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“No, I’d have known. People would have gossiped, that stupid newspaper reporter would have called me. I’m not inside him. I’m outside looking at him, the way you’d look at an animal in a zoo.”

“Except he’s not behind bars.”

“No,” Carl said. “He’ll never be.”

“Don’t be defeatist.”

He gave her a quick, level look. “Don’t be naive.”

“What are you saying?”

“When we catch this guy, don’t be surprised if he has to be taken by force. He’s likely to be violent.”

“You’re hoping he’ll be violent.”

“Whatever. We’ll have to protect ourselves.”

“We? You and I? Or the state police?”

“Just don’t be surprised.”

“You’re saying they’ll kill him if they can justify it. Just like that guy in Baltimore County, who they said was going for his gun, only it turned out to be a cell phone.”

“You ever been a member of a SWAT team? You ever gone into a house in the middle of the night to confront a person you know has killed five people and is determined to keep going until he gets what he wants? That’s what that guy in Baltimore County did. Don’t be so quick to make judgments.”

“I’m not. But this guy, our guy-” The plural possessive gave her pause and she lost her train of thought for a moment. “This man, whoever he is, has to be taken alive. How else will we know the entirety of what he’s done? We think he’s killed at least two women. What if there are more?”

“They can work backward. They won’t need his confession to figure out everything he’s done. It’s not like he buries his bodies. He leaves them out in the open.”

“Anyway, it’s a moot point. We’re not going to be there when this comes down. They’re not going to let us get that close.”

“Maybe it’s not in their control. Maybe even as we work the edges of the case, we’re making significant discoveries.”

“Significant? A few minutes ago, you seemed to think the trip to Frederick was a waste of time.”

“It was-until someone tried to follow us. Someone wants to know what we’re doing and where we’re going.”

“I still think it’s the state cops,” Tess said.

“We should be so lucky.”


Back at state police headquarters, something was up. Tess sensed it, the way one senses a coming thunderstorm. The air seemed to hum and everyone was moving a little faster, as if trying to get things done before the skies opened up. She could see the change, too, in the quick sidelong glances from Sergeant Craig, Lieutenant Green, and Major Shields as they barreled up and down the corridor.

But, most telling, Major Shields was suddenly very keen for them to stay in the office and wait for the phone to ring. Which it seldom did. Tess began to feel as if they were caught in a loop not unlike that traffic circle off Interstate 70, chasing their own tails. Nothing is more tedious than make-work, and Tess wondered if the state police had decided to bore her and Carl into giving up or dropping out.

The stalemate continued for three days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. On the third straight day of doing nothing, Tess got out a sketchbook and began making lists.

“What are you doing?” Carl demanded over his shoulder. He had been tapping disconsolately on the computer, playing with search engines, reading out-of-town newspapers to see if there were unsolved homicides in other states.

“Brainstorming. Reorganizing what we know, looking for links.”

“That’s pointless.”

“You got a better idea?”

He turned away from the computer and watched as Tess began sketching, jotting down everything she knew about Tiffani and Lucy, looking for any other similarities they might have missed.

“Pretty. Small, fine-featured. Bad ex-boyfriends. Both worked in convenience stores.”

“Good place to meet women when you’re new in town.” Like a sulky child who claimed he didn’t want to play a game, Carl couldn’t resist once the pieces came out and he saw his playmate having fun.

“But it helps if they have bad ex-boyfriends,” Tess said. “And you can’t know that just by looking at some woman who’s selling you a Slim Jim.”

“Well, there’s a similarity you’ve overlooked. These girls were bubbly, according to those who knew them. Unguarded. They probably told their life story to anyone they waited on more than twice. And look.” He pointed to another item on Tess’s list. “They worked overnight shifts. Imagine a guy coming in, regular-like, buying a few things. How many visits would it take before he asked, ”So a pretty girl like you has to have a boyfriend.“ And she’d tell him all her troubles, like he was a big brother. He didn’t come on strong, remember? With Lucy, he got her to rent the house and only moved in later.”

“Which also has the advantage of keeping his fake name off the lease and the utility bills.”

“Right. Hey, let’s graph this.”

“Graph it?”

“On a map, like.”

“It won’t be much of a graph, just a straight point from Frederick to North East.”

“I don’t know. What if you add”-he took an old framed map of the state of Maryland from the wall and marked the two hometowns with silver thumbtacks-“the places where he spent the night before.” He added a thumbtack to Saint Michaels and placed one in the lower left-hand corner, about where Spartina, Virginia, would be.

“I’m not seeing a pattern emerge here,” Tess said.

“Wait.” Carl removed dental floss from his pocket.

“You carry dental floss?”

“My dad had gum disease. You’d floss after every meal too, if you saw your old man coming home from the dentist in a wife-beating mood.”

“Interesting turn of phrase,” Tess said primly.

“I don’t use it as a figure of speech.”

His back was to her, and Tess needed a minute to deconstruct what he had said. “Oh-hey, I mean, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”

“It wasn’t your fault.”

“You know what I mean.”

“It wasn’t so bad. I got my growth early. By the time I was thirteen I could take him. And I did. He moved out and on.” He was fixing the dental floss along the points he charted. One mint-green line from Frederick to North East, two small lines dangling down to the places their killer had used to set up his alibis. “It still doesn’t look like much, does it?”

Tess studied the map. Again, she had that sensation of a gnat in her ear, a buzzing memory she could not capture.

“Try this,” she said. She removed the strings that attached the two cities to their satellites, then held out her hand for the dental floss, breaking off another piece. “Now look.”

She balanced the map in her lap, stringing a line from the speck that was Notting Island to Frederick and adding another one between the island and North East. The resulting triangle was almost a perfect isosceles. Its sharpest angle formed where the dental floss intersected Notting.

“What’s the point?” Carl asked. “We don’t know that Notting Island has anything to do with this.”

“But there’s a similarity,” Tess said. “Water.”


“Water. Water, water everywhere. Wherever he lived, he could see water. From Tiffani’s town house, which backed up to the Monocacy, to Lucy’s house in the trees, also with its river view. And there’s no point on Notting Island that you can’t see the bay.”

“That doesn’t eliminate a lot of the earth’s surface, Tess.”

“But it eliminates entire towns in Maryland. We’re not talking about someone who just likes water. We’re talking about someone who wants it within his sight as much as possible. I’ve been to Tiffani’s house- you could see the river from the back deck. I stood in Lucy’s yard-you could see the river glinting through the trees.”


It was Major Shields who asked the question, leaning against the doorjamb with a too-deliberate casualness. Tess tilted the map toward her, so he couldn’t see how they had defaced it with thumbtacks and dental floss.