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"This last engagement seemed rather to increase our sexual desires rather than to quench them. Acting according to the orders of our priestess, I sat myself on a chair before a large mirror. Isabelle came and straddled my thighs and Ernestine guided my engine into Isabell's lovely grotto. I cast my eyes in the glass and had a splendid front view of my companion's thighs, notch, etc. I could see my staff imbedded in her vagina and had a distinct view of the luscious lips embracing it. The lovely girl was delighted to be so thoroughly gorged. Ernestine laid on her back exactly in front of us and Harriet knelt down before her, and with her tongue titillated her clitoris, while George entered Harriet from behind. It was a magnificent sight to us, and we all soon emitted.

"We now partook of some spiced wine, which had the effect of entirely restoring our energies, and our rampant instruments proved that we were quite ready for another engagement in the courts of Venus.

"Harriet now ordered me to lie on my back on the floor and pushed Ernestine on the top of me. My pego entered her con. Harriet began to tickle our genitals when we were thus joined while George entered her en cul at the same time passing his hand in front of her and titillating her clitoris with his finger. With her unoccupied hand, Harriet took possession of Isabelle's con and forced two fingers in it-and in this manner we all again succumbed. I should tire you if I were to enumerate all the manners and modes in which we accomplished the sexual act-suffice it to say that we kept it up until five o'clock the next morning and only ceased from sheer inability to proceed further. During that time I had embraced three girls in every part of their bodies-en con, en cul, between the bubbies, the buttocks, and in short every portion of their bodies.

"I took a week's rest after this night's experience. My history is already too long, but I have one more adventure to describe and then I have done.

"About a month after my adventure with Harriet Wells, I received a note from an aunt of mine who kept a ladies' seminary in Westchester County, New York, asking me to come and spend a month with her. Having no particular business to attend to I determined to accept this invitation, thinking perhaps I might meet with some adventures among so many young girls-besides which I knew that my aunt had a very pretty daughter, and I thought perhaps she and I might become better acquainted. In a few hours I was at my aunt's door, and was received with the utmost cordiality by my aunt. I had scarcely entered the drawing room before my cousin Emmeline made her appearance. The moment I cast my eyes upon her I was almost struck dumb with surprise, for she was so much more beautiful than I had expected to find her. It was at least ten years since I had seen her; she was at that time twelve years old and promised to be very pretty, but I never expected to see such an embodiment of female loveliness as now appeared.

"My cousin Emmeline was twenty-two years of age. She was tall, stately and voluptuously formed. Her face was perfectly oval and her features were regular almost to a fault. Her hair, which was very abundant, was a dark glossy brown and fell in massive bands on a neck as white and pure as alabaster. Her eyes were dark and flashing and shrouded with long eye-lashes while her figure was perfect. She was dressed en negligee but through her morning wrapper I could trace the round form of her voluptuous bust.

"She received me with the utmost frankness and made no objection to the kiss that I imprinted on her ruby lips with a cousin's liberty. During her temporary absence from the room, her mother informed me that she was to be married in three weeks to a very rich gentleman who was a good deal older than herself and for whom she did not profess any deep attachment. In the afternoon I was ushered into the schoolroom and found myself surrounded by thirty or forty beautiful girls of all ages and styles of loveliness. Some of them were excessively beautiful and all cast on me curious glances as if they wondered what my business could be there.

"In the evening, my aunt, cousin and myself met in the drawing room, and the evening was passed with music, singing and conversation. If Emmeline looked beautiful in a morning costume, she was perfectly lovely in evening dress. She wore her frock cut so low in the neck that the contours of her lovely bust could be plainly seen. In fact, while she was performing on the piano I bent over her for the purpose of turning the leaves of her music, and as she bent forward I had a most distinct view of the two white semiglobes of her bosom. They were separated by a white valley which led to other hidden charms. The sight of her delicious bubbies so excited me that I was compelled to hold my pocket handkerchief in front of me to hide the protuberance produced by her charms.

"Several days passed, during which time I attempted to take several liberties with my cousin-but she always stopped me at a certain point, no doubt actuated by the fact of her approaching marriage. I was in despair for I saw no way of accomplishing my designs. The thought struck me, however, that if I could only succeed in exciting her passions I might move her to my will-I determined to make my attempt. I had in my stock amorous books, one in French, entitled: l'Academie des Dames, an exceedingly lascivious work, interspersed with the most magnificent engravings. It was something like Aretino's famous Putante Errante-but much more full and complete. It purported to be a dialogue between two young girls and gave the fullest information in all sexual matters, interspersed with vivid and glowing descriptions of the sexual act. This book I stealthily lay in my cousin's way, as if I had left it there by accident. I rejoiced to find half an hour afterwards, on returning to the place where I had put it, that it was gone, and I had no doubt but that it had fallen into Emmeline's hands.

"The house in which my aunt resided was an old-fashioned building, containing very large rooms, all communicating with each other. The bedroom allotted to me was situated next to Emmeline's chamber, and there was a communication between the two apartments by means of a closet which served for both rooms. This closet was only divided by a green curtain. I retired to bed very early that night-and the first thing I did was to cut a hole in the curtain and leave my side of the closet door open. I then put out my light and waited for events. I had not to wait long, for I soon heard Emmeline's light step ascending the stairs. I had only just taken my position in the closet when she entered the chamber. As luck would have it she did not close her closet door, but immediately began to undress. Great God! What beauties she revealed to me as she removed her garments one by one. First it was her beautiful shoulders, next her voluptuous limbs, and lastly her resplendent bosom, for when she stood in her chemise I had a full view of her naked bubbies. No words that I can utter can give the faintest idea of the glories of their form and beauty. They were beyond comparison. She now went to her trunk and took from it a book, which I discovered in a moment to be l'Academie des Dames and then she threw herself, lightly clad as she was, upon the bed.

"Her couch was placed exactly opposite my hiding place, so that I had a most perfect view of her as she reclined there. One of her milk-white breasts was entirely bare and her chemise was raised sufficiently high for me to see a portion of her lovely thighs. She began to read and soon I saw a strange change take place in her. Her face grew flushed, her bosom heaved and she began to twist her legs and thighs about in a curious manner. Suddenly, without any previous intimation of her intention, she seized the lower end of her chemise and slowly raised it above her navel. By this action all her hidden charms were entirely exposed to me. Heavens! I glanced on the picture. Imagination cannot paint the delicious sight that met my eyes, her 'con' was one of the loveliest I had ever beheld. I could distinctly trace the two pouting lips through a forest of umbrageous covering-while her white belly, her delicious thighs and voluptuous breast formed the adjuncts to a picture which I feel it is in vain for me to attempt to describe. The lovely Emmeline still continued reading, little suspecting that prying eyes were eagerly devouring her most secret charms. She held the book in her left hand, her right fell carelessly by her side, her fingers coming in contact with the hair surrounding her Mons Veneris. A shiver ran through her system when she felt the place on which her hand had fallen, and she instinctively raised up her thighs to admit more easily her researches into her own beauties. The book had evidently grown now quite interesting, for I saw the middle finger of her hand slowly separate the pouting lips of her bijou to find a refuge in her warm vagina. She now began to move it in and out, slowly at first. It appeared to fit very tightly, for every onward motion brought out the myphae, and they disappeared again when the deflowering finger advanced inwards. These titillations were more than the lovely girl could bear, for she threw away the book and set earnestly about giving herself relief. Her finger now moved with lightning rapidity in and out of her vagina, while with her thumb she titillated her clitoris. By Heavens! she is about to come-I can read it in the voluptuous motions of her charming body. I can read it in the trembling of her buttocks and the heaving of her bubbies. I can read it in the frantic motion of her finger and in the twitching of her eyelids. There-dear girl-now it flows-there-there. The acme was reached and she fainted away.