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It would tire the reader to tell all the ways we adopted to arrive at the same result. Herbert embraced us en con, en cul, between the bubbies, between the buttocks-in fact in every possible mode and we did not separate until we were thoroughly exhausted and until the morning sun was several hours in the heavens.

Chapter III


The very next day following our orgy, I received a letter from my father's lawyer informing me of the death of my only surviving parent, at the same time informing me that he had left all his property to be divided equally between my brother and myself. His wealth was large, for his habits had been penurious, and I found myself the possessor of at least $10,000 a year. This of course entirely altered my prospects in life and it was natural that I should immediately throw up my engagement as governess and return home for the purpose of assisting the settlement of my father's affairs.

I bade an affectionate farewell to Herbert and Amy, and even shed tears at parting with them. In due time I reached home. How still and quiet the place seemed! My brother was abroad, so that everything connected with the property was left to me. I worked energetically and soon produced something like order. I had been home about a week when I received another letter from my father's lawyer, who resided in New York, stating that my presence was absolutely required in that city to sign certain documents relative to my father's property, and advising me to come at once. I did not hesitate to obey his wishes, and that same evening entered the cars for New York.

It was about six o'clock when we started, and I took a seat in the rear end of the car. For some miles I was alone, but a young gentleman of about eighteen got into the car from a way station and sat down by my side. I could see by the dim light that he was very polite and we had quite an agreeable conversation together.

By and by it grew quite dark, for the lamp stationed in the middle of the car threw very little light where we sat. Our conversation grew more confidential, I may even say affectionate. The young gentleman grew somewhat bold, and taking my hand, pressed it in his. The novelty of the situation and the fact that for ten days I had tasted no sexual pleasure rendered me oblivious to all resemblance of modesty and I allowed him to do as he pleased. Nay, I even encouraged him, for I allowed my hand to fall as if by accident on a certain protuberance in front of his pantaloons. I had no sooner touched this sensitive spot than a shiver ran through him and he immediately retained my hand there as a prisoner.

All reserve now left him. He had spread a shawl over our knees so that our actions could not be seen by the other passengers. I suddenly felt the rogue dragging up my skirts and petticoats, and in a few moments his hand was on my naked thigh; he glided over it and his fingers came in contact with the hair covering my Mons Veneris. He had already divided the lips of my coral cavity with his digits and was advancing one in the very center of my vagina when the train entered Philadelphia. Of course this put a stop to his progress, and we were compelled to assume a decent position.

He was very attentive to me on the boat when we crossed the Delaware, but he had no opportunity to renew his enterprises. At last we were safely seated in one of the Camden and Amboy Railroad cars. As luck would have it the car was very empty, there not being more than two other persons in it besides ourselves. We took our places as far from them as we could. The young gentleman turned the seats so that he now sat opposite to me.

The train had not left the station a hundred yards before he commenced operations by making me rest my two feet in his seat, one on each side of him, so that he sat between my thighs. He now raised my petticoats and amused himself by feeling my thighs, bottom and slit. He played with me for some minutes, titillating the interior of my vagina with his finger, pressing my thighs and tickling my bottom. In the meantime I had released his instrument from its place of confinement, and grasping it in my hand, I covered and uncovered its red head, and at the same time tickled his testicles. After a little time he drew me to the very edge of the seat and, pointing his rod, entered my salacious slit. After a few pushes which sent a thrill of delight through me, he turned up all my clothes and regaled himself with the sight of his engine entering in and out of my coral sheath. I responsively moved my buttocks in answer to his thrusts and in a few minutes we both discharged profusely.

Four times did he thus embrace me during our journey from Philadelphia to New York, and four times did I pour down my libation of love's dew. We parted the best of friends, and from that day to this I have never seen him but the pleasure I enjoyed with him will never be effaced from my mind.

Late the next day I called on Mr. Ralph Pitman, my father's lawyer. I found him to be a fine looking man of about thirty-six years of age. He was nearly six feet high, and stout in proportion. He appeared to be very strong and evidently enjoyed the most robust health. He received me very warmly and I saw his fine eyes sparkle when he gazed on my womanly charms. My business with him was soon concluded and it was decided that he should visit my late father's residence the ensuing week for the purpose of finally settling up his affairs.

I made up my mind that I would return home the next day, as the city with all its noise and confusion was not agreeable to my taste. The next morning I walked out on Broadway for the purpose of making a few purchases, when who should be the first person I met but Laura Castleton, my old teacher at B… Seminary-and the first who initiated me in the delights of love.

Laura was dressed in the height of fashion and was as beautiful as ever. She recognized me immediately and kissed me affectionately. We immediately adjourned to Taylor's, where we could converse in private. I told her everything that had occurred to me since I had seen her, disguising nothing. Her eyes sparkled and her bottom heaved when I depicted all the love scenes I had gone through.

"And now, dear Laura," said I, when I had finished, "tell me what you are doing now."

"I am the mistress of the head maison de joie in New York."

"What!" I returned, "do you mean to tell me that you keep a house of that kind?"

"I do indeed, and a delightful time I have of it."

"How I should love to know its mysteries."

"That you can easily do-come and spend tonight with us. You shall see everything without being seen yourself. I have twenty-four magnificent girls living with me and every one of them will be gloriously embraced tonight, you may depend upon it. The rooms are so arranged that we can see everything that transpires in them. Say you will come."

"My dear, I should love to-only tell me where it is, and at what hour I should come."

"I live at No.-Mercer street, and come at seven o'clock."

"I will be there, you may depend on it."

Soon after this we separated. I made my purchases, put off my departure until the next day, and at the appointed hour I was at Laura's door.

My old friend met me at the entrance.

"You have just come in time," said she, "for Horace Greenwood has just taken Olivia, one of the handsomest of my boarders, upstairs. She is from New Orleans and one of the most lascivious girls I ever saw; I have no doubt we shall see some fun."

So saying she led me upstairs and ushered me into a closet which communicated with the adjoining room. Olivia and her friend were already there. I was struck with the beauty of the couple. The girl had intensely black hair and eyes, the latter of which were lighted up with desire and passion. Her bust, which her low-necked dress allowed to be seen, was really magnificent. Her companion was a fine handsome young fellow of twenty-two or twenty-three.