Orthos, son of Typhon, a dog 80
Otos, son of Poseidon 38
Otrere, mother of Penthesileia 154
Ourania, a Muse 30
Ouranos (Sky) 27,29, 34
Oxylos, son of Andraimon 94
Oxylos, son of Ares 39
Oxyporos, son of Cinyras 131
Palaimon, formerlyMelicertes, a sea-god 101
Palaimon, son of Hephaistos or Aitolos 49
Palaimon, son of Heracles 92
Palamedes, son of Nauplios 62, 99, 147, 159–60
Pallas, a Giant 35
Pallas, daughter of Triton 123–4
Pallas, son of Creios 29
Pallas, son of Pandion 136; sons of 140
Pammon, son of Priam 125
Pamphylos, son of Aigimios 94
Pan 31, 170
Pandaros, son of Lycaon 152, 153
Pandion, son of Cecrops 135–6, 137
Pandion, son of Erichthonios 133–4
Pandion, son of Phineus 134–5
Pandora, the first woman 37
Pandoras, son of Erechtheus 134
Pandrosos, daughter of Cecrops 130, 132
Panopeus, a Phocian 70
Panyasis (epic poet, 5th cent. Be) 33 (fr. 21 Davies), 131 (fr. 22a), 172 (fr. 19b)
Pareia, a nymph 97
Paris, usuallyAlexander (Alexandras) 124–6, 146–7, 153, 154, 155
Parthenopaios, son of Melanion or Ares 108–10,112, 117
Parthenopaios, son of Talaos 47
Parthenope, daughter of Stymphalos 92
Pasiphae, daughter of the Sun 43, 97, 98, 134,172
Patroclos, son of Menoitios 121, 130, 153–4, 155
Pedias, daughter of Mynes 132
Pegasos, offspring of Poseidon, a winged horse 64, 66
Peiras, son of Argos 58
Peirithoos, son of Ixion 40, 84, 121, 142–3,149
Peisandros (of Cameiros, early epic poet) 42
Peisidice, daughter of Aiolos 38
Peisidice, daughter of Nestor 46
Peisidice, daughter of Pelias 46
Peisinoe, a Siren 167
Peisistratos, son of Nestor 46
Peisos, son of Aphareus 119
Pelagon, son of Asopos 126
Pelasgos, son of Zeus, or earthborn 58, 114
Pelegon, son of Axios 154
Peleus, son of Aiacos 40, 49, 116, 126–9,148, 160
Pelias, son of Poseidon and Tyro 45–6, 48–9,53, 56–7; funeral games for 116, 127; daughters of 57
Pelopeia, daughter of Pelias 46
Pelopia, daughter of Amphion 105
[Pelopia,] daughter of Thyestes 145
Pelopia, mother of Cycnos 90
Pelops, son of Tantalos 68, 69, 73, 104, 126,127, 136, 139, 143–5;altar of 87; bones of 156
Peloros, a Spartos 100
Peneleos, son of Hippalcimos or Hippalmos(?) 50, 121
Penelope, daughter of Icarios 120, 121, 147, 168–70
Penthesileia, daughter of Ares, an Amazon 144, 172
Pentheus, son of Echion 103
Peparethos, son of Dionysos 140
Pephredo, daughter of Phorcos 65
Perdix, mother of Talaos 137
Pereus, son of Elatos 115
Periboia, a Locrian maiden 162
Periboia, daughter of Hipponoos 42
Periboia, wife of Icarios 120
Periboia, wife of Polybos 105
Periclymenos, son of Neleus 45, 50, 87
Periclymenos, son of Poseidon 110
Perieres, charioteer of Menoiceus 72
Perieres, son of Aiolos 38, 44,68, 120,127, 128
Perieres, son of Cynortas 119, 120
Perileos, son of Icarios 120
Perimede, daughter of Aiolos 38
Perimede, wife of Licymnios 69
Perimedes, son of Eurystheus 92
Periopis, daughter of Pheres 130
