Eumelos, father of Dolon 153
Eumelos, son of Admetos 121, 148, 155
Eumenides, sanctuary of the 107
Eumolpos, son of Poseidon and Chione 83, 135
Eumolpos, a flautist 151
Euneus, son of Jason 50
Eunomia, a Season 29
Eunomos, son of Architeles 89
Eupalamos, father of Daidalos 135, 137
Euphemos, son of Poseidon 50
Euphemos, son of Troizenos 152
Euphorbos, a Trojan 154
Euphorion (Hellenistic poet) 161
Euphrosyne, a Grace 29
Eupinytos, son of Amphion 104
Euripides (tragic poet, 5th cent, EC) 60, \VS (Phoen. 1157), 114, 117 ( Phoen. 1162)
Europa (Europe), daughter of Agenor 77, 96–7, 100, 101
Eurotas, son of Lelex 118
Euryale, a Gorgon 66
Euryale, mother of Orion 32
Euryalos, son of Mecisteus 47, 50, 112
Euryalos, son of Melas 42
Eurybia, daughter of Pontos 29
Eurybios, son of Eurystheus 92
Eurybios, son of Neleus 45
Eurydice, daughter of Adrastos 124
Eurydice, daughter of Lacedaimon 63, 118–19
Eurydice, wife of Lycourgos 48, 108
Eurydice, wife of Orpheus 30
Euryganeia, daughter of Hyperphas 106
Eurylochos, companion of Odysseus 166–7
Eurymede, wife of Glaucos 44
Eurymedon, son of Minos 78, 97
Eurymenes, son of Neleus 45
Eurynome, an Oceanid 28, 29, 126
Eurynome, wife of Lycourgos 116
Eurypylos, son of Evaimon 121, 149, 153
Eurypylos, son of Poseidon 86, 92
Eurypylos, son of Telephos 156
Eurypylos, son of Temenos 94
Eurypylos, son of Thestios 39
Eurysthenes, son of Aristodemos 93, 94
Eurystheus, son of Sthenelos 68,73–84, 92, 116
Euryte, a nymph 131
Euryte, daughter of Hippodamas 39
Eurythemis, daughter of Cleoboia 39
Eurytion, a Centaur 75, 76
Eurytion, son of Actor 41, 127
Eurytos, a Giant 34
Eurytos, king of Oichalia 71, 84–5, 90
Eurytos, son of Actor or Poseidon by Molione 87, 121
Eurytos, son of Hermes 49
Eurytos, son of Hippocoon 120
Eusoros, father of Acamas 152
Euteiches, son of Hippocoon 120
Euterpe, a Muse 29
Euxanthios, son of Minos 97
Evadne, daughter of Iphis 111
Evadne, daughter of Strymon 58
Evaimon, father of Eurypylos 121, 149
Evagoras, son of Neleus 45
Evagoras, son of Priam 125
Evandros, son of Priam 125
Evenos, son of Ares 39
Everes, father of Teiresias 109
Everes, son of Heracles 92
Everes, son of Pterelaos 68, 69
Evippos, son of Thestios 39
Fates (Moirai), the 29, 35, 36, 40, 48
Furies (Erinyes, the) 27, 163
Fury, Demeter as a 111; Alcmaion pursued by a 113
Ganymede ( properlyGanymedes), son of Tros 79, 123
Ge (Earth) 27, 28, 29, 33, 34, 45,59, 81, 82, 115
Gelanor, king of Argos 60
Geraistos, a Cyclops 137
Geryon, son of Chrysaor 66, 80
Giants (Gigantes), the 34–5, 87
Glauce, an Amazon 172
Glauce, daughter of Creon 57
Glauce, daughter of Cychreus 126
Glaucos, son of Antenor 157
Glaucos, son of Hippolochos 153, 154
Glaucos, son of Minos 97, 99–100,172
Glaucos, son of Priam 125
Glaucos, son of Sisyphos 44, 64
Glenos, son of Heracles 92
Gorge, daughter of Oineus 40, 42, 148
Gorgons, the 29, 65–6
