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"'Come love, embrace me well-bury your staff into the deepest and most secret recesses of my body. Do not spare me.'

"I did not have to be told twice, for I was on her in a moment. I gently introduced the head of my instrument between the lips of her slit, but it would not enter.

"It was in vain, I pushed, I could make no headway, but only gave her a great deal of pain. After a little trying of this nature, she was getting exhausted and told me for God's sake to finish my work. I then withdrew my instrument, and, wetting the end of it with spittle, again brought it to bear on the entrance of the abode of bliss. As soon as I got the head well between the lips I began to shove. She was determined, however, to be aggressive with me, and with a tremendous heave of her bottom impaled herself to the hilt on my rod, so much so that the hair surrounding our genitals intermingled. She could not avoid shrieking out, but the pain soon began to pass off and after a few more shoves she evidently began to experience the most delicious sensations. Every thrust I gave sent a liquid fire of delirium through her veins. When she felt my instrument rubbing the sensitive sides of her vagina she appeared as if she would die with pleasure. Her breasts rose and fell and her buttocks actually quivered with the delights of her sensations. My motion grew faster, my testicles tingled with delight at every shove against her bottom. She threw her legs about in confusion and met every thrust more than halfway. She wiggled herself from side to side on my staff. The finale came.

"'Herbert, I am coming-O God! what pleasure! Dear Herbert-closer-clo-ser-clo-' she pantingly exclaimed, and a profuse discharge from the innermost recesses of her body met my own.

"We got up and adjusted our clothing and I promised her I would visit her the next night in her own room, the access to which was very easy, and I returned home to reflect on all the pleasures I had experienced."

"Stop, Herbert," said Amy, interrupting her brother-in-law in his recital. "Before you continue your history, you must give me relief. Your descriptions are so voluptuous and lascivious that my slit is on fire-come, darling, you are in fine condition."

I seconded Amy's request, being no less excited myself. Herbert was indeed in splendid condition for performing the rites of Venus. We all rose from the couch.

"Stand up, Amy," said Herbert. "Put one of your feet on this chair and let the other rest on the ground. There, that's it; now your plump thighs are widely separated and I can manipulate your pretty little con."

"Oh, do, darling," returned the delighted girl.

"Now I am going to titillate your clitoris with my tongue," said Herbert.

Amy placed herself in the position required. Herbert seated himself on the ground between her thighs and brought his mouth in contact with her slit. He divided the lips of her bijou with his tongue and forced it in and out of the rosy cavity.

"Amy," said Herbert, when he had indulged in this play a few moments, "you have got the prettiest little con in the world. What soft down adorns this hallowed spot! What delicious folding lips, and what a sweet morsel is your clitoris! How glorious it is to enjoy you to one's heart's content. Just fancy this the first time you had ever come in contact with a man. Let me rehearse the scene: he would first of all play with your bubbies, he would press and kiss them as I do now, he would suck these rosy nipples until he had excited you to the last degree. He would then grow bolder, but you must lie down for me to perform the scene properly."

Amy threw her entire length on the divan while I watched with delighted eyes this delicious scene, enjoying it as much as if I were the recipient instead of his beautiful sister-in-law.

"When he saw your delicious white belly," continued Herbert, "he would shiver with delight and fasten his lips to it, thus and thus. He would then pass his hand backwards and forwards on this smooth white plain and endeavor to peer into the mysteries seated below. In another moment his hand would invade your delicious little con-just as mine does now-his finger separates the lips and he gently rubs your clitoris-you are mad with delight, you open your thighs and wriggle your bottom under his touches. He pushes one of his fingers into your con and moves it in and out as I do now."

"Oh, darling, it is too much; I cannot bear it," cried the delighted girl, writhing and wriggling her body about in the most delicious manner possible, at the same time seizing Herbert's staff and rubbing it up and down.

"Having toyed with each other some time," continued Herbert, "he suddenly fixes his lips on your delicate slit, and pushes his tongue between the lips, and while thus employed he tickles your bottom. You are just ready to spend and beg him for heaven's sake to finish with you. He divides your thighs as I do now and mounts you in this manner."

Herbert suited the action to the word and threw himself on Amy's belly. She herself guided his instrument into her coral sheath, and they both commenced the work of thrust and heave.

"Delicious, splendid!" exclaimed Amy. "I can feel your lovely instrument in my vagina. Go on! go on!"

"He moves his bottom as I do mine-and soon discharges-as I do now. My darling girl, your lovely slit has extracted the last drop from me."

"I too," gasped Amy, "there-th-"

I was so excited at witnessing this voluptuous scene that I was obliged to give myself relief by rubbing my clitoris. I emitted at the same moment they did.

"What delight I have enjoyed," said Amy when she had somewhat recovered. "But continue your history, dear Herbert."

Herbert recommenced in the terms to be found in the next chapter.


Chapter I


"I was punctual to the moment with my engagement with the beautiful Helen, and the moment I saw her I rushed into her arms. I then proceeded to strip her of her clothes and she did the same office for me. I made her sit naked as she was on my knee, and began kissing her body all over, caressing her breasts and sucking the rosy tips surmounting them. I descended to her belly, smoothing it with my hand, and then I attacked the very center of pleasure, first putting in one finger and then another, and twisting the hair surrounding her mount. I then made her stand with her legs wide apart, and I kneeled before her, and put my tongue into the coral passage, giving her intense pleasure. I seized her clitoris between my lips, at the same time titillating the inside of her con with my finger. I thought she would expire with delight. I stroked down her thighs with my hands. I then made her stoop forward, by which means she exposed her handsome buttocks completely to my gaze. I slapped them with my hand until they were as red as a cherry. This was too much for me, for making her lean with her head on the bed, I had a fine opportunity to enter her from the rear. I was on her in a moment. I felt her warm buttocks rubbing against my belly while my instrument entered a prodigious way into her body and I commenced my movements. At every push I made I could feel my testicles strike against her bottom. My hands at the same time were passed round her body; with one hand I handled her breasts-with the other I rubbed the top of her slit. The pleasure was so great that it could not last-and we both actually swooned away when the crisis came, I falling all my length on her back and she falling on her belly on the bed.