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"No, don't! They're on our side," Tarn explained hastily, climbing off the ladder to join the others on a small, crowded lift platform. He turned to Belicia, glad to have both his feet planted on solid stone. "Without them I never would have made it back from Daerforge."

"Then we owe them a lot," Belicia said. "Now, let's find your father and see how things stand. I'm sure he can use us somewhere."

"Wait. There's something else," Tarn said, blurting out the idea that had been taking shape in his mind ever since he had heard of that unholy war conference in Daerforge. "My mother took something from my father-an artifact that I think she's using somehow to control that daemon who's leading this whole attack. She brought it here to Hybardin."

"What can we do about it?"

"I saw her with the elite guard of the dark dwarves. Her brother is the thane, and no doubt he's leading the charge. I saw them with the attackers pouring into that dragon tunnel down below."

"You've come to the right spot," declared the Hylar guard. His grim tone was underscored by the bloody bandage on his right arm and the singed, sooty state of his beard. "That very fire dragon came through here not long ago, burning a big hole through the floor. Haven't seen any Daergar yet, but I'm pretty sure they won't be far behind."

"The dragon already got this far?" Belicia seemed stunned by the news.

"Level Five's all but gone-just a few places left, like this station. We're holding out 'til the last of us move up. Fact is, I was about to start the climb myself before your lot came along."

The dwarfwoman seemed immune to grief; she merely shook her head in despair. "Do you want to try and waylay your mother?" she asked Tarn.

"We have little choice but to try. We've got to get that helm back for Father." He paused, then shifted his gaze to the guard. "Is my father-I mean, the thane-is he all right?"

"He's fine, young fellow, and what's more, he's proved himself a good thane too. Now if you want to find that dragon-tunnel I was talking about, head down First Granite Road. Though I don't know what you can accomplish with them helping!" He looked askance at the gully dwarves, but then added, "Good luck."

When they left the lift station, they couldn't help but stare in horror at the devastation of Level Five. The place was no long recognizable as a city. Instead, it was more like the ruins left in the wake of a volcanic eruption. Rocky edifices had puddled into slag while molten lava still trickled from the piles of several ruins. Steam and choking vapors swirled through the air, sometimes thick enough to reduce them to choking and gagging.

"Look out!" cried Regal as a dark shape suddenly moved near them.

The shadow-wight reared back, tendrils of darkness coveting Belicia, who stared transfixed at the lightless visage. Tarn struck quickly with his silver sword, slashing through the intangible shape and quickly reducing it to evaporating mist.

"Wh-what was that?" asked the shaken female.

"Pure chaos," Tarn answered, "and I sent it back to where it came from. Now, this must be what's left of First Granite Road."

The yawning cave was unmistakable, even from a block away, for every one of the nearby buildings had been utterly destroyed. They could see little through the swirling smoke, yet the cadence of marching dwarves was audible as they drew nearer to the dark hole. Flames still flickered along the rim, and it felt as though they were entering an oven.

"Those marchers are coming this way," Belicia said, after listening for a careful moment. "They'll be here soon."

"Take cover," Tarn suggested, pointing to a shadowy alcove a short distance back from the street.

He, Belicia, and the dozen or so gully dwarves slipped into the yawning doorway of a ruined inn. The building had been shattered, walls and ceiling collapsed, but they were able to find hiding places with good views of the dragon-excavated passage. Eyes on the mouth of the tunnel, the half-breed waited for the appearance of the first ranks of the ascending dark dwarves.

The first black-armored Daergar came forth in a skirmish line, many with crossbows ready or swords, drawn. Right behind them was a robed figure that Tarn stared at, then recognized.

"Slickblade!" whispered the half-breed, feeling a rush of hatred. Beside Slickblade were two other familiar figures.

"And there she is-your mother!" hissed Belicia, her hand tightening on his arm.

"Also Darkend Bellowsmoke, the Daergar thane," Tarn added in a whisper. "My uncle."

More of the Daergar warriors moved past the trio to work their way through the ruined streets. Fortunately, none came to check the smoldering hole where Tarn and his companions were huddling. The half-breed hunched as low as possible, keeping an eye fixed to the narrow crack between two rocks.

The assassin, the thane, and the dwarfwoman were next out of the tunnel. Immediately behind them marched rank upon rank of armored Daergar.

"First company, take that road!" shouted Darkend Bellowsmoke, sending two hundred Daergar charging along the street toward the lift station. In quick fashion more dark dwarves were dispersed in all directions as they emerged onto Level Five. Tarn had to drop out of sight, then strained to hear as more and more of the enemy marched past. He dared to steal another glance when he recognized his mother's voice.

"Zarak Thuul must have gone that way!" Garimeth declared, pointing through a series of buildings that had been flattened by the wings of the fire dragon.

"By Reorx, there's no catching him!" wailed Darkend, obviously distraught.

"There might be, but we've got to move fast!" she urged.

"Hurry, then!" barked the thane of the Daergar. Accompanied by Slickblade and his sister, he started along the rubble-strewn path. They moved right past Tarn's hiding place. "Find him before he goes any higher!"

So frantic were the trio in their pursuit that they didn't notice the half-breed and his companions slinking through the wreckage of a nearby building. As soon as they were out of sight of the dark dwarf legions, Tarn and Belicia led the gully dwarves over a wall and around a pair of columns. They paused a moment only before swarming against the trio of Daergar from three sides. Several Aghar tackled the assassin while Tarn drew his silver sword and lunged at the thane.

"Tarn!" cried Garimeth, surprisingly glad to see her son-at least her voice sounded glad.

"Give me the helm, Mother!" he demanded, his sword poised at Darkend's throat.

The Daergar leader sputtered in fury. Slickblade squirmed nimbly, killing a gully dwarf with a blow from his long dagger and breaking free to stand next to the thane. Tarn aimed a stab at Slickblade, who frantically twisted out of reach, and the distraction gave Darkend a chance to break from the scene. The thane ran back through the rubble at full speed.

"Help us! Over here!" Darkend Bellowsmoke's panicked cries drew a phalanx of warriors scrambling to his aid. Tarn looked around wildly, realizing that his mother and the assassin had sprinted away.

"We've got to get out of here!" cried Belicia.

So Tarn and his companions ran, scuttling through the ruins, spinning down a side lane, and darting through partially ruined buildings until they had left the dark dwarves-and, unfortunately, several of the gully dwarves-behind.

"I must have been mad!" groaned the half-breed. "To think I could just snatch it away from her in the middle of her brother's army."

"We had to try," Belicia consoled. She put an arm around him.

"But I was doomed to fail!" Will I always fail? He wanted to ask that question of the gods, but he had neither the strength nor the time to rail against fate.

"Is this what you wanted?" asked Regal Everwise, swinging a leather satchel into Tarn's arms. "I hope so. You carry big heavy thing. Too much for me."