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God Eily, the things she said. I think I’d just blanked out what it was like inside. In my memory it’s always heading off somewhere, nodding out on someone else’s stairs or fucking about off my head. But I suddenly remembered what she was talking about. And it only got worse from there. She told Grace about the sleeping around. How I’d cheated on her every chance I had. Fucked her best friend in the toilet when we were on a night out. Given her the clap then accused her of giving it to me. About walking in on me with some girl in our bed and so wasted I didn’t notice until she hit me with a record. More often knowing I had been, smelling it off me, but I’d just lie right to her face. I did that all the time, I know I did. Everything she said was true Eily and horrible to hear, to really remember how I’d treated her and then think of Grace knowing too. She said she asked her, what kind of man does that Grace? I’ve given you the best of everything in life, how can you choose him over me? But Grace just kept asking why she had to choose between? That you’d been clean so long, how could you not be different? Your letters proved you were. I couldn’t have it Stephen, she said You being defended by her. I told her she knew nothing and I was sick of this childish romance about you she’d invented. You don’t know what that man’s capable of, I said. He’s not fit to be your father. He isn’t safe. You said what? I said and she said, I said Grace, I’ve gone out of my way to protect you from this but that man he and his mother they were far more than mother and son and if you think I’d ever risk him doing the same to you, you are very much mistaken.

Jesus Eily, to hear her say that. To know she’d said it to Grace. I just got up saying Oh God, how could you? I know, she said But But Eily, I thought I was going to fucking kill her. I started shouting How dare you? How dare you say that about me? Whatever fucked-up things I’ve done I could never hurt Gracie. Marianne just kept saying Please Stephen, please sit down. But I couldn’t and it just All these years, I shouted When will you have enough? All these years of punishing me and now this. To try to frighten her your own fucking child, for fuck’s sake, how could you do that to her? Everyone in the restaurant was staring and I just couldn’t believe it. It’s the worst thing I could imagine being said about me and then said to my little girl. Eventually the waiter said If you don’t sit down you’ll have to leave. I nearly hit him and Marianne kept going Please Stephen, please. I wanted to walk out but I couldn’t. I had to know what Grace said. Marianne was crying I think, by this stage and I was beside myself but I did sit back down. And we sat. I was so fucking stunned it took a few minutes to ask What happened then, Marianne? She said I know that was awful, a terrible thing to say, and not true, I know you would never have hurt Grace. Marianne, I said I don’t really fucking care what you know, what does Gracie think? She said Grace asked what I meant? And you said? When he was growing up there was some kind of sexual activity with his mother. Even as I said it I realised what I’d done but it was too late by then. She wanted to know everything I knew and how I did. I tried to back-pedal but she was insistent, so I told her what I’ve just told you and How did she react? I said. Stephen, she said She saw right through. She understood immediately and better than I ever had. I know he left home at sixteen, she said So what you’re saying is that when my father was a child his mother did something molested him? He was younger than I am now so isn’t that what that means? Grace, I said. No, she said You’re telling me my father was reared by a woman who did that to him? His own mother, the same way you’re mine? My grandmother. Grace, I said. And you’ve known this all my life? Every time I’ve asked about him and you’ve said what a liar he was, what a strung-out mess, you knew that had happened but you kept it to yourself? You didn’t think it would help to explain? I didn’t want to upset you Grace. But now you’re telling me, she said So I’ll be afraid of him. That’s the only reason you’re telling me, isn’t it? Jesus Christ Mum he’s my father and something awful happened what’s the matter with you? And she was right Stephen, I saw it so clearly then, what the anger’s done to me and how I’ve excused myself. All because I somehow had to win and seeing Grace see it made me very ashamed.

I know she called you the next day. I suppose that must have been a surprise. I don’t know what she said but obviously not what I had. To be frank, we’ve hardly spoken since. The only reason she hasn’t appeared on your doorstep is that I have her passport. I’ve tried to talk to her, to explain. She won’t have it. All she’ll say is that there has to be a change. So that’s why I called you. That’s why we’re here. I know you’ll find it rich of me to start asking for your help but I’m not asking entirely for myself. I’m asking because this is what Grace wants, even needs, and I’ve lost all right to refuse. So what exactly are you asking Marianne? I said. And she said If you would be willing to come to Vancouver, Stephen, to start spending some time with her?

Oh Stephen! I say. He just nods. What did you say to her? Well, I’d sort of calmed down once I’d heard what Grace’s reaction was and it’s not as if I was ever going to refuse, so I said Yes of course I will, and Marianne said Thank you.

We just sat there then. It was a lot to take in. Realising your worst secret isn’t a secret is a very odd sensation. I didn’t really know what to think. I couldn’t decide whether it was a relief or I still wanted to kill Marianne. But far beyond all of those things, those locked doors between Gracie and me were suddenly open. After so many years of waiting and wishing for only that. I had to keep turning away to wipe my eyes. I felt a bit useless actually Eil. And then the fucking food arrived.

He sits himself up and starts to smile. Oh bollocks, I thought and, like she read my mind, Marianne said Well, we might as well eat. Turned out I was hungry though, so I began wolfing it. We each had another glass of wine. Talked a little more about Grace and what had been going on. When would be a good time for me to come. Then we ordered another bottle of wine — I suppose we weren’t feeling so civilised any more. But, in spite of everything that had just been said, I felt suddenly pleased to be sat in that restaurant with Grace’s name passing back and forth between us. After so many years, and all that went wrong, it was right to sit with Marianne and talk about our girl. And, I don’t know if it was the wine or what, but I realised now was my chance to ask what I never thought I’d have the opportunity to. Can I ask you something Marianne? I said. Just as we’re getting along so swimmingly! she groaned Go on. Why did you take her the way you did? Just after she was born it would have made sense but we’d been getting on pretty well for years — at least that’s how it seemed to me — and the way you left it was such a shock. Why did you do it like that? I can’t believe you don’t know, she said. No, I said I don’t. I did it because I was still in love with you, she said And after everything we’d been through, when you finally cleaned up, you never asked me to come back. Not once Stephen and I would have too, right up to the moment when I got on that plane with her. Maybe you just didn’t love me any more, or maybe you were ashamed, but I loved you so much my only option was to hurt you in the end. I thought it was so obvious, especially to you. I’m surprised you didn’t realise. That never crossed my mind, I said No.