature of reefs
spinerake - landwalker name for flarke
takker - large snake
tiwi - insects that make a hive
veez - cute, telepathic pet that can speak
vorn - wolf-like animals
woodfish - tasteless fish
yern - deer-like, limited telepathy
yeryer - venomous sea creature
circ - circular overgarment worn by Circlian priests and priestesses
octavestim - garb of the Priests of Gareilem
tawl - overgarment worn draped over shoulders, fastened at throat
tunic - dress for women, shirt for men
undershift - undergarment for women
wafercakes - fried, flakey pastry
firespice - spice from Toren
nutmeal - paste made from nuts, Si
flatloaf - dense bread
rootcakes - patties of boiled and fried roots
ahm - drink of Somrey, usually warmed and spiced
drai - Elai drink
jamya - ceremonial drink of Pentadrians
kahr - Sennon drink
teepi - Siyee drink
teho - drink of Sennon
tintra - Hanian drink
tipli - Toren drink
hearteater - disease that attacks lungs
lungrot - disease mat, funnily enough, rots the lungs
woundrot - the festering of a wound
wayhouse - place for travelers to stay in
safehouse - place where Dreamweavers can stay
blackstone - stone that is dark colored
whitestone - stone that is pale colored
canar - Sennon coin