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Krull smiled kindly, even patronizingly. “Look here, you. You weren’t thinking of reporting this, were you? Cause if you were, I’d have to rip out your liver and stomp on it till you changed your mind. Nothing personal, mind you, but this girl’s mother is dead. If she wants to see Rafiki, she sees Rafiki. Do you have a problem with that??”

“No sir.”

Krull escorted her to the tree and watched as she scrambled in. Rafiki was asleep, and when Krull awakened him, he opened one eye and asked, “What the devil is going on??”

“Shhhh, I have a little stowaway to see you. It’s Miss Priss.”

“Oh, Lisani! I didn’t see you back there! Are you sick, honey tree?”

“No, it’s my mother.”

“What is her problem? Is she very sick?”

Lisani started to cry. “Oh Rafiki!”

“She’s dead,” Krull said, bowing his head. “Stove through on the hunt.”

“Oh my gods!” Rafiki stammered. He gasped, and his face dropped as tears began to flood his eyes. As his trembling hands raised to his cheeks, he seemed to be trying to sort it all out. “Stove through?? Oh child! Oh, Miss Priss!” He gasped again. His chin trembled and he half-whispered, “Oh no!”

Lisani began to wail inconsolably. “The elephant stepped on her!”

Rafiki broke into uncontrollable sobs, scooping her up gently in his arms and hugging her to his chest. As tears coursed down his face, he kissed her again and again, stroking her small body and softly moaning in his despair. Lisani, who could relate more to his cub-like grief, put her paws around his neck and snuggled her face tightly under his chin, her lion tears wetting his throat.

Krull’s ears drooped and his tail hung limply. As his face looked away, tears slid down his cheeks and he stalked quietly away from the entrance.

Lisani kissed Rafiki and muttered, “What is it like when people die? Aunt Isha said you knew about that stuff.”

“I’ve had a few experiences with the spirit world. I’ve met Mano and Minshasa, you know.” He took the locket around his neck and opened it, holding the small tuft of white fur in front of her nose. It smelled like lion but it also smelled like wild honey. “This came from Mano’s mane. It was his gift to me long ago when I was young.”

Rafiki put his arms around her and gave her a comforting pat. “When you die, your last breath goes back to Aiheu, and with it, your Ka. At first, you can look down and see your body of Ma’at lying there, and you can see and hear what other people do. That’s why it’s important for you to show respect and grief when someone dies, to let them know that they were important and that their death is a great loss. But you must also let them know that it’s OK to go on and be with Aiheu so they will not feel guilty for leaving you. That’s part of the reason why a body is corban for a moon, though there are other more practical ones that spring to mind.”

“Then what happens?”

“There will be a bright light, a beautiful light more wonderful than the sun breaking through the storm clouds when a few golden rays touch a spot and make it special. You feel as you go toward that light that you are walking--indeed, you will feel that it is at the end of a canyon. The walls of this canyon are covered with shiny, brightly colored stones. Then you get through the canyon, and things broaden out till you can’t see any more of the walls, and the floor is covered in misty clouds. And you see on either side of you friends that wait for you. Some of them are people you’ve known. Others are people that just want you to feel welcome. Akase and Ahadi were probably there to welcome her. Mufasa, too. They come close and they touch you, and you feel warm and comfortable, and you cannot feel afraid no matter how hard you try. Then you come close to the light, and it’s Mano and Minshasa, the white lions, who come to escort you into the source of the light itself.”


“Yes, my child. The light is from Lord Aiheu. And when you look in his face, all your questions will be answered, and your heart will be filled with love and happiness. And he will let you drink from his great river of milk that sustains the blessed in their home among the stars.” Rafiki looked at her worriedly. “Does Isha know you’re out here?”


“Then you must sneak right back the way you came. But first there’s something else I want you to know.”

“What’s that?”

“Old Rafiki loves you very much.”

A tear slipped down Lisani’s cheek. “I love you too.”

Rafiki looked out the entrance. “Krull, you make sure she gets home all right, and don’t you dare wake Isha up. She shouldn’t have to get in trouble tonight.”

“I’ll see to it myself.”


It was to be Mobuta’s first hunt with the lionesses. Having reached a suitable size and received the approval of the hunt mistress, the young lioness was in a state of high anticipation. Being invited to the gathering-up for the first time was a great thrill for Mobuta, but she was very nervous as well. She had her heart set on making her first kill. She had hoped to bring down some prey, no matter how small, when her mother was teaching her to hunt. But while she was an apt pupil, she never had the chance to put what she knew into actual practice and draw first blood. She had so wished to be able to gain one honor at a time, and so relax and enjoy herself. As it was, she was trembling in the joints.

“Listen, Sisters!” Ajenti said excitedly, crashing through the brush. “I’ve seen it!”

“It?” Sarafina asked.

“It! The greatest of great omens!

“What, what??” the Pride sisters asked.

“Don’t you know? Or are you unwilling to believe it? Many are the white zebras with black stripes, but there is a black zebra with white stripes on the eastern meadow!”

“The black zebra!” Sarafina said with awe. “No, it can’t be!”

“Such a thing was seen in my mother’s time, but only rarely,” Uzuri said. “Mobuta, you have brought us good luck. I say you should try for it. If you bring it in, your sons will be great kings and blessings will be on the land all the days of your life.”

“Oh my gods!”

“Should we let a new lioness do this?” Isha said.

“It shall be and it must be,” Uzuri said firmly. She took the new lioness aside. “Since we have chosen this means to earn your first blood, listen carefully. You cannot chase down the great zebra by yourself. We will divide into two groups. You approach straight on with all your stealth, and our group will divide in two. Half will circle around the right and half will circle around the left. When you get as close as you can to the zebras, roar as loud as you can and shout, “Come, sisters!” We will rush out and drive the great zebra toward you. And it should be easy enough for you to claim what’s coming to you. Understand?”

“Yes ma’am. I only hope I’m worthy of this great honor.”

With well-practiced speed, the main group broke into two halves and when Mobuta headed out, the leopard patrol headed left and the cheetah patrol headed right. But as soon as Mobuta was out of range, they circled back to the west and quickly reunited behind a grove of acacias. Isha began to snicker. “It should be easy enough for you to claim what’s coming to you.”

“She’ll be blessed for the rest of her life,” Uzuri said with a sly wink. “Not only her, but whatever she finds out there.”

It was the same on every first hunt, as the Pride Sisters headed into the west to find food and left poor Mobuta to her eventual humiliation.