Never before have there been so many threats to assassinate a president of the United States, and it’s utterly shocking to see that there have been little to no repercussions for the high profile celebrities who have done so. Previously such reckless and dangerous statements would completely end someone’s career and gotten their movies and music pulled from store shelves and streaming services, but today these celebrities have been mostly immune from any consequences.
The Red Scare
The Democrat conspiracy theory that Donald Trump “colluded” with Russians to “steal” the 2016 election caused the greatest case of mass hysteria in America since the Salem witch trials. As you know it completely consumed the news cycle for over two years, and every night the speculation and imagination about “what really happened” got more and more out of control. “Donald Trump now sits at the threshold of impeachment,” MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell once declared with glee.241 “The worst case scenario that the president is a foreign agent suddenly feels very palpable,” Rachel Maddow concluded one night.242
He was certainly going to not only be impeached, but led out of the White House in handcuffs for committing “treason” and “undermining our Democracy,” they thought. Those who hadn’t succumbed to the madness were skeptical of these wild allegations from the start, and when the “bombshell” reports kept turning out to be completely false, the mainstream media became increasingly discredited and desperate.
Alan Dershowitz, a rare liberal who still maintained his sanity though all of this, summed it up pretty well when he said that “hope over reality” fueled their delusions.243 When the Robert Mueller investigation finally cleared Trump and everyone connected to him of conspiring with the Russians in any way, the Democrats and their mouth pieces in the media still couldn’t admit they were wrong (and completely insane), and instead kept concocting new conspiracy theories about a “cover-up.” Since they took control of the House of Representatives in the 2018 midterm election, they kept “investigating” Trump’s business records trying to find “something.”
As President Trump once noted, “If it was the goal of Russia to create discord, disruption and chaos within the U.S. then, with all of the Committee Hearings, investigations and party hatred, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. They are laughing their asses off in Moscow.”244
LGBT “Rights”
President Trump supports gay “marriage” unlike every previous Republican president (and all Democrat presidents too, except for Obama when he flip-flopped during his second term). But the media still portrays Trump as anti-gay. At a campaign event before he was elected, Donald Trump held up a big gay pride rainbow flag and waved it around stage after seeing someone in the audience holding it.245 He even said Caitlyn Jenner can use whatever bathroom “she” wants to in Trump Tower.246 But the radical LGBT activists are still convinced that he “hates” gay people because the mainstream media ignores his pro-LGBT positions.
After President Trump announced a plan to work with the United Nations to prevent countries from enforcing laws banning homosexuality, Out Magazine, a popular American gay publication, attacked him, publishing a story titled, “Trump’s Plan to Decriminalize Homosexuality Is an Old Racist Tactic,” and claimed, “The Trump administration is set to launch a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality in dozens of nations where anti-gay laws are still on the books,” which you would think they would be happy about, but they denounced the move, saying, “Rather than actually being about helping queer people around the world, the campaign looks more like another instance of the right using queer people as a pawn to amass power and enact its own agenda.”247 You can’t make these lunatics happy!
They Sided with North Korea
The liberal media hates Trump so bad, they basically sided with North Korea out of spite when President Trump was trying to help broker peace between the North and the South. When he was trying to incentivize Kim Jong Un to dismantle his nuclear program, NBC News complained about it, reporting that, “Trump’s North Korea policy could trigger famine,” because of new sanctions he threatened to put in place if they didn’t comply with the U.S. demands.248 How else was he supposed to apply pressure to them without launching a full-out war? Applying sanctions to cutoff imports is a basic tactic when dealing with rogue regimes!
Comedian Michelle Wolf (who had recently bombed at the White House Correspondents Dinner) polled her Netflix audience, asking them, “Are you sort of hoping we don’t get peace with North Korea so you wouldn’t have to give Trump credit?” and 71% agreed that they didn’t want peace in North Korea because it would make President Trump look good.249
When Michael Moore was talking with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, the cable news host admitted that he was “genuinely rooting for him to handle the Korean situation well,” at which point Michael Moore cut him off and replied, “I don’t know if I agree with that.” A stunned Hayes responded, “You’re not rooting for him to deal with North Korea well?!” Michael Moore continued his explanation with a ridiculous analogy trying to justify his hope that President Trump fails at helping negotiate a peaceful resolution between North and South Korea.250
The two countries joined together during the 2018 Winter Olympics to form a unified Korean hockey team which was an incredible sign that relations were improving. Kim Jong Un later crossed over the DMZ (demilitarized zone—the border between the North and South) to meet personally with the leader of South Korea, marking the first time leaders of the two countries had met since Korea split apart after World War II.251
Families have been allowed to reunite with each other for the first time since the separation, and President Trump himself was invited to step over the DMZ where he was greeted by Kim Jong Un in a historic moment giving more hope for peace in the region, but Trump doesn’t get any credit for that, and the media kept claiming his tactics were going to start World War Three.
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Conservatives began joking about liberals being afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome when it became obvious that they weren’t able to cope with the fact that he is the president, but as time went on many psychologists said they were actually treating patients for what they called Trump Anxiety Disorder.252 A therapist at the Washington D.C. Counseling and Psychotherapy Center admitted that they were getting a lot of patients who had anxiety, fear, and hopelessness about the Trump administration.253
The shock on election night 2016 when Hillary Clinton lost was like nothing the country had ever seen. Reporters couldn’t hold back their horror and Democrats across the country were in tears, but after a week the shock still hadn’t worn off. And then a month went by and they were still in denial that Trump was going to be our next president and were getting increasingly distraught. But the months dragged on, and then it was a year, and then two years since he won the election, and instead of gaining their composure and getting back to business, they continued to get more unhinged with every passing week.
When a New York Times reporter was asked about why Hillary Clinton wrote her What Happened book, she responded, “I think that the intention of the book was two things. One, it was to really, I think, just to vent and get it out there because there are so many people like Hillary Clinton who are still writing about this, who are still thinking about this, who are still in therapy frankly, sources that I know who are still really upset about the election.”254 In therapy!