A 52-year-old transgender “woman” was arrested for raping (an actual) woman in 2016 and then once placed in a female jail “she” sexually assaulted four female prisoners within the first few days.149 This story spread through social media because people found it so disturbing, but some were in denial and thought it was a hoax, causing Snopes to post an article asking “Did a Male Rapist Who Identifies as Female Transfer to a Women’s Jail and Assault Female Inmates?” and rated the claim “True.”150
In March 2019 a black transgender “woman” in New York was arrested for hate crimes after targeting random white women walking along the sidewalk near subway stations in Harlem and the Upper West Side and spraying them in the face with pepper spray. Police believe 37-year-old Thomas Herd, a black man who identifies as a woman, was behind almost a dozen other similar attacks in the area.151
A transgender “woman” in Sydney, Australia was captured on surveillance cameras inside a 7-Eleven walking into the convenience store in January 2019 with an ax, and then randomly smashing two customers in the face after getting upset about a bad Tinder date.152
In 2015, a 30-year-old man dressed as a woman was arrested for secretly videotaping women in a mall’s bathroom in Virginia.153 A 37-year-old man in Toronto was arrested after he claimed to be a transgender “woman” and was allowed inside a women’s shelter, where he then assaulted four women.154 These are just a few of many examples.
Aside from ignoring the transgender Peeping Toms, rapes, and hate crimes that transgender “women” commit, the liberal media also ignores the rapes that gay men commit, and try to portray rape as something that only a man does to a woman, but the reality is that gay men raping other men occurs far more frequently than people know, particularly in the U.S. military since Barack Obama lifted the ban on gays being allowed in.155
Black Crime
The liberal media always portrays black people as being “racially profiled” by police and cite figures about black people being arrested at exponentially higher rates than whites as some kind of “proof” that the police are racist, but the reality is that black people per capita commit significantly more violent crimes than whites, so it only makes sense that they would get arrested more!
Since liberals don’t know anything about math, when you mention that black men commit murder at approximately ten times the average of whites, they may lookup the statistics and claim that’s not true, but they are only comparing the total number of murders committed by whites to the total number committed by blacks, and don’t factor in that blacks are only about 14% of the U.S. population.156
The figures are per capita, meaning the average per person, and since less than 20% of murders in Chicago are actually solved,157 the number of murders committed by black people is likely much higher than the FBI and Department of Justice records show, which again, reveal that black people commit murder at close to ten times the average of whites. Not twice as many per capita, or three times as many—ten times, or 1000% more murders per capita!
Unfortunately many black Americans have embraced the identity of a thug, and see gangster rappers as role models, and view going to jail as a badge of honor. Local TV news in Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Baltimore cover the day’s murders, stabbings, and robberies for a few minutes each night, and it’s almost the same story the next night, and the night after that, but the black crime problem in America is never addressed as part of our national discussion.
Memorial Day weekend of 2016 in Chicago ended with 69 people shot, every one of them from black on black crime.158 And while the story may have gotten a fifteen second segment on some of the national broadcast news networks, the horrifying weekend was forgotten by the next day. There was no CNN Town Hall special to discuss the violence problem there. No endless panelists brought on air to discuss it with Anderson Cooper or Don Lemon. It’s like it never even happened.
The following year 52 people were shot in Chicago over the same holiday weekend.159 36 people were shot the year after that over Memorial Day weekend.160 All black victims and black perpetrators. Over the Fourth of July holiday and Labor Day weekends the same thing happens every year. It’s total carnage in the black communities in Chicago.
It’s especially sad that the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement was built upon a foundation of lies. The list of armed and dangerous perpetrators justly shot and killed by police and then labeled “victims” of “police brutality” is long. In fact, convicted cop killer Assata Shakur, who fled to Cuba which granted her “political asylum,” is considered to be an inspiration for starting the Black Lives Matter movement.161 She was a member of the domestic terrorist organization the Black Liberation Army which stated their goal was to wage war against the United States government, and they carried out a series of bombings and assassinations of police officers in the 1970s.162
Many Black Lives Matter supporters carried on the philosophy of the Black Liberation Army and see themselves in a war against police. During their marches they would sometimes chant “What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want them? Now!”163 In June 2015 two black men were arrested for plotting to blow up a police station in Ferguson, Missouri to get revenge for an officer shooting Michael Brown (after Brown attacked him and tried to take his gun).164 In July 2016 a black man ambushed a group of police officers during a Black Lives Matter march in Dallas, Texas, killing five of them and injuring nine others.165
In 2017 when groups of black youth were robbing people of their cellphones at a train station in San Francisco, police refused to release security footage of the crimes “to avoid racial stereotypes.”166 Debora Allen, who works for the Department of Transportation, gave an interview with the local news and explained the police told her that, “To release these videos would create a high level of racially insensitive commentary toward the district. And in addition it would create a racial bias in the riders against minorities on the trains.”167 Police wouldn’t release video footage of the perpetrators because they were concerned it would make black people look bad!
The media regularly tries to ignore or downplay most instances of anti-white hate crimes committed by black people. For example, after a black man walked into a predominately white church in Nashville, Tennessee in 2017 and opened fired, killing one woman and wounding seven others, a judge sealed most of the evidence for almost two years, and then during the trial it was revealed, as many had suspected, that he specifically went there to kill white people.168
Meanwhile, if you’re concerned about white farmers being murdered in South Africa by the racist mobs of blacks who believe it’s their rightful land, you are called a racist conspiracy theorist for promoting what the Liberal Media Industrial Complex calls the “white genocide conspiracy theory.”169
In recent years, white farmers in South Africa (called the Boers) have been facing persecution by vicious black gangs who raid their homes and slaughter them to get “revenge” against the “imperialists” who benefited from the Apartheid.170 And God forbid you point out the anti-white hate crimes that occur in the United States at the hands of disgruntled blacks who blame white people for all of their personal and cultural failures. That’s a guaranteed way to get labeled a “white supremacist.”