Periphetes, son of Hephaistos 138
Pero, daughter of Neleus 45, 46–7
Perse, mother of Circe and Aietes 166
Perseis, mother of Pasiphae and Aietes, 43, 97
Persephone, daughter of Zeus 30, 33–4,84, 131, 143,170
Perses, brother of Aietes 57
Perseus, son of Nestor 46
Perseus, son of Zeus 29, 44, 65–8,70, 119
Peteos, father of Menestheus 121
Phaedra ( properlyPhaidra), daughter of Minos 97, 98, 141–2,172
Phaethon, son of Tithonos 131
Phaia, sow of Crommyon, named after
the woman who reared it 139
Phaidimos, son of Amphion 105
Phanos, son of Dionysos 50
Pharnace, daughter of Megassares 131
Phegeus, father of Arsinoe 113
Pheneus, son of Melas 42
Phereclos, builder of ships for Paris 146
Perecydes (of Athens, historian, 5th cent. BC) 32 (3F42 Jacoby), 33 (F53), 42 (F122a), 51 (Fllla), 59 (F67), 71 (F69a), 89 (F42), 96 (F87), 100 (F22c), 101 (F89), 110 (F92a), 115 (F157), 126 (F60)
Pheres, son of Cretheus 40, 46, 48, 49, 120, 130
Pheres, son of Jason 57
Pheidippos, son of Thessalos 148, 161
Philaimon, son of Priam 125
Philammon, father of Thamyris 30
Philocrates (Hellenistic author of a work on Thessaly) 130 (601F1 Jacoby)
Philoctetes, son of Poias 121, 125, 148, 151, 155, 161
Philoitios 169
Philolaos, son of Minos 78, 97
Philomela, daughter of Pandion 133–4
Philonoe, daughter of Iobates 64
Philonome, daughter of Tragasos 150–1
Philyra, mother of Cheiron 29
Philyra, wife of Nauplios 62
Phineus, son of Belos 60, 67
Phineus, son of Poseidon or Agenor 51–3, 135
Phlegyas, son of Ares 104, 119
Phocos, son of Aiacos 126, 127
Phoebe {properlyPhoibe), a Titanid 27, 28
Phoebe, daughter of Leucippos 119, 122
Phoenix {properlyPhoinix), son of Agenor 96, 131
Phoenix, son of Amyntor 129,153, 156, 160
Pholos, son of Seilenos, a Centaur 75–6
Phorbas, father of Augeias 76
Phorbos, father of Pronoe 39
Phorcides, the ( orGraiai) 29, 65
Phorcos, son of Pontos 29, 65, 167
Phorcys, son of Aretaon 152
Phoroneus, son of Inachos 39, 58
Phrasimos, father of Praxithea 134
Phrasios, a seer 82
Phrasios, son of Neleus 45
Phrixos, son of Athamas 43, 49, 52
Phrontis, son of Phrixos 43
Phthia, concubine of Amyntor 129
Phthia, daughter of Amphion 105
Phthia, loved by Apollo 39
Phylacos, son Deion 44, 46–7
Phylas, king of Ephyra 89, 92
Phylas, son of Antiochos 93
Phyleus, son of Augeias 76, 87, 121, 148
Phyllis 161–2
Phylomache, daughter of Amphion 46
Phylonoe, daughter of Tyndareus 120
Phylonomos, son of Electryon 68
Pieris, slave of Menelaos 21–2
Pieros, son of Magnes 30
Pittheus, son of Pelops 136, 143, 145
Placia, daughter of Otreus 124
Pleiades, the 117
Pleione, daughter of Oceanos 117
Pleisthenes (son of Pelops) 99
Pleuron, son of Aitolos 39
Piexippos, son of Phineus 134–5
Piexippos, son of Thestios 39
Pluto 28, 30, 33–4, 84, 127; see alsoHades
Podaleirios, son of Asclepios 121, 148, 155, 158, 162
Podarces, later calledPriam 86, 124
Podarces, son of Iphiclos 47