Ajax, seeAias
Alastor, son of Neleus 45
Alcaios, son of Androgeos 78
Alcaios, son of Perseus 68
Alcathoos, son of Porthaon 39, 42
Alcatous, son of Pelops 72, 127
Alceides, earlier name of Heracles 73
Alcestis, daughter of Pelias 46, 48, 85
Alcidice, wife of Salmoneus 45
Alcimenes, killed by Bellerophon 64
Alcinoos, father of Nausicaa 55, 168
Alcinous, son of Hippocoon 120
Alcippe, daughter of Ares 130–1
Alcmaion, son of Amphiaraos 42, 111–14,162
Alcmaionid, the (an early epic) 42 (fr. 4 Davies)
Alcmene, daughter of Electryon 68, 69–70, 72, 92, 97
Alcon, son of Hippocoon 120
Alcyone, daughter of Aiolos 38
Alcyone, daughter of Atlas 117
Alcyone, daughter of Sthenelos 68
Alcyone, mother of Elephenor 148
Alcyoneus, a Giant 34
Alecto, a Fury 27
Alector, father of Iphis 108
Alector, father of Leitos 50, 121
Aleos, son of Apheidas 49, 88, 92, 115
Aletes, son of Icarios 120
Alexander, seeParis
Alexandras, son of Eurystheus 92
Alexiares, son of Heracles 91
Aloads, the (Aloadai) 38
Aloeus, son of Poseidon 38
Alphesiboia, mother of Adonis 131
Althaia, daughter of Thestios 39, 40–1
Althaimenes, son of Catreus 98–9
Amaltheia (a goat) 28
Amaltheia, daughter of Haimonios 89
Amarynceus, father of Hippostratos 42
Amazons, the 64, 78, 141,154, 172
Amisodaros, who reared the Chimaera 64
Ammon, an oracle by 66
Amphianax, king of Lycia 62
Amphiaraos, son of Oicles 41, 47, 49, 107–9, 111,112, 121
Amphictyon, son of Deucalion 37, 132
Amphidamas, son of Bousiris 82
Amphidamas, son of Cleitonymos 130
Amphidamas, son of Lycourgos 116
Amphidicos, son of Astacos 110
Amphilochos, son of Alcmaion 114, 162
Amphilochos, son of Amphiaraos 112, 121, 158
Amphimachos, son of Cteatos 121, 148
Amphimachos, son of Electryon 68
Amphimachos, son of Nomion 153
Amphion, son of Zeus and Antiope 104–5, 117
Amphios, son of Merops 152
Amphithea, daughter of Pronax 47
Amphithea, wife of Lycourgos 48
Amphitrite, [daughter of Oceanos 28], 29 (as Nereid), 33, 135
Amphitryon, father of Iphicles 40
Amphitryon, son of Alcaios 68, 69–71, 72
Amphoteros, son of Alcmaion 113
Amyclas, son of Amphion 105
Amyclas, son of Lacedaimon 44, 115, 118–19
Amycos, son of Poseidon 51, 79
Amymone, daughter of Danaos 60–1, 62
Amyntor, king of Ormenion 90, 92, 129
Amythaon, son of Cretheus 39, 46, 63
Anactor, son of Electryon 68
Anaxibia, daughter of Bias 46
Anaxibia, daughter of Cratieus 46
Anaxo, daughter of Alcaios 68
Ancaios, son of Lycourgos 40, 49, 53, 116, 121
Anchinoe, daughter of the Nile 60
Anchises, son of Capys 123, 152, 157
Anchios, a Centaur 75
Andraimon, father of Oxylos 94
Andraimon, nephew of Oineus 40, 42, 148, 170
Androgeos, son of Minos 79, 80, 97, 98, 136–7
Andromache, daughter of Eetion 125, 158, 160
Andromeda, daughter of Cepheus 66–8
Anicetos, son of Heracles 91
Anios, son of Apollo 148
Anogon, son of Castor 122
Antaios, son of Poseidon or Ge 82
Anteia, daughter of lobates 62
