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"'Come, darling,' said Florence, 'let us rub breasts together-I am sure it will give us mutual delight.'

"'I will do anything you wish, Florence, for I feel a strange fire burning in me-come, love-come.'

"We pulled down our clothes as low as possible so as to leave us a clear field. We then brought our chests together in such a way that our breasts rubbed against each other. To show how amorous we were, I need only say that this strange action gave us great delight.

"'Is it not exquisite?' said Florence. 'The sensations of your breast against mine fires my whole blood.'

"'I experience the same feelings,' I returned. 'Oh, it is charming.'

"'Amy,' said Florence, after a few minutes repose, 'do you know what I would like to do?'

"'No, what?'

"I should like to explore your more secret beauties.'

"'With all my heart,' I replied, 'if you will allow me the same privilege.'

"'Willingly-I should love it,' returned Florence.

"'Come then, darling,' I exclaimed, 'I am ready-do with me as you like.'

"'Dear girl, how good you are!' returned Florence. Lie down with your belly on the bed that I may admire and manipulate your beauties; that's right, darling.'

"I threw myself on my face on the bed. Florence came behind me and, lifting up my petticoats, exposed my bottom to her gaze. Of course she saw also the pouting lips of my bijou at the bottom of the fleshy cushions, faintly overshadowed with hair. She moved my thighs slightly apart, by which movements the lips of my sheath were slightly separated, revealing a line of coral between them. Florence absolutely threw herself on my bottom and devoured it with the most lascivious and ardent kisses.

"'Does that position suit you, dear Florence?' said I, with my face buried in the bed.

"'It is charming-delicious,' said Florence, molding and pressing my buttocks. 'Great Heavens! Amy, how the sight of your beauties fires me! What magnificent buttocks, how white and firm, how well developed," and again she bent down and smothered them with kisses. 'I should never be tired kissing your lovely bottom,' she continued, 'and the edges of that dear little cleft I see between your thighs-how inviting it looks! How beautiful it is, shaded with silky down. Oh! I must-I must!' And she put her finger between the lips of my sheath and titillated my vagina. 'How charming, how delicious,' she repeated. 'Amy, I am in a blaze-my slit is on fire. How deliciously tight your vagina clasps my finger and what a delightful warmth is there. There! Now I have your clitoris! How stiff it is!'

"'Dearest Florence,' I exclaimed, wiggling my buttocks, for the in-and-out motion of her finger was more than I could bear-'your touchings and titillations are bringing on a crisis. Stay the motion of your finger or I shall come-there-there-there it is! Oh! I die! I die-'

"During this last speech of mine I moved my buttocks up and down, imitating the conjugal act-Florence all the time continuing her manipulations until the crisis came and I fell motionless on my belly.

"'Come, Amy,' said Florence, withdrawing her dripping finger from my sheath, 'for heaven's sake give me relief or I die.'

"I rose from my recumbent posture and, seizing Florence by the waist, pushed her on the bed. She fell on her back. I threw her petticoats over her head. This action revealed all the lower portion of Florence's body-and a beautiful sight it was. Two magnificently developed thighs led up to a charming grotto covered with black hair, between the pouting lips of which could be seen her clitoris, stiff with intense desire. I admired for a moment Florence's beauties, and then commenced my manipulations. First of all I stroked her belly, implanting kiss after kiss upon it. I then played with the hair covering her Mons Veneris, twisting my finger in and out of it. I then divided the lips of her sheath and titillated her highly excited clitoris.

"'Great Heavens, Florence,' I exclaimed, 'what a beautiful bijou yours is! What delicious pouting lips! What a forest of black hair and then your clitoris-how finely developed! Let me kiss it! Let me suck it.'

"I now stooped down and inserted my tongue between the lips of

Florence's ruby passage, and titillated her clitoris with the tip of it.

"'Great God! how delicious,' I exclaimed, 'I feel ready to come again-I do indeed darling.'

"'Amy, darling, keep on-keep on-' said Florence, almost crazy with delight, 'pass one hand behind and press my buttocks.'

"I did as she desired and advanced one finger in the narrow canal adjacent to the legitimate road and kept time with my tongue and finger.

"'There-that's it!' she continued, 'I am coming. Oh! now-now! there! there! th-'

"She opened her thighs to the widest extent and lifted her legs high in the air. A convulsive shudder ran through her frame and she discharged profusely, appearing to be perfectly annihilated by the deliciousness of her sensations. I threw myself by her side on the bed. After a long pause we both rose and kissed each other tenderly.

"Such was my first initiation in the sports of Venus. Florence remained with us some months and scarcely a day passed that we did not enjoy the pleasures of the gods. When she left us I was for a time disconsolate-but soon after I received an invitation to visit Herbert and my sister. He has left it to me, dear Kate, to give the history of my first amour with him. I shall do so, freely speaking, as if he were not present.

"I was received with the utmost kindness by my brother-in-law, and truth compels me to state, rogue that he is, that he has always treated me with the most unvarying affection. At the time of my visit my sister was very sick, and I really pitied poor Herbert, that he was debarred from those sexual enjoyments of which I felt assured he was so fond. But the thought of taking her place never for a moment entered my mind.

"Herbert was very polite to me, and time passed very agreeably. One day I stumbled in an obscure corner of the library on some amorous books. I secured them and conveyed them to my chamber. I then examined them and found that they contained pictures of a very lascivious character. In fact men and women, as naked as they were born, were performing the sexual act. I read them with avidity and they soon made me adept in sexual knowledge. One evening when Herbert had gone to Philadelphia, and my sister was confined to her chamber by sickness, I entered the drawing room with one of those prizes in my hand, determined to enjoy it all myself. I was in a state of delicious languor and, throwing myself carelessly on the sofa, began to read my book. I wore a low-necked dress and the weather being warm I had unfastened two or three of the top loops-thus leaving a considerable portion of my breasts exposed. My dress too was disarranged at my feet-revealing a considerable portion of my limbs. As I read, my cheeks became flushed, my bosom heaved, and I was altogether in a state propitious for an attack. I was suddenly startled by the sound of a voice at my elbow.

"'What is the name of that book which seems to engross so much of your attention?' said the voice.

"I raised my eyes, and who should I see but Herbert himself gazing on me with heightened color and burning eyes.

"'It is too bad, Herbert,' I replied, raising from my seat, revealing by this movement a considerable portion of my legs; nay, I believe he even caught a glimpse of my thighs, 'you ought not to come so stealthily into the room.'

"'My dear girl, you are wrong,' replied Herbert, 'I did not come here stealthily, but it was your preoccupation which prevented you from hearing me enter. But you have not replied to my question-what book are you reading?'

"'Oh, it is a stupid work I found in the library, I have only just glanced at it and do not find it worth reading.'

"'Will you allow me to judge for myself, my charming sister-in-law,' he replied, taking a seat by my side.