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"Well, darling," said Horace, pressing her voluptuous bosom close to him, "I have come to see you again. The thoughts of once more tasting the delights of your lovely person has kept me in a continued state of excitement all day. My staff is in a state of the fiercest erection."

"Let me have oracular demonstrations of the fact," said Olivia, opening his pantaloons in front; out jumped his member, stiff and erect as a poker.

"Oh you bad boy," she continued, taking it in her hand and rubbing it up and down-"how gloriously still you are. I must kiss you then, you bad child."

So saying, she took his member in her mouth and rolled her tongue over it, at the same time tickling his testicles.

"Great God!" he cried, "this is too much-I shall spend, dear girl, if you do not cease. All my blood is in a flame."

"'It is so delicious, I hate to give it up," she returned, giving it a last kiss. "But I am excited as much as yourself. Slip your hand underneath my petticoats and feel how stiff my clitoris is."

He lifted up her skirts and took possession of Olivia's luscious con with his hand and evidently found the little sentinel as stiff and firm as his own lance, for I saw by his motions that he was rubbing it between his fingers.

"How delightful," said Olivia, a shudder of delight running through her frame. "It is too much! Stay! let me open my thighs a little wider-there, that is much better, now you can manipulate my slit a great deal easier. What intense pleasure! Rub my clitoris harder and titillate the interior of my mount with your other finger."

"Yes, darling, I will, but, your petticoats are in the way," replied Horace. "I want to see my finger enter in and out of your luscious grotto."

"I will soon remedy that," she replied, lifting her petticoats above her navel, thus exposing her magnificent thighs, a portion of her white belly, and above all, her delicious con.

"How beautifully you are made, dear Olivia," said Horace, devouring with his eyes the luscious sight before him. "What a luscious belly, and then this masterpiece of nature-this splendid bushy mount… what words can I find to express its beauties-what fine silky down surrounds this luscious little con! How deliciously the lips pout, inviting a visitor. Let me examine the interior of this abode of happiness."

So saying, Horace seated himself on the ground between Olivia's thighs. With the fingers of one hand he opened the lips of her slit and peered curiously into the ruby cavity. He passed the other hand behind her, molding and pressing her buttocks, even advancing one finger into the narrow passage adjacent to the haven of love. After continuing this play for a minute or two, he inserted his tongue between the lips of her bijou, titillated the interior of her grotto, sucking her clitoris. Olivia was almost mad with pleasure, and showed it by opening her thighs to the widest extent. When she felt his tongue come in contact with her clitoris she experienced the acme of delight.

"Stop, dear Horace," said Olivia, throwing her arms around his neck, "or I shall spend I shall indeed-Oh darling, darling-for heaven's sake, stop."

"It is a hard matter to leave the interior of your luscious grotto," said Horace withdrawing his tongue from her slit and looking into her face. "The sensitive folds of your vagina embraced my tongue so deliciously, and your clitoris is so beautiful that I hate to give it up. But, darling, let me see your beautiful bubbies."

"How fond you are of molding and pressing a woman's breasts," returned Olivia, unhooking her dress and shaking it off her shoulders, thus exposing her magnificently developed semiglobes. "Then here they are. Do what you like with them. See how stiff and firm the nipples stand out."

Horace then began to toy with her breasts, molding and pressing them and then sucking their rosy nipples. While he was thus engaged, Olivia took possession of his staff of love-capping and uncapping its large ruby head.

"This is too beautiful," said Horace, burying his head between her breasts. "I can contain myself no longer. Come dearest, let us perform the last act of love-I must embrace you. You see how eager my member is to enter your delicious con."

"I assure you my slit is not less eager to receive it. Dear Horace, I burn for you-come, my dear angel-come! Embrace me. Bury this delicious instrument into the deepest recesses of my vagina. Do not spare me-push it in to the very hilt, make your testicles knock against my bottom. Come, darling, into me quick. See-I open the portals for you-there-now you have a fair mark-come darling-come!"

While she was thus speaking, she half reclined herself on the sofa and opened her thighs to the widest extent. He then divided the lips of her salacious con with a finger of each hand and revealed the interior of that ruby grotto. Horace rushed between her thighs, and passing one arm around her neck, brought his instrument to the entrance of her slit. Olivia placed one of her feet on a table, standing close by the sofa, thus stretching her thighs as widely apart as possible. In another moment he was plunged to the very hilt in her body.

"There, dear girl, you have it now," said Horace-when his instrument was clasped by the lips of her coral sheath. "Oh, how deliciously warm your vagina is! Oh, how tightly your lovely con clasps my penis, and your delicious belly, how soft it is! Your charming bubbies too, how delightfully they beat against my chest! Stay, I must suck the nectar from those rosy lips once more." He continued bending forward and took one of the strawberry nipples in his mouth, at the same time continuing his energetic thrusts. "There, how heavenly! how delicious! how exquisite!"

"It is too much, darling!" returned Olivia, throwing her legs around his loins. "Closer-closer still. Look in the mirror and see how deliciously your penis fills my vagina. Stay, let me raise my thighs a little, you will see it better then. There, now you see it. How lusciously it enters in and out of the coral cavity-now-I can see its ruby head-now it is lost in the hair covering my mount," (his strokes quickened) "Oh! Oh! I can stand no more," she continued, wiggling her buttocks. "Dear love, I spend-I come-I come! — Oh! Oh-."

"I too am coming-there, dear Olivia-come! come!"

During this scene their motions had increased rapidly. Horace giving violent thrusts and Olivia meeting him with corresponding motions of her buttocks. As the climax approached they seemed crazy with excitement and at the moment of emission their legs and thighs mingled together in confusion.

You may be sure that I was no passive inspector of this scene; during its continuance, Laura had taken possession of my Mons Veneris, and with her finger sought to give my excited feeling relief. At the moment of their discharge, I too succumbed, and was so much overcome that I was compelled to sit down to catch my breath for a few minutes.

When I had somewhat recovered I again took my station at the post to enjoy commanding a view of the chamber.

Horace was now stretched lengthwise on the sofa; he was perfectly naked and Olivia was lying on the top of him, also stark naked. His arm was passed around her loins and he pressed her tightly against his belly. His left hand rested on her shoulder. Her mouth was fixed to his, and her breasts rested on his chest. Her thighs were stretched widely apart and Horace's staff was so deeply imbedded in Olivia's slit that the very hair of their genitals intermingled. They evidently experienced intense pleasure. Olivia's buttocks were elevated high in the air and she moved them energetically. Every time she raised her bottom I could see Horace's lance entering in and out of the lips of her bushy mount, and sometimes I could even see the rosy head of his dart as he plunged it again and again into her coral slit. This motion became more rapid, and soon the lips of Olivia's glorious con seemed to contract and embrace Horace's staff closely. She then gave two or three convulsive struggles and ended by falling without motion on Horace's belly, at the same moment I saw the sperm trickle down her thighs.