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"We now rose up, and naked as we were, sat down near the fire. I produced a bottle of cordial with which I had provided myself, and the fire of desire soon burned in our eyes again. We kissed each other over and over; at last I took her by the arm and drew her from her seat in a standing posture and tried to enter her while in this position, but I could not accomplish it. She was so excited that she seized my member in her hand and, dragging me to the bed, fell on her back, pulled me on top of her and guided my instrument into her salacious slit. The bed creaked with our motions, but I paid no attention to it and drove into her delicious body with all my might-she returning heave for heave. We both soon discharged copiously.

"We rested an hour, and then I inclined her with her belly on the bed. By this means her beautiful cul was completely exposed to my attack. In the first place, I put my instrument between her buttocks and moved it backwards and forwards in this position. I do not know how it was, but the head of my engine struck against le trou de son cul. The contact evidently titillated her, for she wiggled her bottom and begged me 'l'enculer.' Without any further ceremony I moistened the head of my instrument and, separating the two cheeks of her fesses, I forced my vit into the narrow passage. She aided me by every means in her power, raising her buttocks to meet my attack. In a moment I was plunged au fond de son cul.

"How delicious it was. How tightly was my engine grasped by the narrow sheath. I passed my hand around her belly, and put one of my fingers into her con, titillating the lips of this seat of happiness. Cordelia was beyond herself; she lay palpitating on her belly and her whole body was in agitation; every thrust that I gave from behind caused my fingers to be buried deeply into her sensitive quiver, and the cheeks of her bottom trembled with the shock. Her sensitive vagina contracted and she discharged before me, but when I felt my fingers moistened, I withdrew them from their warm nest and, seizing her by her hips, pushed my member for the last time into the narrow path, and she drew from me the liquor of love in such great profusion that when I withdrew my lance from its asylum the white cushions of her buttocks were inundated with my mettle.

"When all was over, I assisted her to rise and we were satisfied for the time, for our scene had been a prolonged one. I left her after assuring her of my devotion.

"At last the time came for me to leave school and I lost sight of the beautiful Cordelia. When I returned home I was quite a young man and my experience with my preceptor's daughter had lighted such a fire in me that I was soon looking about for a means to gratify my passion. I determined that Margaret Murdock should be the next to receive my embraces and I began immediately to lay my plans for the purpose of effecting that object.

"Margaret was the daughter of a widow lady who resided in the village. She was a gloriously beautiful girl, about eighteen years of age. Her hair was a sunny auburn and hung in natural curls around a snow-white neck. She was voluptuously made and extremely graceful. I managed to get introduced to her, and visited the house quite frequently. I had frequent opportunities to see her alone, and you may rely upon it, I did not let the grass grow under my feet. In a few days I had advanced so far as to put my arms around her waist and kiss her. Although at first she somewhat resisted those embraces, she eventually submitted to them and even returned my kisses.

"One warm day in the spring of the year, I called at her mother's house as usual and was informed by the servant that Mrs. Murdock was not home and would not return before evening; but that Miss Margaret was in the drawing room. I ran upstairs and found her seated on a rocking chair engaged in sewing. I ran up to her and shook her by the hand, asking tenderly after her health. She answered me with civility and I took a seat close by her side and gazed fixedly on her beautiful face. We conversed on different subjects a little while, then I passed my arm round her waist and kissed her. She made no resistance but a deep blush suffused her face and neck.

"'Kiss me darling,' I whispered in her ear.

"The charming creature advanced her face toward mine and brought her lips in contact with my own; before she was aware of it, I gently inserted my tongue into her mouth. This species of kissing appeared to please her, for a shiver ran through her body and I met with hers in reply. I now glided my hand down the front of her dress and felt her plump, firm white bubbies, first molding and pressing them, then forcing my hand as far as possible toward her smooth belly. She murmured a few words of objection to these enterprises on my part, so I withdrew my hand and drew her on my knees. I now commenced to kiss her eagerly, during which time I was cautiously raising her petticoats with my fingers; at last my hand came in contact with her naked thighs. When I felt her deliciously formed limbs I could scarcely restrain myself, but pressed her frantically to my heart. Margaret appeared to be as much excited as I was and I saw her direct her eyes to the front of my trousers, which I assure you stuck out in a very unseemly manner.

"'Someone might come,' said the charming girl, her cheek dyed with the deepest crimson. And she suddenly jumped from my lap and, running to the door, shut and bolted it. She then returned to me and I drew her between my legs.

"'I love you darling,' I exclaimed, and while speaking, I raised her petticoats from behind with one hand until it rested on her magnificently formed buttocks-how firm and smooth were those white cushions and what pleasure I took in manipulating them at will! With my unoccupied hand I seized one of hers and brought it down on my rampant member, which was so stiff and unruly that it was ready to burst the bonds which confined it. Finding that she made no resistance to my proceedings, I unbuttoned the front of my trousers, and my staff nestled itself in her grasp. She was evidently astonished at the size and condition of my member.

"'You must be aware, darling,' I exclaimed, 'that this ought to be hidden from sight, and you have a place proper to receive it.'

"So saying, I carried her in my arms to a sofa, and placing her on it on her back, I threw her skirts over her head, disclosing to my gaze her body, naked from her belly to her feet. Ye gods, how I feasted my eyes on the glorious sight! I passed my hands over all her hidden charms, now it was her smooth white belly, now it was her voluminous thighs, now it was her delicious bottom and at last it was her lovely con, embowered in a mass of auburn hair. I pressed the two lips of this abode of bliss together; I turned my fingers in the curly thicket adorning her mount, and even advanced one into the narrow opening of her vagina. I was now determined on action, and seating myself on the sofa I drew her onto my lap with her face towards me and my knees between her thighs. I let down my trousers, raised my shirt and directed my lance towards her rubicond opening. I soon felt it come in contact with her hairy slit. I then opened the two lips of her con with my fingers and thumb, and jutting my buttocks forwards I felt myself penetrate a little way into her warm vagina. I hurt her, however, a good deal, and she begged of me to desist-but I only altered my position slightly, and making her open her thighs to the widest extent, I again pushed forward, but she again compelled me to stop, complaining that I hurt her dreadfully. I explained to her that the pain would be but momentary, and that when I had once forced a passage, the most delicious pleasures would follow. But seeing she still resisted, I determined to try another mode.