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They seem to hate white people so much that after the White House announced the National Day for the Victims of Communism a BuzzFeed reporter declared that the phrase “victims of Communism” was a “white nationalist talking point.”449 Aside from their distain for white people, BuzzFeed also can’t stand heterosexual people (known as normal people to those not infected with the liberal pathogen.) When Star Wars: The Last Jedi was released, despite Disney turning the movie into a feminist propaganda piece, BuzzFeed still wasn’t happy because there were no LGBT characters and suggested that Finn (John Boyega) and Poe Dameron (Oscar Issac) should have had a “romance” as part of the plot.450

BuzzFeed is perhaps the worst clickbait bottom feeder online and makes the National Enquirer look like a Pulitzer Prize winning publication. Outside of the community of morons who actively visit their website, BuzzFeed is best-known for publishing the fake news story about Donald Trump allegedly being caught on tape with hookers peeing on him in a Russian hotel.

The story about the now-infamous “dossier” had been circling internally at most of the major news outlets but nobody had reported on it because it was so ridiculous and there wasn’t a shred of evidence to back it up, but BuzzFeed decided they would get the “scoop” and ran with it.

Then the allegations were all over social media and “Golden Showers” was trending on Twitter which provided cover for other “news” outlets to repeat the story. BuzzFeed often does the dirty work for Democrats by publishing salacious allegations and hyping them up enough to then get amplified by mainstream outlets which hide under the cover of qualifiers like “BuzzFeed reports” and “according to BuzzFeed.” This way, they can give the impression that they’re not making the claims, it’s someone else and they’re just passing it along because “if true” it would be a big story.

Vice News

Vice News is another popular online outlet which regularly celebrates the most bizarre sexual perversions and promotes degenerates as modern day heroes. Some of their headlines are literally: “We Interviewed the Zoophilia Advocate Who Had Sex with a Dolphin;” “Ever Fantasized About Ingesting an Animal Through Your Anus?” “How to Make Breakfast With Your Vagina;” “Why Can’t I Consent to Sex with My Brother?” “Dear Straight Guys, It’s Time to Start Putting Things In Your Butt;” “Was Jesus Gay?” “Getting Cocaine Blown Up Your Butt;” and “Should Every Man Be Penetrated At Least Once In His Life?” It should be no surprise that Vice News is also on the forefront of celebrating child drag queens and sexualizing children.451

Vice’s founder Shane Smith became a billionaire from peddling this kind of cancer.452 In the early 2010s they regularly made viral videos on interesting topics that other news outlets wouldn’t cover, like traveling to Columbia to investigate scopolamine (also known as the Devil’s Breath) which allegedly puts people into a chemically induced hypnotic trance where they will do anything they’re told,453 and visiting Kim Dotcom’s estate in New Zealand and letting him give his side of the story regarding the massive copyright infringement case he’s facing for running the file-sharing site Megaupload.454 But Vice quickly devolved into the most perverted of online outlets.

Like all the other large Leftist web-based media outlets, Vice seems to be obsessed with criticizing white people and sees “white supremacists” around every corner. They literally reported that, “Racist and white supremacist ideas have become more visible among the Chinese Canadian right.”455 So Chinese people living in Canada are white supremacists now? There’s no point in trying to make sense of their insanity. It’s best to just stay away from them so their poisonous propaganda doesn’t enter your view because it will only make you upset.

In 2015, Disney invested over $400 million into Vice, but four years later had lost all of their money and wrote it off on their taxes.456 George Soros came to the rescue in mid-2019 and “invested” another $250 million dollars into the failing media company so they could continue to operate.457 The “investment” from Soros was really just a donation to help them cover their operating expenses for the next few years so they could keep pumping out their liberal propaganda regardless of how much money it cost them to produce or whether they earned any revenue from it.


Vox is another well-funded online outlet that sees white supremacist boogeymen around every corner, and paints anyone to the right of Karl Marx as an alt-right Nazi. Vox largely functions as an activist organization working to destroy the careers of conservatives by painting targets on their back and smearing them with labels that are difficult to shake. In 2015 they were given $200 million dollars by NBC to do their dirty work without tarnishing the NBC name.458

For years Vox has been obsessed with PewDiePie, who held the title of YouTube’s most subscribed channel for six years, and thinks that he is putting out secret white supremacist messages to his viewers.459 Of course they labeled me one of YouTube’s “most extreme” creators in a video they produced crying about how conservatives were making viral anti-feminist and anti-illegal immigration videos on YouTube.460

Vox came to most people’s attention in June 2019 when one of their activists (who calls himself a “journalist”) named Carlos Maza tried to get Steven Crowder completely banned from YouTube for calling him a “lispy queer” and an “anchor baby.” Just as gay pride month kicked off, Carlos Maza rallied his fans to pressure YouTube to ban Crowder for “bullying” him and for using “hate speech,” despite Maza often referring to himself as a “queer” and the Q in LGBTQ stands for just that.

The little sissy spent an entire weekend ranting on Twitter about how miserable his life was and kept harassing YouTube to ban Crowder for his “homophobic attacks.” YouTube then demonetized Crowder’s entire channel, along with many others the company claimed were posting “offensive” content. More on that in the chapter on YouTube.

In case there is any doubt as to whether or not Vox hates the First Amendment, for the 4th of July they published an op-ed titled “3 Reasons the American Revolution Was a Mistake,” which starts off saying, “This July 4, let’s not mince words: American independence in 1776 was a monumental mistake. We should be mourning the fact that we left the United Kingdom, not cheering it.”461

It goes on to wish we would have remained a British colony because slavery would have supposedly been abolished sooner, fewer Native Americans would have been oppressed, and we would have a parliamentary system of government instead of a separation of powers (the three-branch system, which we currently have).

The writer also added his belief that we would have passed a carbon tax, since that’s what happened in Britain, whereas such a proposal has (thankfully) so far failed to get enough support in the United States. The article concluded that, “The main benefit of the revolution to colonists was that it gave more political power to America’s white male minority.”462 Of course! It’s always the white man’s fault!

The Daily Beast

The Daily Beast is another unscrupulous online outlet that often functions as a political activist organization instead of a “news” website and regularly depicts Trump supporters as a bunch of bigots. They like to publish stories that smear rising conservative social media personalities as “far-right” to brand them as “extremists” in attempts to derail their careers before a major network hires them as contributors. It’s their way of trying to kill off the next generation of conservative voices before they become household names.