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Was she who you had your daughter with? Yeah, he says That was her.

I was crazy about her in the beginning. Kept asking her to marry me all the time — thank God she had the sense to refuse. But we were happy and it was easy at first. Lots of sex. Going out. Staying in. She even introduced me to her parents — I’ve never seen two people look more appalled. I’d borrowed a tie and everything but it really was no use I had an accent you could’ve cut with a knife. She liked that though, slumming it. And all the drugs fascinated her at first. I was happy then though so I wasn’t too bad. Well actually that’s not true I was but they were still helping me to be a nice guy so the problem didn’t really show itself then.


So, she graduated that summer. I had another year to go. By the time I did, she was starting to want more and I didn’t know what more meant. What more could you want than getting trashed, having great sex and rolling around London having a laugh? But it was me she wanted more out of and I wasn’t able for that. She didn’t like my being closed about family. Whenever she asked I’d say we didn’t speak or sometimes that they were all dead. If she really pushed I’d end up losing my rag and fucking off for a few days. She wouldn’t bring it up for ages after that. I suppose I just didn’t know how how to be with someone, close to someone, or what it would entail. So I’d mostly agree to whatever she said — which is how we ended up moving in together, even though I’d no interest in that. We got a tiny flat in Finsbury Park. I remember being summoned to her father’s club. Roundly informed of her mother’s shame and warned if I got her pregnant I’d be in more trouble than I’d ever been. Of course, by the time I did I already was so it didn’t matter anyway. Nothing would dissuade her though. She said she was in love and to be honest I didn’t give a shit about what anyone’s mother thought.

Anyway, by the time I graduated too she was already well on her way. Plenty of small, but good, parts and good in them — RSC, Royal Court, that kind of thing — whereas I auditioned a lot but couldn’t land anything and, without the routine of school, I started to go down. All the confidence just began leaking away. As the months passed and I still got nothing I started spreading the weekend. Began needing a pick-me-up before going in. Same again when I came out. A whole lot more when I didn’t get the part, then forgetting it’s not the best idea to go auditioning off your face. It was like not feeling real any more. Disconnected despite all the talking. Watching the self I’d built up over four or five years just crack and fall off me like paint. People kept saying It’s only a matter of time so I persevered in the hope they weren’t lying. At the same time, beginning to think I might’ve been lying to myself. Wasting everyone’s time with fantasies of this career I couldn’t have. The person I could never be. There was just so much rejection and not enough of me. So I got afraid. And I lost my nerve — which is really fucking fatal in this line of work. By a year I was falling. Just breaking apart. Taking whatever I could to feel normal again. To get out of bed. To get back in. And I’d be a real cunt to her sometimes and not because I begrudged her, I just wanted something for myself. And she was always trying to help. Introduce me to people. So I’d get bits here and there but not enough to fix what was going wrong, as if anything could have been.

Then I cheated on her. It wasn’t the first time, just the first time I got caught, and I knew I should feel guilty but, really, I didn’t understand all the fuss. For me it was only a drunken fuck. She was shattered though, wouldn’t see me for weeks. And when she did take me back it was different because it obviously meant more to her than me. So rows began ending more frequently with me fucking off for days and not telling her where. I stopped hiding the extent of my habit as well. I didn’t care how much she begged or how much I spent. She started tagging along everywhere I went, mostly to get me home safe or drag me off someone else. I made her do that, take control and I didn’t make it easy at all. I think we spent a year getting kicked off buses and out of cabs because of the way I’d carry on, picking fights with strangers and being a twat. I’d wake up with black eyes or cracked ribs and no fucking memory of how I did it, which brought shedloads of older memories in so I’d have to up the dosages to push those away again. And I’d have the odd moment of thinking What are you playing at? But they always came to nothing because I couldn’t stop. I just didn’t know how.

Did you still love her? As much as I was able, he says Which probably wasn’t as much as she deserved. She just wanted so much and it suffocated me. I didn’t want to talk about or hear about things. It was the intimacy I suppose. I just couldn’t, I mean, my position was, if you feel down, down a few of these and spare me all the fucking chat.

By halfway through our third year together I was mercilessly fucking around, hardly bothering to hide at all. When she’d threaten to leave I’d beg her to stay and she always would. Then I’d get that buzz in my head and be off to find someone else. And if I didn’t wake up with a stranger’s skin under my nails it was in bed with one of her friends, some girl from her play. She’d be so humiliated and I’d know I was a piece of shit but I had no real conscience about sex. Just wanted it and wanted it. Always pestering her for it too until she stopped wanting to. Then we’d row because I wasn’t able to touch her without it becoming that. Sometimes she’d just lie there and let me and I still would. I fucking knew I shouldn’t do that but then it was another excuse. Say she was cold so I fucked someone else. I know I hurt her over and over like I was looking up ways in a book. The worst part was, she couldn’t hurt me back. Once or twice she was unfaithful and flaunted it. For appearances’ sake I ranted and raved but I didn’t really care. I think I got her to believe that it was all her fault. That if only she could make me happy I would stop and that was a lie. It must have made her so lonely, all that fucking addiction, because even when I was with her she was on her own.

Then one day she told me she was pregnant and things would have to change. For some reason she was happy and I’d like to say I was but, honestly, I just thought Oh shit! How could I want a child with the state I was in, never mind the childhood I’d had? But she wanted me to be happy so I pretended I was. Swore I’d get clean. Swore I’d get a proper job — don’t know what either of us thought that might be but that was what she wanted to hear so that was what I said. If I hadn’t been continually wasted I would have been terrified. I mean, I had no idea what a father should be. Mine — shagging everything in sight? Hers — breathing fire down my neck about having to marry her now? — to which I agreed and never got round to. Or maybe my stepfather, never walking through the wrong door? Then to top it off, there was her, my mother. What if? What if that was me? And the fucking horror of that thought I could not manage at all. So after a few weeks clinging to sobriety by my fingernails I let it go again. The drinking got worse. And everything else. Fucking nosebleeds every night. Going to the clap clinic all the time. Then my Big Break arrived, unexpectedly, and about two years too late.

Juv lead in a film. Big Hollywood thing. To be shot out at Elstree. She was thrilled because I cheered the fuck up and it meant plenty of cash. Promise of work. Future blossoming like the may. But by then it freaked me out more than anything else — the thought of having to succeed, knowing how badly she wanted me to, to justify all I’d put her through. And I couldn’t. Couldn’t work out what I was supposed to do. And couldn’t sleep. Or relax. Weighed nothing at all. Of course there were also plenty of people happy to sort me out on set. Whatever I wanted to take. Whoever I wanted to fuck. It was so easy. I closed my eyes and just dived into everything. Bottle of vodka by lunch. Coke after that. Speed. Uppers. Anything to get me up on my feet and running around, behaving like I was still capable which — it must’ve been clear — I wasn’t. I remember one of the older actors taking me aside, advising me to sort myself out, even giving me some doctor friend’s number. I swore I’d call then went out and swallowed everything I could get my hands on. But no one sacked me or said You’re fucking up so I just kept running and running until it all came running back.