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"I could not forget Cordelia's smile all that day. It haunted me wherever I went. I was too young to understand its real significance, but it was sufficient to cause an indefinable feeling to take possession of me. When I retired to bed that night (my father had insisted that I should have a room to myself), I noticed that the chamber adjoining mine, which had been shut up ever since I had been at school was now open and fitted up with new furniture. In answer to my inquiry I was told that the room was destined for Miss Cordelia; I felt pleased to think that I should have her for such a close neighbor, and I began to think we might become more intimately acquainted.

"About three nights after this, I retired to bed quite late-in fact, the whole house had already retired. When I came to Miss Cordelia's room, I was surprised to find the door half open and a brilliant light streaming from it. My curiosity was so much aroused that I peeped into the chamber. Great God! a sight met my eyes which took away my breath and riveted me to the floor.

"The beautiful Cornelia with nothing on but her chemise, was lying on a sofa; but this was not all. Her back was towards me and her sole garment was raised above her hips, revealing to me her lovely bottom, the back portion of a pair of the whitest thighs in the world, and the whole of her magnificently formed legs. In lying down she had a curious position which jutted out her buttocks and allowed me to see between her fleshy thighs the luscious lips of her bijou shaded with black hair.

"I stood confounded for a moment but soon recovered myself, as the lovely creature appeared to be asleep. I determined to venture into the chamber that I might obtain a closer view of her concealed beauties; I cautiously glided into the chamber and found that she did not wake. I advanced close to her and, kneeling down behind her, examined at leisure the beautiful objects before my eyes. I can find no words to express her exquisite con. The two fleshy lips met close together, showing only a line of coral which curved from her bottom and was lost in a mass of black curly hair. Of course I was perfectly excited at this sight. And in spite of all prudent considerations, I could not resist bending my head down and imprinting a kiss on the object offered to my regard. She evidently felt the embrace, for a shiver ran through her body, but she did not open her eyes. I now grew more bold, and dividing the lips of her bijou with my tongue I sought the interior of her grotto and met at the entrance her stiffened clitoris, which I had no sooner touched than as if by instinct she pressed her bushy mount close to my face. I now moved my tongue slowly in and out of the luscious opening and she responded by heaves of her buttocks, and in a few moments she poured down a flood of love's elixir. I rose to my feet and was about to withdraw when Cordelia opened her eyes and gazed on me, full in the face. I blushed all over with shame and was about to make a precipitate retreat, when the dear girl smiled on me and, seizing my hand, conveyed it to her splendid bubbies. I already read my pardon on her face, and clasping my arms around her, I pressed her frantically to my heart. I kissed her deliriously, gluing my lips to her, at the same time forcing my tongue into her mouth. She returned all my caresses.

"After toying in this manner a little while, I slipped her chemise off her shoulders and exposed her two semiglobes to my greedy gaze. What lovely objects! I kissed them, sucked the nipples, buried my face between them, stroked her belly and played with her hairy mount. She, too, was not unoccupied, for she had unbuttoned my trousers and was caressing my staff with her hand, capping and uncapping its red head and with the other hand she tickled my testicles. In a broken voice she confessed to me that she had only pretended to be asleep during my manipulations of her charms; that she desired to enjoy me as much as I did her, and she begged me at once to satisfy her longings. I was all primed and loaded for the combat, and kneeling on the floor I drew her towards me; she stooped down and with her own hand guided my instrument into her salacious notch. I felt it tearing up her vagina, and in a moment our conjunction was complete.

"She now commenced to move her bottom rapidly on my staff, while I, with my arms clasped round her handsome body, pressed her towards me in such a manner that her snowy breasts beat against my face. I took one of her rosy nipples in my mouth, and while she was pumping up my spermatic treasures, I sucked and titillated the cunning little strawberry top of her alabaster globes. Nor was this all, for I lowered one of my hands and tickled her bottom-sometimes gently slapping her fleshy cushions, at others forcing a finger in le trou de son cul. When she felt this last operation she could no longer withhold her emission, but throwing her arms round my neck she discharged profusely at the same moment that I anointed her vagina and thighs with my love juices.

"I enjoyed her three times before leaving her. We came to a very good understanding together, and it was decided that I should visit her again the next evening when everybody had retired to bed. I slept soundly that night and rose the next morning extremely happy, for I was cheered up by the thoughts of the joys I was about to experience.

"I stole into her chamber at the time agreed upon and found her already in bed. I undressed myself as quickly as possible and placed the lighted candle at the foot of the bed. I then laid down by her side. During this proceeding, Cordelia pretended to be asleep. I placed my hand on her delicious bubbies, and throwing down the sheet, kissed them; she then opened her eyes and smiled sweetly upon me. I placed my hand over her night dress and raised it gently until I reached her pretty con. I played with the hair of her mount and inserted a finger into her warm vagina. While I was doing this I kissed her lips and my tongue met hers. I then felt her bottom and thighs, roving from one to the other. All these touchings excited us both to the highest pitch. I suddenly threw off all the covering of the bed and by the aid of the candle examined all her charms. Cordelia made no resistance whatever, but grasping my stiff rod in her hand, commenced to move the foreskin backwards and forwards. I kissed her on the eyes and mouth, and addressed the most endearing epithets to her. She was almost crazy with delirious delight.

"'Come, darling,' she exclaimed, 'put it into me or I shall die.'

"I immediately rolled on top of her and in a moment I had pierced her to the very quick. A few rapid motions and I had inundated the mouth of her womb with a flood of boiling sperm.

"It would take me too long to relate all the different ways in which I enjoyed the beautiful Cordelia. Sometimes I lay on top of her-at others she lay on top of me. Sometimes I did it sideways-sometimes I did it kneeling, sometimes before and sometimes behind. Sometimes when I was in a hurry and met her in a retired place, I would place her on a trunk, a chair, a mattress, and achieve the results in the most extraordinary position. More than once I made her stoop forward with her head and hands resting on a trunk, and throwing her petticoats over her head from behind, I would regale myself by the sight of her delicious white cul, with her delicate con peeping between her white thighs, and releasing my member from its ordinary place of concealment, I would force it to the very hilt into her body, her beautiful bottom just fitting the hollow of my thighs.

"One night I stripped her entirely naked as well as myself. I then strewed a large quantity of roses on the floor and made her pick them up naked as she was, all the time watching her by the light of the lamp; the different postures she assumed were delicious to contemplate. I then rubbed some essence of jasmine on her polished skin and applied some on my own body. We threw ourselves on the bed and assumed a hundred different positions. At last I caused her to kneel before me, and handled at will her belly, her thighs, her bubbies, and at last, though not the least delicious, her con, pressing the two lips together, playing with the hair on her mount, titillating her clitoris and exploring the innermost recesses of her vagina. She appeared to enjoy all these follies as much as myself. I then made her incline forward on her hands and knees and mounted on her back. I maintained this position some little time, then I brought my member down between her two fleshy buttocks, and knocked at the trou de son cul. I did not, however, enter there, but opening the lips of the legitimate passage with my two fingers I inserted my dart into her ruby sheath, and a few in and out motions soon brought down a shower of bliss.