Gorgophone, daughter of Perseus 44, 68, 119
Gorgophonos, son of Electryon 68
Gorgyra, mother of Ascalaphos 32
Gorgythion, son of Priam 125
Gouneus, father of Laonome 68
Gouneus, son of Ocytos 148, 161
Graces (Charites), the 29
Gration(?), a Giant 35
Gyes, a Hundred-Hander 27
Hades 87, cattle of 80, 84; cap or helmet of 28, 65–6; see alsoPluto
Hagnias, father of Tiphys 49
Haimon, son of Creon 106
Haimonios, father of Amaltheia 89
Halirrhothios, son of Poseidon 130–1
Harmonia, daughter of Ares and Aphrodite 101, 103
Harpies (Harpuiai), the 29, 52,134
Hebe, daughter of Zeus and Hera 29, 91
Hecate, daughter of Perses 29, 34
Hecatoncheires, seeHundred-Handers
Hector, son of Priam 124, 125, 151,
Hecuba ( properlyHecabe), daughter of Dymas 124, 158
Heleios, son of Perseus 68, 70
Helen (Helene), daughter of Zeus and Leda 120–1,125, 143, 146–7, 149, 151, 155, 156, 157, 164
Helenos, son of Priam 125, 155–6, 158, 160
Helios, seeSun
Helle, daughter of Athamas 43
Hellen, son of Deucalion or Zeus 37
Hemithea, daughter of Cycnos 150
Heosphoros, son of Ceux 38
Hephaistos, see‘The Twelve Gods’, pp. 262–6
Hera, see‘The Twelve Gods’
Heraclids, the 92–5, 96
Heracles, son of Zeus and Alcmene 30, 31, 34–5, 36, 40, 45–6, 48, 49, 51, 68(not named), 70–92,93, 115–16,120, 124, 127, 134, 141, 143,148, 149, 155
Hermione, daughter of Menelaos 121, 147, 160, 164
Herodoros (of Heracleia, mythological writer, late 5th-4th cent. Be) 56 (31F41aJacoby)
Herse, daughter of Cecrops 130–1
Hesiod (early epic poet) 64 ( Theog. 319)
Hesiod (from later works attributed to) 42 (fr. 12 M-W), 52 (fr. 155), 58 (fr. 160), 59 (fr. 124), 63 (fr. 131), 105 (fr. 183), 114 (fr. 160), 115 (fr. 163), 117 (fr. 72), 131 (fr. 139), 171 (fr. 275)
Hesione, daughter of Laomedon 79, 86,124, 127
Hesione, wife of Nauplios 62
Hesperia, one of the Hesperides 81 153–4
Hesperides, the 81–3
Hestia, daughter of Cronos 28
Hicetaon, son of Laomedon 124
Hierax 59
Hieromneme, daughter of Simoeis 123
Hilaeira, daughter of Leucippos 119, 122
Hippalcimos, father of Peneleos 121
Hippasos, father of Actor 49
Hippasos, son of Ceux 90
Hippocoon, son of Oibalos, and his sons 87–8, 120
Hippocorystes, son of Hippocoon 120
Hippodamas, son of Acheloos 38
Hippodamas, son of Priam 125
Hippodameia, daughter of Oinomaos 65, 144
Hippodameia, wife of Peirithoos 142
Hippolochos, father of Glaucos 153
Hippolyte, an Amazon 141, 172
Hippolyte, killed by Penthesileia 154, 172 ( but see note, pp. 174–5)
Hippolyte, queen of the Amazons 78–9
Hippolytos, a Giant 35
Hippolytos, father of Deiphobos 85
Hippolytos, son of Theseus 141–2, 172
Hippomedon, son of Aristomachos or Talaos 108, 109, 110
Hippomenes, father of Megareus 137
Hippomenes, husband of Atalante 117
Hipponome, daughter of Menoiceus 68
Hipponoos, father of Periboia and Capaneus 42, 108
Hipponoos, son of Priam 125
Hippostratos, son of Amarynceus 42