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Set in Minion
Cover art and typesetting by Leonard Philbrick.
Author photo © 2018 Mike Mulry/XCELARTS
Printed in the United States
Distributed by Publishers Group West
Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication data
Names: Falkin, Mark, author.
Title: The Late Bloomer / Mark Falkin.
Description: Los Angeles, CA: California Coldblood Books, an imprint of Rare Bird Books: 2018.
Identifiers: ISBN 978-1947856547
Summary: The world experiences an unthinkable cataclysm and Kevin March, high school band trombonist and wannabe writer, embarks on a journey that promises to change everything.
Subjects: LCSH Horror. | Texas—Fiction. | Friendship—Fiction. | Apocalyptic fiction. | BISAC YOUNG ADULT FICTION | Apocalyptic & Post-Apocalyptic
Classification: LCC PZ7.F18852 La 2018 | DDC [Fic]—dc23