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"'No, Herbert, I will not allow it,' I returned, pressing the book to my bosom.

"'I insist,' he cried, endeavoring to snatch the work from my hands. In the struggle his hand came in contact with my bosom and he even touched the strawberry nipples surmounting the semiglobes. At last be conquered and obtained possession of the book. I looked imploringly at him, but he opened it deliberately and read the title. It was The Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure.

"'So, so, Amy,' said he. 'This is the subject of your studies, is it?'

"'I assure you I have not read a page of it-it appeared to me foolish and uninteresting, and I was just about to return it to the library when you entered.'

"He knew that I did not tell the truth, for I blushed and cast my eyes down on the ground. He no longer hesitated, but throwing his arms around me, pressed his lips to mine and kissed me ardently. I was astonished and confounded and endeavored to escape him, but he held me tight and pressed his breast to mine.

"'Herbert, Herbert, this is wrong, let me go, I beg of you.'

"He replied by pressing another kiss on my lips. It was in vain I struggled; he appeared to be endowed with the strength of Hercules.

"'Do have done!' I murmured between each embrace, 'someone might come.'

"'My love, there is no cause for fear, there is no one in the house but you and I. Your sister is confined to her chamber by sickness and I have given positive orders that I am not at home to anyone. We are absolutely alone.'

"I could not disguise the pleasure that this news gave me, for my whole body became agitated with the warmth of his embraces, and my bosom palpitated against his. I even dared to return his caresses, and reimbursed with interest the kisses he gave me.

"'Amy, I love and adore you,' said he.

"'Herbert, I love you! I love you,' was the only reply that I could make.

"Again he pressed his lips to mine and sucked in my breath. He even inserted the end of his tongue in my mouth, and he met mine, which was as ardent as his own. I believe I should have died if nature had not given me relief at that moment. I believe the same thing happened to him, for he threw himself upon me, and two or three convulsive shudders ran through his system; he then became calmer and reclined negligently in my arms.

"'My beloved, this is true happiness,' said he, 'oh, that we could remain thus forever, and that we might never part again.'

"After a few moments repose he rose up, and leaning over me, seized one of my hands and felt my bubbies with his unoccupied hand. The contact renewed the fire in his body and his eyes reassumed their brilliance. When I felt his hand descend on my breast, I shivered and made a pretense of snatching it away, but it was in vain. He cautiously unhooked my dress; I no longer restrained him. My frock fell off my shoulders and my naked bust was entirely exposed to his view. He passed from one to the other of my ivory globes, as he called them, and molded them with his hands, playing with the nipples and applying his lips to them so that he almost sucked my life away. But he was not yet satisfied. He knelt down before me and, placing his head between my bubbies, began to play with my feet. I made but little resistance and he began to raise my petticoats. He touched my legs, he reached my knees, and at last his hand came in contact with my fleshy thighs. He rested here a moment and excited me by kisses. I trembled in his grasp like a leaf-my desires overcame me and I was completely in his power. He then became more bold and his agitated hand ascended the marble columns which would lead us to the center of love. At last he reached my bijou and ran his fingers in the down covering that mossy spot-he even forced one more bold than the rest between the lips, and gently rubbed my clitoris. It was too much for me, I opened my thighs to the widest capacity and absolutely cried with pleasure. He then raised his head from my palpitating bosom, and applied his lips where he had just put his hand. He kissed my Mons Veneris a thousand times, and inserted his tongue between the folding lips; he again sought out my clitoris and played with it at will. But this could not continue long. I was absolutely drunk with delirious joy.

"'Oh, what pleasure!' I cried, 'do what you will with me, my dear Herbert.'

"His only reply was to divest himself of his clothes; he then performed the same office for me, and we were both naked as we were born. He turned me round and round-he patted my buttocks and caressed my body all over. My hands too were not idle. I seized his magnificent instrument and gently rubbed it and tickled his purse. We were both almost crazy. He then reclined me on my back on the sofa and threw himself on the top of me. I eagerly opened my thighs to receive him and guided his fiery dart to the entrance of my 'con.' He entered the lips and met a little resistance, but was not to be conquered, for raising my buttocks I gave a sudden heave upwards, and his instrument was suddenly imbedded in the sheath destined by nature to receive it. Then commenced the delicious movements. The motion was delightful. I looked around me and saw our naked bodies reflected in the mirrors. I could see his instrument entering in and out of my coral sheath. At last the consummation came.

"'Oh, Herbert,' I cried-'I die! I die! — clos-er! — closer-clo-'

"Thus muttering, I closed my eyes. My eyelids trembled and with a convulsive movement I threw my legs around his loins and pressed him so tightly that I almost took away his breath. All was over, for I felt the essence of love rush into my thirsty womb, while I at the same moment poured down my share of Venus' libations. My hold relaxed and we both fell all our lengths on the couch.

"After remaining without motion a few minutes, he kissed me again, for he was not yet satisfied. He soon rekindled my desires.

"He rose from the couch, and raising me up, placed me on its edge and again commenced his labor of love. With one hand he raised one of my arms in the air in such a manner as to leave my bosom entirely at his discretion. He took one of the nipples in his mouth and pressed me to him with his other hand. My thighs were widely separated and he had no difficulty in entering my vagina. He slightly bent his knees and was soon buried in my grotto. How delicious was the sensation of his lovely engine rubbing against the sides of my vagina. I assisted him by every means in my power, and in a short time we were again inundated with our mutual emission.

"Such, my dear Kate, was the manner in which I first became carnally acquainted with Herbert. How many times we have enjoyed each other since, I need not tell you. But this I do assure you, no other man has enjoyed me but Herbert, and as long as he is kind to me no other shall. My history is ended."

We thanked the charming girl for her confession. It was now getting daylight and almost time for us to separate. During Amy's recital we had partaken freely of spiced wine, and all of us felt almost as vigorous as ever; we decided we would not separate until we could enter the lists of love no more. Herbert brought a new auxiliary to our pleasures into the field, for going to a cupboard, he took from it an India-rubber dildo, which he strapped round Amy's waist.

And placing me on my side on the couch he made Amy insert the dildo into my vagina, while she put her finger on my clitoris and began to rub it, at the same time moving her buttocks as if she were a man. He then went behind me and entered me en cul. Amy acted her part splendidly. Herbert passed his hand over her bottom and inserted his finger in her sheath. Both Herbert and Amy moved together, and I had the delicious pleasure of enjoying a double embrace. Herbert's finger too, was active, and we all discharged simultaneously.

After we had recovered we danced naked about the room. Herbert kissed our breasts, bottoms and mounts. He placed his staff between our bubbies, he tickled our clitorises, and committed a thousand other follies. At last he lay down on the couch and pulled Amy on the top of him. She guided his instrument into her coral sheath, and moved herself rapidly up and down, while I clapped her broad white bottom with my hand until they were cherry red, and while I was thus engaged, Herbert's toe entered my slit, and in this manner we all again discharged.