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When I cast my eyes on the magnificent plates, the color mounted to my face, and I involuntarily pressed my thighs closely together.

"Ah! Kate," said Ralph, again kissing me and forcing his tongue into my mouth. "I perceive you are as fond of amorous sports as I am. I am delighted to make the discovery. I can foresee some delicious pleasures together," and he pressed my palpitating bosom to his, kissing me in the same manner as before.

"Dear Ralph," I replied, returning his caresses by imitating his actions, and advancing my tongue to meet his, "I have already been initiated in the mysteries of love, and have determined henceforth to devote my whole life to its enjoyments."

"Bravely spoken, Kate," returned Ralph. "But come, darling, take me into your bed chamber, and we will talk the matter over."

I led the way into my own private room. I had caused it to be neatly furnished, and it was replete with every luxury. A carpet soft as velvet was spread on the floor; capacious sofas, soft and springy, just fitted for the performance of the conjugal act, were placed around the apartment. Immense mirrors adorned the walls, relieved by beautiful pictures. No light of day was permitted to enter this nest, but it was illuminated by means of brilliant gas burners, and to crown all, a perfume of the most intoxicating description was distilled through the atmosphere.

When we entered this apartment a delicious languor stole over me, and my amorous feelings were excited to an intense degree. I threw myself into Ralph's arms, squeezing, kissing, nay even biting him. He returned my embraces with as much ardor as my own. I placed my hand outside his trousers and felt his stiff instrument.

"Stop, darling," said he, "these invidious clothes are in the way-I should love to feel your hand on my naked staff."

So saying he began to undress, and in a few moments he was entirely naked. It was glorious to see his manly form in a state of nature. I rushed to him, I kissed his naked body all over. He shivered in my arms, and I really believe he would have discharged had he not torn himself from my embrace. As for myself I was on fire. The contact of his firm flesh sent a thrill of joy through my system, and I had to exert the greatest control to prevent myself from pouring down the elixir of love.

"Now, Kate," said Ralph, "it is nothing but fair that you should let me see you naked."

"Dearest Ralph, do with me as you will; my whole body is yours."

"Bless you, darling, I only hope I may be able to satisfy you to your heart's content."

So saying he actually tore off my clothes and reduced me to a perfect state of nudity. He then led me to a sofa and reclined me upon it.

I never saw a man so amorous and lascivious as he was. Sexual enjoyment appeared to be a perfect passion with him. When he had placed me on the sofa he stood a few feet off that he might better observe my naked beauties.

"Great God," he exclaimed, "what glorious beauty! How magnificently formed your body is, dear Kate. What a delicious bust, what glorious semiglobes, how firm and hard, and then your belly, how white and smooth! What well developed thighs, what straight legs, and above all that masterpiece of nature-your delicious con. Open your thighs a little, dear Kate, that I may get a better view of it. There, that's it, now I can see it perfectly. How inviting the lips look amidst that mass of black hair! How closely they fold together showing a line of coral between them! Oh, how I long to taste the sweets of that delicious grotto. Now, dear Kate, turn on your belly, and elevate your buttocks a little-there, that's it exactly. Great heavens, the back of the picture is even more glorious than the front! What a delicious bottom! How closely the cheeks come together."

He now began to kiss what he had admired. He embraced my bubbies, my belly, my bottom and the mount of Venus. I could stand no more, but jumping up from the sofa, I rushed into his arms and exclaimed:

"Dearest Ralph, give me relief or I shall die."

He pressed me to him-my bubbies came in contact with his chest-our bellies met. The contact of the warm flesh almost drove us mad-we squirmed and wiggled in each other's arms-we hugged, kissed and bit each other-we rolled on the floor, interlacing our thighs, his staff touched my con, the hair of our genitals intermingled-we rubbed our bubbies together. I rolled myself on the top of him and moved myself backwards and forwards-he placed a hand on each cheek of my bottom, and pressed my hairy slit to his testicles.

"Great heavens!" I exclaimed, "it is coming-Ralph-Ralph-I must spend-I must-I must-"