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"I again placed her lengthwise on the sofa and threw myself on top of her-but it was of no use, I could not enter. I withdrew from her and began to curse my ill-luck. I kissed her, felt her con and advanced a finger into her vagina to see what progress I had done-I found it was very little indeed. To my great joy I saw on the chimney piece a pot of pomade. I immediately appropriated it and anointed my staff. I now placed the dear girl on her hands and knees on the floor and, throwing up her clothes, I entered her from behind. It was now comparatively easy work and in a second, her magnificent bottom was in contact with my belly, my instrument having entered her vagina to the very hilt. I paused a moment to observe the beauties before me, and then commenced slowly the in-and-out movement. Margaret was already in the seventh heaven of enjoyment-her white buttocks shivered with the shocks of my thrusts-I passed my hand in front and handled her bubbies, her belly and the upper part of her slit, titillating her clitoris. At last the die-a-way moment approached and I seized her by her buttocks and drove furiously into her-her thirsty vagina sucked from me the essence of life which mingled with her own discharge, and she sank exhausted on her belly.

"When she had recovered, I took her to her chamber, which was the very next room, and we both threw ourselves on the bed, having both stripped naked. The contact of our warm bodies soon restored our powers and we indulged in a thousand follies. In a state of nature she appeared perfectly lovely, and I was never tired of admiring her smooth, satin skin, her voluptuous bosom, her swelling thighs, her whole belly and her delicious Mons Veneris. She too gratified her curiosity by falling all over my body. She half threw herself on top of me, and gluing her lips to mine she at the same time amused herself titillating my testicles. While thus engaged, her snowy bubbies beat against my chest, while her moss-covered slit rubbed against my thigh.

"These touchings and titillations worked me up to such a pitch that I could endure it no longer. I drew her to the edge of the bed, first placing a pillow under her bottom, and raising one of her thighs in the air, I rested it on my arm. By this means her lovely slit was completely exposed to my attack. She opened the luscious lips herself with her finger and thumb so that I could see the coral interior. I brought my staff to bear on the inviting entrance, and with a single heave of my buttocks I completely gorged her vagina. I rode, however, easily in the harbor, and the dear girl experienced all the joys of a perfect conjunction without any pain. At first my motions were slow, but as our delirium increased they grew faster. She met my thrust by responsive heaves of her bottom until we could both hold out no longer, but both discharged simultaneously.

"I shall not tell you, dear girls, how many times I enjoyed the beautiful Margaret before I left her, for fear that you should think that I exaggerate. I only know that when I quitted her apartment I was completely exhausted, and that it took several days for me to recover my wonted energy.

"I found Margaret adept in the science of love. She soon learned every mode and posture for performing the sexual act and we had many, many happy hours together.

"One day we were together in the summer house attached to the house. She began the play of love by kissing me, and forcing her tongue into my mouth, she imitated with that organ the conjugal act. By this mode of procedure she illumined a fire in my body and I pressed her to my heart in delirium. She then unbuttoned my trousers, and seizing my instrument, rubbed it between her hands. I drew her on my knees and raised up her petticoats at the same time. I let down my pantaloons, and felt her naked bottom resting against my belly. How delicious was the sensation of her warm buttocks! My staff forced an entrance between her two thighs, and she leaned forward and kissed it a thousand times, occasionally rubbing it against her lovely con. She even lodged it between the two lips, and by moving her buttocks, titillated it in this position. Supreme pleasure began to run through my veins, and I was on the eve of discharging when, slightly raising her cul, she guided the stiffened dart of love to the entrance of her vagina, and in another moment, I was au fond de son cul. She leaned forward in such a manner that I could see my staff enter in and out of her coral sheath. She moved her buttocks, and after a few violent thrusts I felt her parts contract on my piercer and she pumped the sperm from my testicles at the same moment that she herself discharged profusely.

"My acquaintance with Margaret lasted four months, during which time we took our surfeit of love's enjoyments. At the end of that time I left to pay a visit to an uncle who lived in the village of B-, in the state of Pennsylvania, a few miles from where I now reside. My uncle was a bachelor, possessed of large wealth, and it was generally understood that I was to be his heir. The village I have just referred to was a very quiet place consisting only of about two hundred inhabitants. It contained however, a church and a clergyman who was a widower with an only daughter. I first saw Helen Roberts at chapel the Sunday following my arrival. I was immediately struck with her beauty. Her features were perfectly regular and classical. Her eyes were large, lustrous and dreamy. Her bust was faultless, and her whole form was as if it had been molded by the god of love himself. I was soon destined to know her more intimately.

"One afternoon, after I had been at my uncle's about two weeks, I happened to stroll into the church and the first sight that met my eyes was Helen Roberts herself lying fast asleep in one of the pews. The day was very warm and she had doubtless entered the holy edifice for the purpose of resting herself and, feeling tired, sleep had overcome her. Her dress was slightly discomposed at her feet, revealing a considerable portion of her magnificently formed limbs. I advanced cautiously to her side and saw that she slept soundly. I could not resist the temptation offered me, but gently raised her petticoats. She wore no drawers and all the secrets of her charming person were entirely exposed to my gaze. The sight of her lovely white belly, her naked thighs and her pretty hairy bijou inflamed me in the highest degree, and in a moment my lance was as stiff as a poker. I passed my hand over her belly, and although a shiver ran through her at the contact, she did not awake. I then gently divided her thighs and handled at pleasure all the charms of the domain of Venus. I played with the hair surmounting that lovely spot, I inserted a finger in the passage and titillated her clitoris, which I found finely developed. My touches became more and more exciting until I believe she was on the point of discharging when she suddenly awoke and found herself in my arms. My instrument was rubbing against her thighs, but I had not effected an entrance. The charming girl, when she found the condition of affairs, took it in good part; she kissed me. However, we were so excited that we both discharged before the act of coition was effected.

"I now led her into the vestry-room near the pulpit, and seating myself on a chair, pulled her on my knees. I unfastened her dress and, exposing her two breasts, repeatedly kissed and handled them. I made her put one of her feet on the table while her other leg hung between mine, by this means leaving her thighs stretched widely apart. I forced a finger into her slit while she seized my instrument. I commenced moving my finger, she did the same with her hand, and in a few moments we again discharged, experiencing the most delicious sensations.

"After a little repose we recommenced. She longed for something more satisfying and endeavored to excite me. She seized my staff, covering and uncovering the ruby head. She even took the whole of my rod into her mouth, palating it with her tongue, while at the same moment she tickled my testicles and bottom. Nor was I idle, for I pressed and kissed her bubbies, sucking the strawberry nipples, stroking down her belly and titillating her anus. I then kneeled down, and making her open her thighs widely apart, I inserted my tongue into her slit, titillating the sides of her vagina and sucking her clitoris. Helen was almost mad with the intensity of her desires, and was ready to spend again, when she had the satisfaction of seeing my instrument attain such an enormous size that when she again took it in her mouth it filled it completely. Giving it a last kiss she threw herself on a hassock and pulling up all her clothes above her navel, thus leaving her body entirely naked from there downward, spreading her legs open and slightly bending her knees, she exclaimed: