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"I was so excited by what I had seen that, regardless of consequences, I rushed into my cousin's bed chamber. She did not hear me for she had not yet recovered her consciousness. I pulled out my pocket handkerchief and wiped her lovely bijou perfectly dry. I then knelt down by the side of the bed and tenderly kissed the theater of her pleasures. The warmth of my embrace doubtless recalled her to herself, for she opened her eyes and gazed on me. The moment she saw me she uttered a faint scream.

"'Hush, dear Emmeline,' I exclaimed. 'It is I, your cousin Herbert. After what I have seen, all further reserve would be folly. I love you, my dear cousin, and must enjoy your beautiful body. No one need know anything about it.'

"'Promise to conceal what you have seen this night, and you may do anything you please with me,' she replied.

"'I swear it,' I answered.

"The beautiful girl no sooner heard me utter these words than she threw her arms round my neck and kissed me passionately. I twined her beautiful limbs in mine and rolled over her on the bed. I now laid on my back and, turning her magnificent buttocks towards my face, she herself guided my lance into her ruby cavity. A slight upward motion on my part caused it to enter completely, and I had the gratification of seeing my instrument enter in and out of her coral crevice during the act of coition. Emmeline, when she felt my proud engine pierce her vitals, was almost delirious with joy. She knelt with my thighs between hers, and in the delirium of pleasure convulsively grasped the bedclothes. I felt that I was about to emit, and finding that she was not quite ready to come, I passed a hand round her hips and titillated her clitoris with my finger. This had the effect of immediately bringing down her emission. We both discharged together.

"I have already, my dear girls, made my history too long, or I could detain you for hours yet with an account of the various modes in which I enjoyed my cousin. I could also tell you how I overcame the virtue of five of my aunt's eldest scholars, and how one night we all enjoyed an orgy in my cousin Emmeline's chamber. But in such a relation I should necessarily have to repeat scenes I have already depicted so I forbear.

"My cousin Emmeline was married on the day appointed. I returned home, became acquainted with my present wife and was married. Some little time after my marriage I managed to get Amy to accept my embraces. I shall leave the details for her to tell."

Amy blushed and would fain have been excused-but we both insisted.

Amy was not obdurate, and could not withstand our entreaties. She commenced her history in the terms which will be found in the next chapter.

Chapter II


"I was born in Philadelphia. My father was a large and successful merchant, doing business there. We lived in a large house in the upper part of Chestnut Street, and my father's wealth procured me every luxury that the heart could wish for. I never knew my mother, for she died when I was quite young. My sister was married to you, Herbert, when I was seventeen years of age. My ideas up to that time were very vague regarding the sexes, but I was soon destined to be fully enlightened.

"I felt very dull after my sister had gone away, and my father proposed that I should write and ask my old school fellow, Florence Maltby, to come and stay on a visit with us. I cordially agreed to this proposition, for I loved Florence and had not seen her for several years, although we kept up a constant correspondence.

"Florence accepted my invitation, and on the day agreed upon she took up her abode with us.

"Miss Maltby was a beautiful girl about twenty years of age, her hair and eyes were black-in fact she was a decided brunette. She was fiery, impulsive and amorous. We had a thousand things to converse about, and in a few hours all our old friendship was reknit, and we became more intimate than ever. Of course, we slept together.

"For two or three nights nothing occurred of special moment. I noticed, however, that Florence would kiss me with a great deal of warmth and press me tenderly in her arms when we were in bed together, but I thought nothing of it.

"One night, about a week after she had been an inmate of our house, when we retired to our chamber, instead of undressing as usual, Florence seated herself on the side of the bed and watched me in the process of disrobing. I had unhooked the front of my dress, and it had fallen on my shoulders, and my chemise, being open in front, allowed my two breasts to be seen; nay, even a portion of the white plain below was visible. Florence no sooner saw this than her eyes brightened and she ran up to me and began to mold my bubbies. Although this action somewhat surprised me, I made no resistance, and to tell the truth the contact of her soft hands on my breasts was very agreeable.

"'What delicious breasts you have,' said Florence. 'How well formed they are, and yet how large! See how stiff the rosy nipples stand out from this field of snow! Oh, how I would love to kiss and press them!' And she buried her head between the two semiglobes. 'And then your belly, how soft and white it is,' she continued, passing her hand over it, 'how happy will the man be who presses that belly to his own.'

"'Oh, fie, Florence, you should not talk in that manner,' I replied, my face flushing with the fire kindled in me by her lascivious touchings. 'But you exaggerate my beauties. It is true my breasts are a little larger than yours-but they are not one bit more handsome, more firm, nor more elastic. Come dear, let us compare them, for I do not see why I should not be gratified as well as yourself.'

"I now unhooked Florence's dress and pulled it down to her waist. Her two semiglobes were completely exposed. They were beautifully formed, firm, elastic and standing boldly out from her chest. I pressed and caressed them, sucking the rosy nipples which stood out stiff with desire.

"'You naughty girl,' said Florence, 'you will devour me. Your kisses send a fire through my veins-and these delicious globes too-'

"'Could it be possible to see prettier bubbies than these,' I interrupted. 'Just see how stiff the nipples are, and then you talk of my belly-look at yours. How deliciously smooth! How beautifully white.'