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"They have done for the night," whispered Laura to me. "Come with me and I will show you something else. For I am very much mistaken if Rose has not a visitor by this time."

So saying we left our place of concealment and entered a similar apartment at the other end of the corridor. We entered a closet in this room and peeped through some cracks in the boarding into the next apartment.

I saw a very pretty little plump girl entirely naked on her hands and knees on the bed, presenting her delicious white buttocks with her lovely slit, shaded with brown hair between them. Behind her was a tall, fine looking man, about forty years of age, also naked. In his hand was a birch-with which he was gently tickling the lovely girl's bottom.

"What does this mean?" I asked of Laura.

"That girl you see there is Rose Monson," she replied. "Nothing gives her so much pleasure as to be soundly whipped on the bottom by her lover. They always begin in this way. Her companion is George Coulson, a very rich gentlemen-but watch them and you will see something amusing."

I peeped again and saw that George was using the rod a little more freely than when I had first looked, already the cheeks of her buttocks were turned a rosy hue. His instrument was so stiff that it stood boldly up against his belly.

"Harder, George," murmured Rose, her face buried in the pillow. "I scarcely feel it, harder my dear boy, flog me harder."

George obeyed her wishes and let fall a shower of cuts on her plump backside. He continued this for a minute or two, when suddenly throwing down the rod he rushed to her, and to my surprise instead of entering her by the legitimate road, he entered her en cul-and passing his hand in front of her, buried two of his fingers in her hairy mount. Every thrust of his buttocks sent his fingers deeper into her vagina, giving her intense delight. Suddenly I saw her put her hand between her own lily-white thighs and tickle his testicles; it immediately brought on an emission from both of them and they sank exhausted on the bed.

Laura now led me to another apartment and again we took up our position. Here I saw a strong man standing in the middle of the room, holding in his arms a naked girl. Her arms were clasped around his neck and her thighs around his hips. His instrument was buried to the very depth in her vagina; he had one hand clasped round her body and the other supported her bottom. He moved her rapidly up and down. Every time he did so his staff entered in and out of her cavity and in a few moments they both discharged.

In the next chamber I saw a somewhat different scene. A beautiful girl, entirely naked, was seated on a low ottoman with her lovely thighs stretched widely apart. Her lover was kneeling on the floor before her and was caressing her lovely con with his tongue. I was so placed that I could see his organ of speech enter in and out her ruby sheath-the lips of which appeared to caress it lovingly. This act alone was sufficient to make him discharge copiously at the same moment that his tongue made her dissolve in bliss.

In another chamber a couple appeared to relish giving themselves manual pleasure instead of the act itself. For a lovely girl reclined on the bed with nothing but her chemise on, but still having her breasts and the lower portion of her body bare. Her companion lay by her side-he had his fingers imbedded in her slit, while she had hold of his instrument. They moved their hands together while he had hold of her bubbies and tickled her bottom with his other hand. A few rapid motions caused the sperm to fly from his staff, and he drew his finger dripping from her vagina at the same moment.

Another couple had chosen a strange way to satisfy their desires. The girl lay with her head on a pillow near the edge of the bed. The man was behind her and had passed her thighs around the upper part of his chest-supporting her belly with his hand. They were closely joined together-he appearing to be able to enter a prodigious way into her by this mode-her bottom almost touching his face. While he embraced her, he bent his head forward and kissed her buttocks. They both soon emitted.

I saw a great many other couples, but as they were for the most part a repetition of what I have already described, I shall omit referring to them. I thought I had seen all when I suddenly heard a ring at the bell, and almost immediately afterwards I heard a gentleman's voice say something in French in the hall.

"It is Alphonse de la Tour," said Laura. "Now I shall have to show you something really worth seeing. He is the particular friend of Eudoxie, the most beautiful girl in my whole establishment and more amorous and lascivious than all of them put together. She is lately from France, and does not speak a word of English. She is perfectly crazy when enjoying the sexual act and acts in the most preposterous manner. Her naked body is worth going a hundred miles to see, she is so gloriously beautiful. But come, let us get to her room first for it is best not to miss the slightest preliminary of their love meeting."

I was very curious to see this paragon and followed Laura to her chamber which joined that of the French girl. We were soon installed in a convenient place of observation. We had been there but a few moments when Eudoxie, followed by her lover Alphonse, made her appearance. At the first glance I cast on the girl I was struck perfectly dumb at her surpassing loveliness. She was about nineteen years of age. Her face was perfectly oval and her features as regular as if they belonged to a Grecian statue. Her complexion was a rich brown. Her hair was intensely black and hung in a thousand little ringlets on her magnificently formed neck and shoulders. Her eyes were shaded with long black eyelashes-her teeth were beautifully white and regular, her arms might have formed a model for a sculptor, while her bust, which her low-necked dress allowed to be seen, was the most beautiful I had ever beheld. Imagine two lovely globes of snow which were so beautifully developed that they seemed to struggle to get free from the slight bonds that confined them. Every breath she drew caused those magnificent orbs to heave in sight. Her hips were fine, her figure magnificent, and her hands and feet excessively small.

Her companion was a fine, handsome young man of about thirty. He was well made, evidently of a very amorous disposition. The moment they entered the chamber she ran up to her lover and throwing herself in his arms, imprinted some hot kisses on his lips. I could even see her velvet organ of speech enter his mouth in search of his, and they remained for a moment glued together. Suddenly the amorous girl released one of her divine breasts from its bonds of confinement and pushed it forward for him to kiss.

"Baisez mon t?ton, mon cher Alphonse, je meurs pour vous!" (Kiss my breast, my dear Alphonse. I die for you) said she.

And she herself slipped the rosy nipple in his mouth. While he was thus engaged she kissed his hair, his ears and forehead.

"O foutez-moi-foutez-moi-mon cher, — Mon con est en feu!" (O fuck me, fuck me, my cunt is on fire) she exclaimed.

And with that she began to tear off his clothes, and in a few moments he was quite naked. She then, with trembling fingers, began to disrobe herself, and every garment she took off only revealed new beauties. At last she stood with nothing on but her chemise.

"Otez ma chemise. Je suis si excit?e, que je ne le puis pas." (Take off my chemise I am so excited that I cannot do it.)

Alphonse slipped her sole remaining garment over her head and she stood in all her naked beauty before us. I had seen many naked women, but none to compare to Eudoxie; she was grace, beauty and voluptuousness combined. Her skin was dazzling white, her limbs models of beauty-her tapering legs, her plump thighs, her white belly, her magnificent buttocks and her mount of Venus, were the most magnificent objects I had ever beheld.