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“They did?”

“Yes, my son.” Ahadi nuzzled him. “Just sit there and pay attention. You might learn something.”

KIGALI (A LION):I seek the spring to slake my thirstTo drink from waters pure and deepAnd yet I am not satisfied.Its shining veil reflects my faceA face in love.
I roll back in the fragrant bloomsthat cap the new green Alba shootsAnd gaze into the open sky.The candid sun stares back at mesmiling knowingly.
The huntresses peek out at mefrom vantage points around the meadand laugh with scorn at my expense.“He pines with love,” they say in jest,and somewhat jealously.
LISHA (A LIONESS):No prey have I to fill my voidAnd yet the herds of antelopeRegard me as no threat today“The huntress has become the prey”they say amused.
And prey am I for Aiheu grantsthat I should know the blissful daysof my receptive period.I hunger for my lover’s touchupon my flank.
“Where lies my lover?” I inquireof my Pride Sisters gathered by,that I may love him yet again.They smile at me annoyinglyand gossip.
KIGALI:Who is there like my lover mild?So lithe and supple as the reedsin days of emerald youthfulness!A golden sunshine stalking meon the savanna!
I hear soft steps approaching meand see the ripple in the grassportending an encounter soon.Oh gods, it is the careful treadof my lover!
Like jasmine is her fragrant form,the fragrance of my lover mildbespeaking of her inner fireAnd like the kiss of morning sunis her nuzzle.
LISHA:As springs of crystal water shineSo are my lover’s hazel eyesEnthroned in flowing tresses soft;The splendid musky russet maneof my lion.
“Behold your prey, oh hunter greatAwaiting eager for the springThat brings the hunter to my throatSo caught and helpless I’ll collapsein your embrace!”
“Defend your prey, oh hunter greatFrom jackals gathered round the plainThat envy you the hard-won prize.But let them not by subtle movesobtain one scrap!”
KIGALI:As Bor the monkey pounds his fruitUpon the tree to free its juiceAnd savor its elixir sweetSo pounds against my anxious chestmy trembling heart.
The restless tide that vents my breathComes in swift waves that makes me feelEuphoric and excitable.I come to breathe upon her cheekand yet she runs!
My temptress turns in coy retreatA gold flamingo arched in flight,Her merry laugh betrays her gameShe would prolong the episodebut not escape me!
LISHA:Far from the crowd whose prying eyeswould violate our solitudewe shall make love among the reedsHere unobserved by jealous heartswe shall caress.
So musky is the russet maneEntwined about his trembling formAnd stirring like a thundercloud.Full bright as stars his hazel eyesregard me.
So playfully, he swings his tailand bobs his head inviting meto wrestle with my lover now.And laughing softly, I accepthis invitation.
KIGALI:So warm and soft around my throatMy lover’s arms are seeking waysto bear me to the verdant grass.And cautiously I test the strengthof her embraces.
My lover’s arms bring endless nightTo bontebok and gerenukBut bend like reeds before my strength.And quickly I in triumph riseabove her form.
Still panting from the revelryI gaze into my lover’s eyesI tremble like a willow leafAnd feel the tides of my desiresweep over me.
LISHA:I call my lover tenderlyAnd crouched submissive in the grassTo plead for favors from my mateI sweep away remaining doubtsof my intentions.
As prey defeated in the huntPerceives the hunter’s victoryI felt his hold upon my throat!I knew at last the full extentof his passion.
As waves of heat at midsun riseAnd set the trees to shimmeringI melted in the heat of loveAnd cried out in my ecstasyhis name.
KIGALI:Now who is like unto my mate?A source of every benefitThat gods enjoy in heaven’s bliss!And falling to the earth fulfilled,I lay exhausted.
Unto my side I called my loveWith stealthy tread she joined my restAnd lithely lay her body nighHer lovely face upon my mane,while I stroked her.
A gentle breeze caresses usAnd stirs the jade acacia leavesThat cool the ardor of the sunContent beside her golden formI will rest.

Ahadi finished with a smile on his face. He reached over and nuzzled Akase’s lovely body. “My gentle lover.”

“My tender Nisei,” she purred, eyes half closed as he rubbed her full length.

“Oh wow,” Mufasa said, a little trembly in the limbs. “Where did you learn that??”

“It’s a part of your heritage,” Akase said. “It’s been passed from parents to their cubs for uncounted years. I like to think it’s our way of getting you off to a good start.”

“Oh wow,” Mufasa said, still stunned. “That was so neat!”

“I’m glad you liked it.” Ahadi and Akase both nuzzled him and kissed him.

“Oh wow,” Mufasa whispered again. “Is that how you two feel about each other?”

Akase nuzzled her husband. “Honey tree, we used to act out the parts. Of course, as time went on we realized that no two loves are quite the same. Your father and I settled into our own comfortable routine. That’s the way it is with married life. You find in that special someone the missing part of you that makes you whole. So being married is just another step in becoming yourself.”

“Oh wow!” Mufasa said.

“Is that all you can say?” Ahadi asked. “Oh wow?”

Mufasa nuzzled him. “Thanks, Dad. I love you. I love you too, Mom.”

Sarabi looked in the cave. “Good morning, Ahadi! Good morning Akase!”

“Good morning, Sassie!”

Mufasa stared at her. Under the spell of the words, that echoed through his heart, he fondled her with his eyes and thought:

“Still panting from the revelryI gaze into my lover’s eyes. I tremble like a willow leaf And feel the tides of my desire Sweep over me.”

“Oh, hi Muffy! I didn’t see you there!”

“Uh, yeah.”

“Are you OK?”

“Uh, yeah.”

“Uh, yeah?” She glanced at Ahadi with a smile of amusement. “Our next king?”

Mufasa headed out of the cave, and passing by Sarabi, he rubbed her full length and shuddered.

She smiled broadly and said, “Well, good morning to YOU TOO!”

Heart pounding, Mufasa hurried down the path from the promontory, rounded the bulk of Pride Rock and found the cold waters of the cistern. Stopping briefly to look at his reflection, he could hear the words more clearly: