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Southworth, John. Fools and Jesters at the English Court. Stroud, UK: History Press, 1998.
Streitberger, W. R. The Masters of the Revels and Elizabeth I’s Court Theatre. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2016.
Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the Tudor and Stuart Princesses. London: George Bell & Sons, 1888.
Warnicke, Retha M. Mary, Queen of Scots. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2006.
Weir, Alison. Children of England: The Heirs of King Henry VIII, 1547–1558. London: Jonathan Cape, 1996.
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Whitelock, Anna. Elizabeth’s Bedfellows: An Intimate History of the Queen’s Court. London: Bloomsbury, 2013.
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Lady Jane Grey Reference Guide,
The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography,
Merton, C. I. “Women Who Served Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth: Ladies, Gentlewomen and Maids of the Privy Chamber, 1553–1603.” Unpublished doctoral thesis, 1992.
Philippa Gregory visited The Gambia, one of the driest and poorest countries of sub—Saharan Africa, in 1993 and paid for a well to be hand dug in a village primary school at Sika. Now—more than two hundred wells later—she continues to raise money and commission wells in village schools, in community gardens, and in The Gambia’s only agricultural college. She works with her representative in The Gambia, headmaster Ismaila Sisay, and their charity now funds pottery and batik classes, beekeeping and adult literacy programmes.
GARDENS FOR THE GAMBIA is a registered charity in the UK and a registered NGO in The Gambia. Every donation, however small, goes to The Gambia without any deductions. If you would like to learn more about the work that Philippa calls “the best
thing that I do,” visit her website and click on GARDENS FOR THE GAMBIA, where you can make a donation and join with Philippa in this project.
“Every well we dig provides drinking water for a school of about 600 children, and waters the gardens where they grow vegetables for the school dinners. I don’t know of a more direct way to feed hungry children and teach them to farm for their future.”
Philippa Gregory
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Gregory, Philippa, author.
Title: The last Tudor / Philippa Gregory.
Description: First Touchstone hardcover edition. | New York : Touchstone, 2017.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017017009| ISBN 9781476758763 (hardcover) | ISBN 9781476758787 (eBook)
Subjects: LCSH: Great Britain—Kings and rulers—Succession—Fiction. | Great Britain—History—Tudors, 1485–1603—Fiction. | Grey, Jane, Lady, 1537–1554—Fiction. | Queens—Great Britain—Fiction. | BISAC: FICTION /Historical. | FICTION / General. | FICTION / Suspense. | GSAFD: Biographical fiction. | Historical fiction.
Classification: LCC PR6057.R386 L37 2017 | DDC 823/.914—dc23 LC record available at
ISBN 978-1-4767-5876-3
ISBN 978-1-4767-5878-7 (ebook)