Antenor, father of Archelochus and Acamas 151,152, 157
Antheis, daughter of Hyacinthos 137
Anticleia, mother of Odysseus 148, 167
Anticleia, mother of Periphetes 138
Anticlos, 157
Antigone, daughter of Eurytion 127
Antigone, daughter of Oedipus 106, 107, 111
Antilochos, son of Nestor 46, 121, 154
Antimache, daughter of Amphidamas 116
Antinoos, suitor of Penelope 169, 170
Antiochos, son of Heracles 93
Antiochos, son of Melas 42
Antiochos, son of Pterelaos 68
Antiope, an Amazon 141
Antiope, daughter of Nycteus 104, 117
Antiphates, king of the Laistrygonians 166
Antiphos, son of Myrmidon 38
Antiphos, son of Priam 125
Antiphos, son of Talaimenes 152
Antiphos, son of Thessalos 148, 161
Apemosyne, daughter of Catreus 98
Aphareus, son of Perieres 39, 40, 44, 49, 119, 122
Apheidas, son of Areas 115
Aphrodite, see‘The Twelve Gods’, pp. 262–6
Apis, son of Phoroneus 39, 58, 59
Apollo, see‘The Twelve Gods’, pp. 262–6
Apollonius (poet, 3rd cent, BC) 52, Argonautka(2, 284 ff.)
Apsyrtos, son of Aietes 54
Areas, son of Zeus and Callisto 115
Arceisios, father of Laertes 49
Archelaos, son of Electryon 68
Archelochos, son of Antenor 152
Archemachos, son of Priam 125
Archemoros, seeOpheltes
Architeles, father of Eunomos 89
Arene, daughter of Oibalos 119
Ares, see‘The Twelve Gods’, pp. 262–6
Arestor, father of Argos 59
Arete, wife of Alcinoos 55, 56
Arethousa, one of the Hesperides 81
Aretos, son of Nestor 46
Aretos, son of Priam 125
Arges, a Cyclops 27
Argeia, daughter of Adrastos 48, 107
Argeia, daughter of Autesion 93
Argiope, a nymph, mother of Cercyon 139
Argiope, a nymph, mother of Thamyris 30
Argeios, son of Licymnios 90
Argos, the All-Seeing 58–9
Argos, son of Phrixos 43, 50
Argos, son of Zeus and Niobe 58, 59
Ariadne, daughter of Minos 97, 98, 140
Arisbe, daughter of Merops 124
Aristaios, husband of Autonoe 101, 102
Aristodeme, daughter of Priam 125
Aristodemos, a Heraclid 93, 94
Aristomachos, a Heraclid 93
Aristomachos, son of Talaos 47, 108
Arneos, father of Megamede 71
Arsinoe, daughter of Leucippos 119
Arsinoe, daughter of Phegeus 113
Arsinoos, father of Chromios and Ennomos 152
Artemis, see‘The Twelve Gods’, pp. 262–6
Ascalaphos, son of Acheron 33, 84
Ascalaphos, son of Ares 50, 121
Ascanios, son of Aretaon 152
Ascanios, son of Priam 125
Asclepiades (of Tragilos, mythological writer, 4th cent, BC) 59 (12F16 Jacoby), 97 (F17)
Asclepius, son of Apollo 119, 121, 172
Asia, an Oceanid 28
Asios (of Samos, early epic poet) 115 (fr. 9 Davies)
Asios, son of Hyrtacos 152
Asopos 44,59, 126,127
Assaracos, son of Tros 123
Astacos, the sons of 110
Asteria, daughter of Coios 28, 29, 31
Asterios, king of Crete 97
Asterios, offspring of Pasiphae, seeMinotaur
Asterios, son of Cometes 50
Asterios, son of Neleus 45
Asterodia, daughter of Deion 44
Asteropaios, son of Pelegon 154
Asterope, daughter of Cebren 124
Astraios, offspring of Ceios 29
Astyanax (son of Hector) 158
Astycrateia, daughter of Amphion 105